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On a remote farm a group of four are as isolated as any small group can be, or can thought to be, this is part of the point and about to be one heck of a problem too. Emily Healy is not sure how or why she is here despite witnessing the events which brought her into such a moment. She is the only lady present and with whom she shares company are no ordinary men. Odd too it is, that she is perfectly comfortably being in the moment she so happens to be in.

Yeah, Emily is in the company of what appear to be three men, one of who is a man, a farmer whose vessel has become inhabited by the Arch Angel Michael, another within her company has been transitioning into a man, not someone changing or altering gender but an Angel, a former Arch Angel, named Gabriel who due to his actions and at the judgement of Michael, has fallen to become nothing more than an ordinary man with a memory turned into Swiss cheese due to said fall.

And then to conclude the group of four there is a full-on Arch Angel in his full glory having taken the time to ensure his arrival on Earth was done in a matter where he could remain one hundred percent himself with every ability attributed to an Arch Angel intact.

In the farmhouse kitchen they all sit, conversation has been light-hearted. Before that conversation could become in any way serious, before it could discuss the ins and outs of why it is they all are right here in this moment, a detection of sorts occurs. Michael senses it even though he is not at full capacity. Generally, he is the most powerful entity under God himself, possible on a level par only equaled by Darkness himself, in this moment Michael is nowhere close to full strength having to take a vessel to get where he is as quickly as he has done.

Raphael senses it too, he now being in a position of being more powerful than Michael. Raphael is loyal, a follower who done only what he deemed necessary in the current climate. He serves under Michael and will not be receiving judgement of any kind as Gabriel had, still he will not use his temporary power advantage against Michael in any shape or form. Gabriel had acted rashly in Michael's opinion, and it is his opinion that matters most, at that too, it may be changing.

Raphael will follow any instruction Michael gives, he may debate things if he feels it necessary and feels there is time for debate though will follow Michael. In their joint realization the lock eyes with one another. The order, from Michael, is that the other three vacate the premises immediately. The vessel Michael occupies may lose his life and this will be most regretful as no Arch Angel wants to be responsible for the death a life, given the circumstances ... if Michael were to return after the loss of a vessel ... well it would take some time to accomplish.

The sky is in a transition of its own with night certainly on its way. There is a what now ... shadows, demon creatures are on their way and will reach the farm shortly with the aim to physically destroy any and all life it comes across which will include Emily, Gabriel, and Michael's vessel. Emily and Gabriel cannot simply just go wherever they want whenever they want, Raphael can, Michael ... well, indeed he is not himself.

Perhaps there still is residual Angel in Gabriel for he immediately goes into action as if some part of him is aware and forced him into action. It was his interference in aiding Majella Smith and Florence Reardon from shadow demon attack that saw to his demotion even if he believed he was doing the right thing at the time and that very same defense mode may be kicking in again with more shadow demons approaching no matter what his memory may currently be.

Gabriel makes his way to that truck; the one Michael had been driving when Michael picked Gabriel up from a dust road. There are no keys present, not that Gabriel can see. Despite this, the truck starts, almost as soon as Gabriel enters it. Raphael transports himself and Emily into that vehicle and between Raphael and Michael, they ensure they use their power jointly to transport the vehicle far enough to be out of immediate harm's way.

Indeed, there are four shadow demons and their descent onto the farm is quick, Michael's vessel never had a chance, as Emily and Gabriel would have had no chance if they had have remained despite whatever power may have been combined through Michael and Raphael. The vessel's body is torn apart so violently that even Michael himself can feel the pain endured before death can come, the death of his vessel, though he will go on.

No farm livestock is left living, not even the farmyard dog, the ever so loyal companion that only lived to serve his master and the farm upon which he worked. When the loss of life is discovered, it cannot be understood. There was that report on television some months back, where a hell on earth is to be unleashed or so it declared. This right here, is a hell on earth though no one in their right mind can take that report seriously, right?

If it can be believed or not by the general public, or by those who are sworn to protect the general public, it can still be waved away as mass hysteria depending on the amount of those who believe or by the sights of those attending a gathering.

How could Majella Smith wave off such demons if the two most powerful Angels in existence cannot? She literally uses fire from hell, hell's fire itself, her other ability with which she should have been aware of much earlier in her life. If she had have been fully aware earlier then Sammy might not have ... though Sammy lives. The orderly from the institute might have been but he got what he deserved. What right is there for Majella to decide who lives and who dies?

That's it though, isn't it? Not the rights that Majella Smith should or should not have, but the fire she produced, hell's fire. The shadow demons are still coming. Distance between a trio and a farm is not distance enough, they are still coming.

'What now?' aske Emily, already atoned to Raphael somewhat, she can tell by how he is reacting that they are not out of or free from danger.

'Fire' Gabriel does not was time in answering, 'hell's fire ...'

'What?' asks Raphael having tuned to look at Gabriel with confusion.

'Hell's fire will drive them away ...'

'Don't be silly ... that will attract them more ...'

'It won't, trust me.'

'Trust you? You don't even know who you are. Besides where could we get hell's fire from ...?'

'The truck ... we burn the truck ... it's not the same but will be enough ... I guarantee it.'

Using a container of gasoline from the back of the truck, the truck itself is soon a blaze with the odd explosion or two occurring. The immense heat and heavy plumb of dark smoke do the job, shadow demons don't come close, nor do they go on and search.

'What now?' Emily asks once she is sure by Raphael's expression, that they are out of danger.

'We walk ... that way ...'

Raphael points the way and off they go.

'That was cool, right?' asks Gabriel, chuffed with himself. He still understands very little, still, the pleasure he takes from his own actions are immeasurable ...

From here, it's going to be a long night.

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