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Florence Reardon is a larger-than-life lady with the kind of smile, the kind of demeanor that can light up a room during the darkest of times. She has a mission, she has a reason for existing, she has a purpose as to why she is alive on Earth at the time she so happens to be alive and living and that in itself may just be as powerful a thing as any granted supernatural gift. Thing is that there is more to why she does exist in the right here right now than she could ever know.

Her heart and willingness to assist others knows no limits. Just the sight of Florence inspires others to do good things, she inspires an offering up of time or whatever else any such others have to offer, for Florence Reardon as a myth and as a person and along with all the good she does is known far and wide.

As much as she is a myth or rather a legend, she is also not a myth but rather just someone who is an entire front line all by herself. She is someone who gets stuck in, often getting her hands dirty, finding and bringing in many of those who are in need of the aid the foundation she has built provides. It is mostly a foundation to aid ladies of all ages, but no one ever is turned away, if necessary, there are other establishments to refer others to if such a need to do so should arise though immediate help if it can be provided will be provided.

Back in the late eighties, when Florence was just a child yet to reach double digits in age, is probably where thoughts of aiding others first came to her when she witnessed another child being bullied though there was one quite unpleasant moment that occurred one evening in late April of 1998 that could be thought of as a real life-changing turning point. Despite the despicable nature of that 1998 event, it would bring out a strength in an incredible person and give her determination to go on to do incredible things.

It could be said that Florence was an outgoing person back in her younger days but with Florence being Florence her outgoing activities usually were to benefit those in need and that would be true of her teenage years and even her pre-teen years.

During her teens and on into her twenties it would have been a rare thing to see Florence at an establishment that would be known to serve alcoholic beverages. Her social calendar was not party orientated, nor did she seek solace in bars after a traumatic event had come her way. In fact, a traumatic event came out of a rare visit to a bar and it would have been a close friend of the time in April of 1998 who would have convinced Florence to come to such an alien gathering on one such party orientated evening.

There would be guys at this particular gathering; a couple of whom being local lads who were intentionally organized to be there by said friend of Florence. A click only occurred with Florence as to why her friend was so insistent on this outing when she first spied these gentle or not so gentlemen.

Florence, a couple of months away from turning twenty, had no idea her friend was about to attempt setting her up prior to arriving at the venue in question. She also had no idea that during a powder room visit, a special ingredient would be added to her drink. Music had played over the establishment's sound system all evening but not so loud that conversation could not occur, occur it did.

Shelly, said friend of Florence, paid little interest in the male companionship despite the fact that it had been her who had ensured their presence, she, for most of the evening was very distracted. Live music was not so far away from beginning at such a point when the return from the powder room had been made and Shelly recognized a band member as being someone she knew quite well. With eye contact having been made, Shelly threw a wave over toward her band member friend.

'You don't mind if I go say hello, do you?' Shelly asked of Florence.

'Go on, but don't leave me alone too long, will you?' Florence asked feeling more than a tad bit uncomfortable.

'Alone? You're not alone. You have the boys to keep you company.'

Shelly smiled teasingly, implying that Florence should make the most of her current situation. This only created cause for Florence to feel all the more uncomfortable as the 'boys' had a look upon them that suggested they both thought they were about to be lucky. Darren and Dick were their names apparently, Florence remembers this to be fact, she never forgot those names as it had been Darren who had been paying particular interest to her and she thought he was a right dick.

The apparent good friend Shelly had been gone less than a minute when Florence began to feel a bit woozy. She had taken quite the gulp from her spiked drink and clearly looked affected by it.

'Hey, you feeling alright?' asked this Darren fellow noticing the blip in how Florence was feeling.

'Yeah, just a little light-headed or something, I'll be fine in a bit.'

'Maybe a little air will help' suggested Darren having moved to his feet and over next to where Florence was sitting.

Despite what Florence had just said, Darren aided her to her feet and from here on in, things begin to get a little foggy. Florence with Darren and Dick in tow hovered just outside the building's entrance for a moment or two but when asked about this at a later time Florence can't be completely clear in giving her response.

Exact time this all occurred, exact amount of time outside the venue, exactly who was with her, could not be declared precisely. Despite her haziness at the time, Florence was sure she had been led down an alleyway by two men, one definitely being Darren and the other possibly and quite likely being Dick.

They had their way with her one after the other; Florence knows this as fact and does not appreciate any allegation that had been thrown her way stating that she may have had instigated the incident and after having one or two drinks too many. The two young men, boys, were from wealthy backgrounds so when it came to Florence's word versus theirs ... well they did not get what they deserved, especially since the so-called best friend Shelly did not back Florence up in any way.

At the time when the attack had concluded Florence had been left to rest unconscious among bags of trash as if she herself were trash, anything but thrash is what she truly is and from that attack onwards, or from when a certain amount of recovery had been made, Florence devoted herself to aiding others.

Recovery may never be completely hers for when the shit hits the fan it really does make a mess. The examinations felt as if her violation was being extended and when a pregnancy was confirmed it eventually brought about the thought that a paternity test will back up her allegations but when she awoke one night three months into the pregnancy, some serious pain and a pooling of blood in her bed could have had her gone one of two ways.

Florence may not have received the aid she needed at the time she needed it most, so she'll be damned if she cannot help others at a time when they need it most. No way would darkness get the better of her, and a mother is something she'd never get to be.

At the time when Florence had found a certain sixteen-year-old Majella Smith wandering the streets dazed and confused, Florence herself had come to be thirty-eight years of age with a number of places of refuse open and running due to her own determination. Yeah, Majella Smith had not been a guest for any real length of time but there most definitely was something about her. Florence knew this but could not place a finger upon just what exactly it was or is that makes Majella stand out.

Indeed, the care for Majella had not been lengthy though moving on and past the momentary stay, moving on from the memory of this girl would not be an easy thing for Florence to accomplish. Florence would want to play a role in the life of Majella Smith, she is drawn to such and in a way that would come whether she would want it or not.

And what occurred two weeks after one finding the other ... well that would play a part as time goes on, yeah, their second coming together certainly was as out of the ordinary as the first.

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