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A child as quiet as a mouse with never a peep out of her can be a worrying thing. Many a parent may wish or even pray for such quietness especially at times they really could use it but when your infant doesn't wake during the night, or if she does, she doesn't let it be known, if your infant child does not cry during the day, does not cry to be fed, does not cry to be changed, you would have to wonder as to if something is wrong. She may be special but hardly special enough to never seem to want for anything? Children, infants are not meant to be this way.

Helena and Mark White have their daughter at home where she belongs. It had been a definite worry, not knowing exactly how your daughter came into the world and not knowing how or why she had been taken from you if she had been taken at all. The four weeks which passed after Elena's collapse were extremely distressing. Both parent's, mother in particular failed to care for themselves or each other sufficiently while they waited, fearing the worst.

They knew their daughter was alive and being cared for though it was not up to them as to if they would ever get to see her. No one should have had the right to decide what is best for this child but given the circumstances ...

Health of both mum and dad improved significantly and quickly once parents and child were united. Their health had declined with the knowledge that their daughter was out there somewhere but not with them. Father Jason Alveron got things started, he had set the ball rolling keeping a true nature to a certain level whether he believed or not, no matter what he witnessed. Mark and Helena had to pull themselves together in order to ensure they would receive their child and once that happened well ... improvement came all the more.

The lack of tears though, the quietness, it is not natural, maybe the child is not as healthy as she should be. All children, all infants cry but not little Cassandra. She does however look perfectly fine, she looks healthy. She looks ... happy. It has been told that the child is special. Even special children cry, right?

No matter what, mothers worry, mum would like some sort of opinion, one that could be thought of as being professional. Indeed, she knows that her child is extraordinary but just in what way mum is not quite aware, Father Alveron had not gone so far to say that Cassandra was or is the daughter of God, sure he may not have completely believed that himself, not yet anyhow, and even if he had then, imagine the impact a statement would have upon mum and dad 'your daughter is the literal child of God'. Besides all that and no matter how special mum does or does not believe her child to be, mum's still gotta worry.

At approximately eleven weeks of age little Cassandra would be brought by mum to the local pediatric clinic. An appointment had previously been made prior to arrival; still a seat in the waiting area would need to be taken. There would be, obviously, other children accompanied by guardians here in this waiting area and not long after the arrival of the Whites, little Cassandra began to glow.

It is December, there is a small Christmas tree and a little festive decoration in this waiting room and with the glow coming it is still difficult to put two and two together. Helena is aware a miracle occurred at the convent involving Cassandra and Sister Mary Kate, still ...

Helena was caught off guard by what is occurring. Her daughter is emanating an almost golden glow. How does one react to something like this? Subsequently to the realization of the glow, Helena tries to hide the emanating light though others in the room would notice. Thankfully, as far as Elena was concerned, no one appeared so concerned as to comment or act negatively on what they could see. She could not know that what is happening is also having a calming effect on her surroundings.

A child and guardian would be called into see a doctor, then another child and guardian and then another. The first child and guardian were done and had begun making an exit from the clinic by such time when Helena was called to bring Cassandra in to see a doctor and Helena could not help but overhear comments made on the complete turnaround in the health of the leaving child. It appeared as if there was an almost miraculous and sudden return to normality. It is impossible that Cassandra's presence, her glow, is having some sort of positive affect here. Thoughts turn to that nun, Sister Mary Kate ... perhaps two and two is being put together.

A checkup is brief, and a prognosis comes quick. Helena is told that her daughter is perfectly fine; everything about the child is as good as can be expected for someone of her age. There is nothing at all to be worried about.

The years pass up to the point where it is time for Cassandra to begin school and it certainly has been noticed that Cassandra has not been ill a single day, no sniffles, no colds or coughs, there has been absolutely nothing of note and with what occurred on that day in the clinic it is considered as to if Cassandra should attend public school at all.

After much debate and indeed consideration it is decided between Mark and Helena that Cassandra should at least begin to attend a public school. If anything of note occurs, then the decision can be altered, and home schooling can be considered. First things first, public schooling it is.

Both Mark and Helena bring Cassandra to her new school. Plenty of discussion has occurred with Cassandra before such a point and when she is indeed dropped off Helena can't help but get upset though she does her best to wait until Cassandra is out of sight before letting emotion get the better of her.

'Are we doing the right thing?' she asks through her sobs.

'Yeah, no matter how this works out we would have in time regretted not trying this. She'll be fine, Cassandra is a great kid.'

'Yeah, she is, how other kids will react to her, this is the thing.'

'School has our numbers, and we are promised plenty of meetings. Everything will be fine, don't worry, you will see, everything will be fine.'

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