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On the first day of 2018, before Sammy Fontaine met with Chris Furlong, while Chris was handing out warnings of what surely is to come, two people were taking notice of such warnings or at least taking notice of the man handing out the warnings when it had appeared that no one was taking any notice at all.

Both kept their distance as one of these people taking notice only done so because the other was also doing so and how odd that is when the younger of the onlookers is partly the subject of the warnings Christopher is handing out.

One is on a mission of darkness and the other is affected by memory. One is focused on this Christopher Furlong person and the other is focused on the one focusing on Christopher. For the thing is about these two observers, currently separated from one another by some distance, they have met one another once before. The messed-up part of such is that the meeting was a long time ago for one and for the other it still has yet to happen.

Yeah, the time they came into contact with one another is only a few months away from having occurred thirty-nine years in the past and this comes too with the fact that the younger of these two is months away from turning eighteen years of age.

These two taking notice of the warnings of an older homeless gentleman will not come into contact with one another on this occasion though they are destined to do so somewhere down the road and indeed also has still yet to occur in the past for one of them.

One had warned, will warn, the other to stay away and stay away she did. From a distance and with the aid of hired help, Hazel Watts was able to keep track of the daughter of her late best friend. She had been warned not to go after that child so in a way, keeping her distance had her stick to that while also keeping tabs ... a loophole as she'd see it. Distance was and is kept and goes unnoticed for the moment, at least. If notice had been taken then no retaliation or acknowledgement takes place, or perhaps that loophole was ... allowed.

Imagine the surprise when the discovery first came for Hazel, when Heather's daughter went on to have a daughter of her own just like the fortune teller had foretold, when that child grew to become the same young lady who appeared at the maternity hospital on the day of Heather's death, the day Heather's daughter was born. In essence, the younger lady observing Christopher Furlong on New Year's Day 2018, the same lady who visited the maternity hospital in 1979 is Heather's granddaughter.

As Christopher Furlong is indeed being observed by Hazel and that young lady, Hazel also is observing the younger lady and she is unaware as to if this younger lady has noticed her. If she has noticed, then she is not making that fact known. Thirty-nine years of course has aged Hazel. Heather's granddaughter is a little younger in this moment compared with the moment she appeared at the maternity hospital in 1979 as of course she has yet to have that moment.

For Hazel there are the questions now of course. Does this lady know exactly who Hazel so happens to be? She surely must do. How could she have been in a maternity hospital on the day her mother was born, the day her grandmother died? Thing is too, does Hazel truly know who that girl is for she is so much more than just a best friend's granddaughter.

Hazel wants answers, she wants circumstances to change, she will hide no more, she will no longer keep her distance for she will get answers even if in doing so she puts her own existence at risk. Yeah, existence rather than life in general, Hazel has had many years to think and the more she does think the more strange the things she thinks become.

In truth she has no answers. She is however one hundred percent sure that this young lady, this girl she is observing is the granddaughter of her deceased friend. She is also one hundred percent sure that this girl and the person who came to her almost thirty-nine years prior are both one and the same. How that can be ... well ... that is the thing ... isn't it?

She won't do anything other than observe for the moment, her own investigations, surveillance, has her where she is and the newest of the questions that Hazel has is ... what is this girl's interest in a homeless old man?

Another man arrives and converses with the homeless man. Together they move away. Indeed, what is the interest in this person? The two men soon move into a café and not much more than a half hour after they do so, the younger man comes back out. Heather's granddaughter is nowhere to be seen at this point though Hazel is sure that girl may still be close and if Hazel moves to go into that café then she'll surely be seen if she hasn't been already.

What the hell? To get answers, she'll have to do more than just observe ... so into the café she goes. Now if things weren't already beyond belief then they are now. The homeless man is not within the café. Hazel is sure he did not leave. When she makes inquiries about him, café staff tell her that they know of no homeless man. No one matching his description has entered this store up to this point on this day. How can that be? She witnessed him go in.

Diligent and observant as she is, Hazel took notice of a vehicle, a vehicle which had been driven by the man who brought the homeless guy into the café. Her investigative sources tell her that the vehicle belongs to a Samuel Lemmontine Fontaine, so logic dictates that she needs to have a conversation with this Samuel Lemmontine Fontaine.

When the conversation does come, Sammy is reluctant at first to discuss anything with Hazel. It is not long until it comes clear to Sammy that what Hazel has is not just a passing interest and if she is not brought up to speed then she may move on with things being so far up over her head that her survival will seriously be in doubt. It still may be in doubt, but knowledge may become the difference.

There is no way to ease her into what it is he knows and indeed what he knows is something much more than that of a homeless man apparently disappearing from existence. In return Hazel can provide some information of her own. Telling her story definitely ties into all what Sammy knows for the granddaughter of Heather Grace is the ninth of nine daughters of Darkness.

She, the granddaughter of Heather Grace, does not have the Grace surname and the name Grace too, briefly brings Sammy back in time though that passes quickly. Darkness too is not only a father of sorts to this girl but also a maternal grandfather of sorts too. The gifts that the daughters of darkness have, Lexi Hansen may have the gift of all time, the gift of time itself and once she understands her gift, she becomes unafraid to use it and use it in the darkest ways possible.

For one thing, Lexi Hansen has taken Christopher Furlong out of the timeline to a degree. This is why he did not come out of the café; this is why he simply just vanished. Involvement in events to date is why Sammy and Hazel are aware of Christopher's existence. He is not erased from their memory. He is placed back in time but from a point before he enters the café so even though he did enter the café as far as Sammy and Hazel are concern, to almost everyone else, he was never there.

Chris Furlong was twenty-six-year-old when he had been banished from the Fontaine family home in 1988. On January first, 2018 he would have been days away from turning fifty-six years of age. Even with the fact he was dismissed into the past he still exists in 2018 as for many years he had a real doppelganger in time. Two versions of him exists until his banishment and the remaining version of Chris in 2018 is much older than fifty-six years of age and it is safe to say this remaining version of Chris has suffered through the effects of time.

To understand further the effects of change, Sammy would like to have a discussion with his own mother. If Estelle Fontaine does or does not now remember Chris then what effects, if any, could that have for the Fontaine family?

Estelle Fontaine of course does still remember Christopher Furlong for his interaction with her and her husband and their daughter too cannot be allowed to change otherwise Satan's current works could and would be put in serious jeopardy.

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