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Evening comes on the same day a letter had been received and read, two of the slightly older and more despicable 'creepo's' dressed in white come to Majella and they, or rather one in particular, are on the war path. This bigger of the two creepo orderlies so happens to have that letter in his hands and it gives him an excuse, not that he needs one or has ever needed one.

He is a repulsive man, someone who should never hold a position the likes of the one he has. Darkness has the run of this facility and Light has only been able to sneak in one operative, an operative Darkness once had power over. There is a guest of Light here too, Majella's roommate. Without regard for whoever else may be near-by, the repulsive fellow speaks.

'Where did you get this?' he asks waving the letter half crushed in his fisted hand. Majella flinches back a little. 'Answer me, where did you get this?'

She doesn't answer so he grabs the back of her right arm between the shoulder and elbow indicating to his companion that he should also take a hold of her. They take her with force out of her room and continue forcefully to bring her down the corridor and into a darkened office like room. Despite her reluctance and her struggle there is nothing she can do other than be forced to enter this room.

They may be wearing white though they, particularly the horrid larger fellow, are of a dark nature. If only they knew of the darkness inside of her with which she has still to discover of herself. Still they, the bigger fellow more so than the smaller fellow, may not be able to help themselves.

'I will ask you only one more time' speaks the larger fellow. 'Where did you get this letter? Who gave it to you?'

She still refuses to speak. Instinct and something else tells her that this guy will in due course die a horrible death, a deserving death, one she will not try anything to prevent, if anything the opposite may occur. She also does not need to pre-see what he intends to do to her right now before he begins to take his opportunity. She has been through it before and knows the less she struggles the quicker it will end, still ... maybe something else can occur.

'I don't think this is wise' speaks the other fellow.

'No one is asking you; you just do your job and keep watch.'

A door is closed, and the room darkens further. The thought of using his belt to show her who is who is discarded, and he drops it to the floor. Instead, he smacks her across the face with a heavy hand. Her eyes well both as a physical and emotional response, still she doesn't cry out loud.

He then begins to undo his trousers, as he does this ... she does see something within her own mind, she sees something clearly and in brief stints. She sees fire, tall flames of orange and yellow, present one second and gone the next then back again. Whether it is her who has chosen to see this or if it has been something that came to her some other way is something she might debate at another time.

He grabs her throat with one hand and holds it tight then uses his free hand to remove some of her clothing after which he slaps her face once more to weaken her for what he is about to do. She had yet to fight, yet to struggle though that second slap came all the same.

As that slap hits her face, she sees more fire, this time a rather large ball of it, a mix of a brighter yellow and darker orange than what previously had been seen. There is nothing else, just that yellow and orange ball of fire and blackness all around it. Her vision is such that the fire she sees is so full on that she can even feel its searing heat, its burning center. Perhaps he can feel it too for he is sweating profusely, such a thing could just be in his nature especially given the nature of the circumstances.

As he pins her down, he can smell something, he sniffs twice in quick succession and considers ignoring the smell but soon realizes that he can't afford to ignore it.

'What the hell is that?' he asks.

Then he hears it, a crackling sound coming from a bottom corner within the room twenty feet or so behind where this fellow so happens to be. He turns to investigate and sees that a fire has broken out. Some sort of sheeting has burst into flames. He quickly fixes himself and in somewhat of a panic moves along with his companion to attend to a not so simple fire. Majella, fully aware of the ensuing panic, simply and calmly walks unnoticed out of the room she had been taken to, and then she moves down a corridor to an open unmanned exit.

A fire alarm sounds, and the panic multiplies and it is not long before things are under control somewhat. Majella Smith at sixteen years of age, after three years of having been held against her will, is free and now alone. Little can she know that a man in black is near, hidden in shadow and it is he who ensured that the exit was open and unmanned.

When dawn begins to show itself the next chapter in Majella's life begins. She walks the streets lost within herself and without memory of what may have occurred from the moment she vacated her asylum like prison. The following moments, if they ever are to be remembered, will be no more than a hazy blur.

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