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Where it is that Jerry Grady resides ever since he was arrested for the more than likely murder of his wife is within a place not unlike but elsewhere to where Majella Smith spent three years of her life. Yeah, the two facilities are of a similar nature though one is intended for use by the general public, teenage girls mostly, which really isn't the case at all and the other is for the criminally insane with gender not being an issue and is much more heavily guarded.

Yeah too, the more than likely murder. Eve Grady was murdered and there is no disputing that, however Jerry has always protested his innocence but given his past and the circumstances surrounding the discovery of Eve Grady ... well it didn't take a genius to put two and two together and acknowledge the fact that Jerry Grady is responsible for his wife's death.

At a time not all so distant from when Majella Smith vacates her compound, Tanya Ferguson and Jason Alveron arrive to the other compound for a pre-arranged visitation with Jerry Grady. Jerry Grady is nowhere near, at this time, being the man he once was, and that is if he ever was the man he may once have thought he was. Still, despite the madness he has fallen into, possibly always lives within, Jerry Grady is probably saner than anyone can give him credit for.

Jerry knows things and he knows these things as being one hundred percent fact. For one, and no matter what any evidence can say, Jerry did not murder his own wife. It had been determined that he did kill his wife and it had been presumed that he had harmed his own child too, no proof of this was ever discovered for on the day he was arrested, on the day his wife was fatally stabbed, his daughter went missing, never to be discovered by authorities. Despite this Jerry, was always sure that one day he would see his daughter again especially given a visitation he almost received early on into his incarceration.

In all the years he has been locked away Jerry Grady has never harmed a soul; he never gave reason to be thought of as being trouble in any way. Other inmates at the same facility, no matter their own craziness and no matter their own crime, always let Jerry be, even if one or two assumed him to be an easy target of sorts. Guards too always treated Jerry well, to the point that is of treating him as a human being and not as a murderous animal.

There may be an element of fear surrounding Jerry Grady. What if something were to trigger a change within him, altering what appears to be a genuine ordinary man into something more resembling some kind of a ruthless killing machine? Who truly knows and who actually wants to find out?

Regardless of all this and especially for his pre-arranged visit with two others, a private room is set up with an inner and outer security presence along with Jerry himself being heavily chained to a seat on one side of a table. His visitors are to be seated together on the opposite side of the table Jerry has been brought to and the instructions state that there is to be no physical contact made, no offerings to be made and any transfer of information should be kept to a minimum and only to what is necessary.

Of course, no trade or unrealistic deals can be made either, not that the visitors have any authority to make any kind of deal. Once things settle the visit can properly begin.

'Mister Grady, you may not know of me and ... well ... my name is ...'

'I know who you are Miss Ferguson ... tell me ... where is my daughter?'

'Wait ... am I missing something here?' asks Jason as he alters his position on the chair he is sitting on, having not expected things to begin like they just have and unsure as to if he should be paying attention to the man across the table or to the lady sitting next to him.

'You know where she is, right? Tell her to come see me ...'

'Actually, Mister Grady, I don't know where she is. I haven't known for about ten years now. This is why Father Alveron and I are here. We thought she may have come here already.'

'We did?'

'You're a priest?' Jerry asks of his male visitor with surprise. '... My daughter is sixteen ... there is no way they'll let her up here to see me even if she were to explain who she is, especially if she were to explain who she is ... they think she is dead and they think I killed her ... but then again, my daughter is special, isn't she?'

'... I was a priest, a long time ago but wait ... special? What is it I am not being told here? She is like the others, right. Do you both know who I speak of?'

'If Maxene wanted to come here then there is nothing that can stop her and you know this Mister Grady, don't you?' Tanya manages to get the question out while accepting what Jason is only realizing as a given that everyone should know, and as soon as she does get her question out, something changes. '... Oh no ...'

'What? ... What is it?' asks Jason.

It has hit Tanya; Jerry probably realizes too. In this moment, the main lighting within this room goes out. Gift or not, previous experiences aside, there should have been some expectation.

'She wants us all here ... at the same time ...' says Tanya. 'And that would include you too Father.'

A far-off crashing sound hits. Guards within the room attempt to open the door in an attempt to investigate but the door itself won't budge. Guards outside the room attempt to open the door, they too have no success. Outside the meeting room, main lighting flickers before going out and emergency lighting soon comes on. Inside the room it is almost as dark as dark can be. The guards out in the hallway can sense something is coming as something indeed is coming.

At the end of the corridor to the furthest end from where the outer room guards stand, there is a steel bar gate like partition which separates the corridor from what lies beyond. It is locked though that does not matter to what is coming, she who is coming simply opens the lock and the gate like door with a wave of a left hand, such is her power. That gate like door smashes open as if it has been open with great force.

She comes through, walking with intent. The three guards in the hallway nervously turn in her direction and two aim their firearms at her.

'Stop right where you are ... or we will shoot' speaks one guard with a total lack of conviction.

With a wave of her right hand the guns vacate the grips applied onto them and the guns forcefully hit the wall to the left of their owners then her wrist is flipped over thus sending those two guards flying through the air. They are subsequently made unconscious as soon as they hit the ground. The third guard turns and makes an attempt to run. He too is sent through the air. With the way the building is set up there would have been nowhere for him to go anyhow.

Life can be such an odd thing. The brief events which have occurred within the room and from the sounds filtering through from the outside, Jason Alveron believes that abandoning his faith quite possibly has not been the smartest thing he has ever done. There is evil in the world and there is good. He has witnessed both. It more than feels as if an evil is coming and there is no sign of any force belonging to what can be good coming to any kind of rescue.

In all honesty, would there be anything about being a priest that could make him feel safer within this current moment? Would or could prayer bring salvation? No, nothing good seems to be coming at all, and prayer won't bring it either. At that however, isn't Jason missing the point? Is he not part of the good which has already been sent to defend against this evil?

The door to the meeting room soon blasts open and she stands there for a moment. Remaining guards, who have been within this room prior to the thoughts that a possible oncoming force is on its way, don't even get to react; they are taken out by an invisible force created by the arriving sixteen-year-old girl.

'Maxene' speaks Tanya.

Hail Mary, full of grace, the lord is with thee ...

Too late for a faith to return ... then again. Maxene lets loose an almighty scream, vanishes and the lighting returns, all lighting returns. The guards within the room are unconscious and when Jason and Tanya look, they see that Jerry Grady is not within the room. His chains are there as is his seat but Jerry himself indeed is not. A quickly fading wolf like howl sounds out ...

'What the hell just happened?' asks Jason.

'Actually Father, it looks like hell has come to us ...'

'Why are you still calling me Father?'

'Once a priest always a priest, right? Were you not praying a moment ago? We need you to be one once again, a priest that is. Your involvement here today is not completely by chance, is it?'

'I don't know what you mean ...'

'Close to sixteen years ago you were sent to unite an infant girl with her birth parents, right?'

'Sure ...?'

'And that was not all either, was it? There was something ... more. You and I aren't all that different. There was a reason why you in particular were sent to that girl as there was a reason for me to find Maxene when she was an infant. Our work is not done yet. Father ... we need to find that girl you were sent to unite with her parents.'

'I am not so sure I understand just as I am also not so sure we can find her, and if we did then what? ...'

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