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The home Jim and Estelle Fontaine share for a number of years from 1981 on was a rather large one and was fully detached with neighbouring housing being no less than one hundred feet away on either side. The front garden had been well kept, of course, and could be walked from gate to door in a matter of only a few seconds.

A couple weeks after the fit of hysterics at her father's expense, three-year-old Ester is sitting on the front door step as he mum works on that front garden. This is certainly the richer end of town with those round here usually keeping to themselves though not on this occasion. Someone approaches the gates and speaks.

'Hi there' says a lady holding onto a child of her own and Estelle only notices this when she looks up from the area she has been working on, while also shading her eyes from the afternoon sun shining right into her face from way from high and beyond the visitors.

'Hello' says Estelle moving to her feet from her kneeing position and taking off her gardening gloves. 'Is there anything I can help you with?'

'Oh no, I ... my family and I have recently moved into the neighbourhood, three doors down. I seen you working away and thought I'd be neighbourly. My name is Tina Hampstead, and this is my daughter Vanessa. We have brought some freshly baked scones as a gift.'

'Aw ... in that case I insist on inviting you inside for some tea. I'm Estelle and over there on the doorstep is my daughter Ester.'

Estelle moves to offer her hand and opens the gate for her guests.

'Thank you very kindly.'

Smiles are shared as the guests move into the home. Estelle takes Ester by the hand and they head into the kitchen.

'Oh my, what a homely home you have here' Tina speaks admiring the hallway and seeing it as an extension of the garden with that front garden only really beginning to receive full on attention. Taking in a deep breath through her nose, it all smells so freshly wonderful.

'I hope you don't think it crazy that I take my gardening so seriously ...'

'Not at all, I think this is fantastic.'

'Well thank you; please do come on into the kitchen. Pick a seat by the table and I'll put the kettle on.'

'May I ask, do you grow any fruit, vegetables and or herbs as well as your wonderful array of flowering plants?' from her newly taken position Tina can see the wondrous back yard.

'Actually, I do have a greenhouse out back for tomatoes, strawberries and Rosemary, those plus my many varieties of tulips, roses and number of other items.'

The two little ones move out into the hallway, the kitchen door remains open, and the home front door is closed so it is thought that the little girls are as safe as safe can be until a heavy thud sounds out. Both mothers rush into the hallway and discover both girls are perfectly fine. They are both sitting on the floor facing one another and a flowerpot is turned over in between them.

It is obvious that the pot had fallen off from the hallway shelf and with both girls sitting, not standing; it is a wonder as to how it fell. Neither girl would have been able to reach it from where they sit. Neither child is crying nor do they appear hurt in any way so with everyone back in the kitchen and with the mess cleared up this little event is soon forgotten about.

The rest of the afternoon goes well, and it would more than appear that new friendships have been made and over the next six months visits between homes are made. Neither husband involved themselves in any kind of friendship however an introduction between the two is made. Approximately eight months after the first get together, things hit the fan.

Both mothers are in the Fontaine family kitchen with tea and scones once more being on the menus along with a choice of jams and cream. Both little ones have moved out into the back garden with it being such a bright and warm spring afternoon. Unbeknown to both mums, the girls have moved right into the glass paneled greenhouse. The girls had caught themselves some worms and didn't want their mothers to see what they were up to so they indeed moved into the greenhouse.

The giggling alone would have given away the fact that they were up to mischief. Visiting Vanessa Hampstead began to take charge of the playing and little Estelle Fontaine wasn't having any of it though rather than show her dismay at the other girl taking charge, something else occurred instead.

Sitting on a path just inside the greenhouse vines either side of the path began to reach out and pretty soon grabbed both of Vanessa's arms to the point she could not move. Ester sits silently and watches what is about to occur. She is not going to do anything to aid Vanessa and she is also not going to call out for either mother.

Vanessa tries to free herself without any luck and this actually makes Ester smile. More vines move and reach out for Vanessa and before she can react in any other way she is pulled by the vines and transported right down to the very back of the greenhouse in a very quick and swift motion with vines wrapping all around her including over her face as she is taken away. With this, a scream is released.

It is in the very moment when the movement stops that both mothers move out into the back garden more to check on the girls than anything else, not being quite sure that they heard what they thought they heard. Seeing the greenhouse door open and Ester sitting just inside and alone, a panic begins. It takes a moment or two to see that there is a struggle down the back of the greenhouse and the panic becomes frantic.

Vanessa is completely engulfed in vines to the point she cannot be seen at all though it is clear and obvious that she is in there somewhere. Both mothers fight to get her out, the motherly instinct having kicked in over the panic with Tina taking an obvious lead. The vines are unusually thick and strong and are not budging at all. Tina calls out for a knife or scissors, but Estelle says she leaves nothing lying around close by so to make it impossible for Ester to play with things she shouldn't.

The nearest knife is in the kitchen. Time is ticking and panic is worsening. Tina is screaming now and still fighting to get to her daughter, Vanessa goes limp, no longer struggling against the vines. With the vines indeed not budging Estelle quickly goes to get something and upon her return it is far too late to do anything. The vines now come away easily, retreating slowly as if they too have become limp. Vanessa is not breathing, and she will never again breathe.

Investigations, when they occur, suggest the death is accidental, completely unusual but very much accidental with a child having become entangled to the point her struggle worsened her position which had not been the case at all. Tina knows better, those vines were ... alive, but they couldn't have been and that will be treated as such.

Jim had not been home when the 'unfortunate' event took place. He did not need to be home or see it to know for sure that there was nothing accidental about what had happened but what could he do or say about it? For one thing, there is a young man who works in a certain garden center with whom he can discuss things of a supernatural nature especially when the supernatural combines with all things floral.

It is put forward that Estelle should be made very aware not just of suspicions but of what is surely happening. With the connection Estelle has with all things floral it is not going to be easy to accept that there is something more to her own daughter. Thing is that Ester is Jim's daughter too and Jim is adamant that his daughter is nothing other than something purely evil.

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