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From out of the shadows ... a darkness emerges ...

'      ... You can't fight me. You are of me. You are of my flesh and you are of my blood. I am your father and I have given you life. I have given you and each of your sisters a gift, a gift worthy of an immortal soul, a gift that many others would kill for, die for, love for. Separated as you all are, separated as you all have been, some of your sisters have been with me since the moment life began and some have known of something but not quite of what. In time you will come round; all of you will come round ... you will know your place and place your trust in me ... in time you will ... together we will come and together we will take the world ... and then world will move on into shadow.'

He walks the Earth laying his touch on a select few. The Prince of darkness, lord of the underworld, master of the shadows, as for nine times in nine days his touch finds a member of the living, each of whom become a vessel to potentially deliver future darkness. When nine months indeed pass there will be nine daughters, all apart and separate, all with a gift hidden within them and a capacity to use their unique gift in whatever manner they see fit.

There is no blind fate in all this for he will have an ear with each of them. They are his offspring after all and he has an individual plan for each individual daughter and a grand plan for when they will eventually come together so, in his confidence, he is sure they will listen to him and only him, for when the time does comes, they will not only listen but will go forth and do the bidding of their one true father ... thy will be done on Earth as it is in Hell.

Indeed, when these nine girls come of age they will be brought together via an event, a Ball, a masquerade of sorts where there will be no physical disguise or at least no added disguise. It will however be a revelation, an event where a coming out will be on the cards, a show and tell so to speak though it will not be a pageant, it in all seriousness will be a revelation hosted by a man of darkness, a man of shadows, a man who is the true father of all that is evil.

Satan's ball, with nine debutantes whose personas are doused with demonic influence, when all is said and done, they each so very much are a daughter of the Devil whether they want such to be true or not.


Time is nearing ... it is coming ... he certainly is ... coming.

Conflicting it can be to a degree, believing in signs you are sure are coming your way. Seeing bright white and yellow and knowing a silence is calling you. You are destined to be a hero, a saviour, an earth-bound angel subject to some but not all the rules that govern life. You are waiting to be called into action, called into battle for Darkness is about to get busy.

Thing is, Darkness knows who you are, he knows what you are and he will try to get to you first, sure he believes that he has just as much of a right to your family as any other entity has. He will try to recruit you to the shadows, make you see and feel things from his side of the fence, as you are not a product of his influence and this does not mean that he will not attempt to impose his influence upon you in an attempt to gain for himself especially when you are young and are at a time where you are particularly vulnerable.

Some think you crazy; some have no problem telling you straight out that you belong in a strait jacket and not in a white jacket, shirt and slacks being the eyes of he who watches over all mankind. The good you are going to do, it will make a difference, and you know it will. All you are waiting for is to be given your instructions, to be told or shown the when and the where, the who and the how ... you already know the why.

Yeah, they will think you are crazy, they already do. You don't care. You know your purpose, even if you have your doubts. It is just a matter of time, they'll see. They will see the hero you are, the hero you will be, the hero you always were meant to be.

As sure as there is light there is that dark too and you know this better than most. He will come to you once again and you will be tempted once again as you were in your youth. As far as you are concerned, he can try and try all that he wants. Little does he know someone or something else is already with you and has been since birth. You are true and will be true to one and not the other but still you need both. You won't give into temptation, at least not for a second time. There is no offer that you will accept, once you know which side you belong to.

You know the choice you will make when the time is right, the things you will do to ensure the right outcome but still, he will come, and he will try to bring you back and he will also go so far to take choice out of the equation.

A time comes when you wake to a light that shines into your room, a small shell of a place, dusky and dreary, a place more akin to a cell than a home, a place where darkness led you to and light will lead you away from. For what is coming, the part you will play, you will not seek or wish for a reward, you will not want to be treated special. He who wants for nothing will be welcome into the kingdom of light.

Accomplishment, success is what will be reward enough; sure, indeed you will be gifted in the next world, and that is what will be waiting for you. The incoming bright white and yellow light makes you smile, it energizes you, it marks a new beginning, but the past will try to prevent you from leaving.

You can hear music, so you take the position, play along. A violin against your shoulder, a bow in your hand, an invisible instrument not there at all, oh but it is. It is an instrument of the light, to bring joy and happiness. A tune emerges and you recognize it.

Rise up this mornin,

Smiled with the risin sun ...

Change has come, it is coming.

It doesn't matter that you are alone, it doesn't matter if no one can see for they will in time ... they will in time. Others are already on a path to join you. You will know them when the time comes.

Alone ... in such a position as he, one is never really alone. And as unfortunate as it is, when light does shine it also brings shadow. You do not really hear what is within the light, it is something that you feel, but you do hear what comes out of the shadow, the darkness ... it speaks ... it calls your name in an attempt to keep a hold of you and to stop you from being drawn back to the light.

'Samuel ... oh Samuel ...'

'Go away, I am not listening.'

'Oh yes you are, Samuel. You know what I can give you. It is why you came to join me.'

'I made a bad decision, time to change that for I want nothing that you can offer.'

'That is not true Samuel, now is it? I can give you whatever your heart desires. I have already been doing such. You are just being difficult.'

'Too right I am being difficult, now go away.'

'Okay Samuel, but I will be back.'

'Don't want you to come back ...'

'You will come back to me all on your own ...'

The daze you are in, that with what your mind and soul has been living within, it is coming to an end. You soon leave that small shell; the dusky and dreary room and you don't see darkness coming out of the shadow. You do not see his smile. You do not see his confidence because you believe it is time to go to work, you have already gone. You are just waiting for your time to come. You'll see, they'll see, everyone will see ...

Wake up Sammy, wake up ... it is time to go to work.

It begins ...

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