Chapter Four

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Patton let out a happy sigh as they moved on to the first of the Lord of the Rings trilogy, feeling content to stay up all night if it meant he could practically cuddle with Logan. He knew that as far as fantasy movies went, his intellectual best friend definitely preferred this series over any others. Whenever he watched them, he went on and on about Tolkien's brilliance when it came to story telling. He was always happy to listen but he hoped that this time he wouldn't do it again, having had a hard time paying attention to the movie while he was talking.

The intellectual young man straightened his glasses as he relaxed back into the couch, having gotten up to put the movie in. Patton instantly moved to rest his head on his shoulder once more and flashed him a smile. 

Logan returned it and then focused on the screen. He couldn't help but feel a stab of disappointment. He'd been crushing on his best friend since they were children but as far as he was aware, his feelings were one sided. He'd always been known as the emotional one and Logan the stoic one; his lack of expressiveness did put a damper on his mood when he thought about their potential.

Gosh I wish I could see into his mind, he thought to himself, subtly shifting his gaze to look at him longingly. I would give almost anything to know how he feels. He's so good at shutting everyone out... I wish he wouldn't shut me out too...

"Patton, you appear to be distracted, is something bothering you?" his best friend said. He jumped, slightly startled by his sudden voice. 

Logan was looked away from the screen now, gazing down at him with a practically unreadable expression. If he focused really hard, he could make out what he thought was concern in his gaze, but he wasn't really sure. This made him sigh and pull away from him just enough to talk to him normally. 

"Don't you get tired of hiding your emotions from everyone?" he asked.

The intellectual young man blinked in shock at him. "I'm afraid I don't quite understand what you mean Patton," Logan admitted, eyebrows furrowing together. "I don't hide my emotions from others.

"But you don't express them very often," Patton argued with a pout on his lips. There was a flash of what he thought was hurt in his eyes and he quickly went to apologize. "I mean, there's nothing wrong with being less expressive, that's not what I meant! I wasn't trying to criticize you or anything, I just get a little worried sometimes, you know? I don't really know when you're in a bad mood or if you're upset when we're together. Stuff like that..."

"I'm not sure why those things should affect how we spend time together," the other boy pointed out. "Isn't spending time with another person about enjoying each other's company? Why would you enjoy spending time with me if I was complaining about something?"

He sighed a little; it was clear that they had very different perceptions of how emotions interacted with relationships. If he was honest with himself, he knew that they'd have to have this conversation in full at some point, but right now, he was not in the mood to fight with his best friend. "Never mind, it was just a random thought," he said, shrugging it off with a convincing smile. "Let's just watch the movie, alright?"

Logan wasn't entirely convinced and he knew that, but as he turned his attention back to the movie, he saw him do the same out of the corner of his eye. He bit back a sigh.

I hope I didn't upset him, he thought gloomily. Leave it to me to make things awkward between us when things were going great. Why couldn't I have just kept my mouth shut? I bet the air between us wouldn't feel so charged if I had...

Sure enough, the air felt very charged. It was almost like there was an energy filling the room that Patton couldn't describe. He shrugged it off as being part of the tension from their conversation, but he had no idea just how wrong he was about that conclusion. Nonetheless, he ignored it and continued to watch the movie.

The movie was just as entertaining as they remembered but Patton didn't recall thinking that Legolas and Aragorn were that attractive the last time he'd watched it. As the credits began to roll, he spoke. "Wow I've gotten gayer since that last time I watched this," he giggled. 

Logan looked at him curiously at his statement. "I don't see how your sexual orientation could've become... greater," he said, confusion obvious in his voice.

"It's just a figure of speech, Lo," he reassured him. A yawn broke through his voice as he finished his sentence. "Oh gosh, I'm tired! I should get going, I wasn't expecting to stay this late. I hope my parents aren't freaking out."

He got to his feet and hurried toward the front door. "Patton, I'm not sure it's a good idea for you to leave with your state of exhaustion. Maybe you should stay the night," he said, following him to the door. "After all, you could get yourself hurt if you were to walk home this late. You never know what could happen-"

His voice drifted off which caught his attention. He followed the intellectual boy's eyes to the table where the bag from earlier was still sitting, only now it was glowing with a blue light. "Whoa, are you seeing that too?" he gasped, dropping his coat and walking toward it.

"Yes, it's what's been distracting me all night," he admitted. He too approached the bag and carefully reached inside. The blue glowing was coming from the object he removed from the paper bag. He held it in his palms for him to see. It was a beautiful watch, causing him to gasp in surprise and awe. "I received this from the man at the jeweler store when I went to have my watch battery replaced. It was so strange. He just gave it to me, which is unbelievable. This watch must be worth a fortune."

Patton nodded in agreement as he gazed at it. "Look at the stars," he said wistfully. 

Logan followed his gaze back down to the watch and looked at the glistening star patterns in the back of the watch. He'd almost forgotten it was glowing as a sort of daze fell over him. He felt the urge to open it. He reached up to do so when his best friend took his other hand. 

"Wait, maybe we shouldn't touch it," he said cautiously. 

"I just... I have to open it," he replied. He felt like a bystander to his own actions as he finished his movement and opened the watch. The two of them were blinded by a bright flash of blue light. 

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