Chapter 1: Life in Republic City

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A little girl gasped and turned to the side, coughing up water. She shivered as the wind blew around her and her wet clothes, she stared at the reflection the puddle around her showed and punched it angrily.

"You're awake," a man's voice said, the girl looked up at the shadowed and intimidating man "Took you long enough."

"H-how long was I out?" The girl asked.

"Too long, I had to remove the water from your lungs." The man replied.

The girl looked down "I-I'm sorry..."

"You could've done it yourself! Now get up, we're going again." The man said seriously as he got into a fighting stance.

The girl shakingly stood up and stumbled a bit, she slowly got into her own fighting stance and dawned a serious look. The man stomped forward and thrust his fist towards her, a powerful torrent of water under great pressure as blasted towards the girl and it was about to hit her point blank.


A ball of flames evaporated into steam as the girl separated her hands, with the water separating on both of he hands and wrapping around her waist all the way over her shoulder and around her right arm as the girl got back into her fighting stance.

She had grown older with her brown skin a shade lighter, she had a fuller face with three freckles on each cheek, her hair was long, black and tied into a braid with two strands in hoops on each side of her face and her eyes were ocean blue. She wore an old blue, long-sleeved robe-shirt with a white ribbon tied around her waist and dirty gray pants with brown boots to finish the look.

"Ha! You're gonna have to do better than that pretty boy!" A...frog taunted?

It was indeed a frog with orange skin and beady yellow eyes with a brown, horizontal pupil and purple lips with purple eye shade looping all the way to his head and purple flame markings on his chest. He wore a dark blue open vest.

Said pretty boy was a handsome young man with black pointed hair, brown eyes and a lean figure. He currently wore a white vest with black pants and black boots.

Next to him was another young man although he was a bit younger with a broader and muscular figure, he had black hair that slicked back, bright green eyes and he also wore a vest with black pants and black boots.

The pretty boy growled and threw a right hook as a ball of flames was about to be launched from his hands but the girl reacted faster and shot her water serpentine towards him and trapped his hand in a water ball, that quickly froze up.

"I got this!" the younger man exclaimed with a smirk as he raised his left foot for a kick and a round tile made of earth rose alongside his foot.

"No, Bolin wait!" the other young man shouted but it was too late when the girl smirked.

She twisted her right hand and the left side of the frozen water ball unfroze and latched onto Bolin's foot and froze once again, now tying the two together. As Bolin raised his frozen foot, the older male was pulled towards him and met with the earth tile face to face.

"Mako! I'm so sorry!" Bolin exclaimed as Mako laid on the floor, face first and let out a groan.

The frog laughed as the girl let out a cryptic laugh, Bolin turned to look at her and she pointed towards Mako. He looked down only to be met by a strong right hook from Mako's frozen hand, the frozen ball shattered as Bolin fell to the ground and all the water flew back to the girl who guided it back into a small water sack tied to her back.

"You guys need to work on your teamwork." The girl said as she walked over to the two while the frog hopped towards the girl and onto her shoulder.

Bolin held his nose and glared at her "We're supposed to be sparring! You always fight like you're trying to kill someone."

Mako rolled around and sat up "I still wonder where you learned to fight like that, Mizu."

Mizu and the frog briefly glanced at each other and she shrugged "Self-taught."

She walked past them and towards the exit of their gym while they eyed her weirdly.

"And where are you going?" Mako asked.

"Out." Mizu simply replied.

"Oh no you're not." Mako said as he immediately stood up and rushed towards her.

"Too late." Mizu said as she thrust her arm towards an open window by the roof and the water in her sack shot out and attached itself to a drain pipe, she was pulled up and landed on the window sill while laughing in amusement.

"Mizu! Get back here!" Mako yelled.

"I'll be fine," Mizu said as the water returned back to her sack "I'll be back in 2 hours' tops."

"See ya pretty boy!" the frog shouted with a laugh as she jumped out of the window.

"Kids am I right?" Bolin said as he put his hand on his shoulder as Mako looked at him with an unamused frown.


Mizu smiled as she felt the rush of the fresh air hit her back, she smiled at her frog who smiled back and raised her arms, getting into a diving position. She dived straight into the ocean and only a small drop of water flew up and fell right back down to the water, she swam like an actual fish through the ocean shore and swam upwards when she reached the docks.

Water shot up to the sky which startled people nearby, the water twisted and landed on the docks and Mizu was revealed to be standing in its place. She guided the water off her clothes and from the frog, back into the ocean.

"So where to kiddo?" The frog asked.

"Those Triple Threat Triad idiots owe me some cash and they haven't paid what they owe, so we gotta set some things straight with them." Mizu said as she punched her palm with a devious smirk.

"I like your style kid, but where are we gonna find them?" the frog asked.

"Easy Gamakichi," Mizu said as she swiped an apple from a nearby shop while the owner turned his back and continued walking into town "They run a protection racket right on this street, we just gotta wait for them and once they get paid,"

"We collect our debt." Gamakichi finished.

"Exactly." Mizu said as she stopped at an empty alleyway, while she scoped the place.

She raised an eyebrow when she saw a waterbending looking girl with a polar bear-dog walking right next to her. She had brown skin, blue eyes and long black hair tied into a pony-tail with strands on both sides of her face. She had a slightly muscular figure with a light blue sleeveless vest shirt and baggy dark blue pants with a brown animal skin tied to her waist and hanging from her back with large brown boots. She also wore dark blue arm bands on both arms and a lighter band on her upper arm.

"What's with the waterbender? She lost or something?" Gamakichi asked.

"Don't know, don't care." Mizu said with a disinterested look and nodded towards an approaching car "There's our loot."

The few people on the street scattered in fear while the girl and her polar-bear-dog looked around in confusion as the Triple Threat Triad car parked in front of a classic vinyl store. Three guys got out of the automobile and approached the store owner as he cleaned his vinyl. The main man wore a long blue trench coat and a black hat, the one next to him wore a black long-sleeved shirt with a red scarf and the man next to him wore a green long-sleeved shirt.

"Mr. Chung, please tell me that you have my money or else I can't guarantee I can protect your fine establishment." The leader in the long blue trench coat threatened with a smirk as the firebender next to him raised his palm and a flame ignited.

"I'm sorry, business has been slow. Please, take one of my Phonographs." Mr. Chung offered as he handed them a phonograph.

The firebender raised his leg and slammed it down onto the phonograph with a blazing foot, destroying it in a fiery blaze as Mr. Chung screamed and fell on his behind.

"My friend here is not a music lover." The leader said as he shook his head in amusement "Give me the money or else-"

"Or else what, hoodlum?" the girl said as she stepped up to the group.

"What is she doing?" Gamakichi asked.

Mizu rolled her eyes "Trying to play hero."

The group looked at each other and started laughing as Mizu walked out of the alleyway and let out a cryptic laugh. The group stopped laughing as everyone looked towards Mizu who was cracking her knuckles.

"I don't know about you guys but I wouldn't be showing my face around town knowing that you have a debt that needs to be collected." Mizu said with a smirk but soon it disappeared as Mizu glared at them "Where's my money?"

The leader soon started laughing as his gang laughed along with him, he stepped forward towards Mizu threateningly with his hands in his pocket.

"Look kid, we were never going to pay you back. You're just another sucker who trusted the wrong people so run along before things get ugly."

"Well you're here so I think they already have." Gamakichi jabbed as Mizu snorted while everyone looked at the talking frog in shock.

"I'll ask you one more time, where is my money?" Mizu asked in a threatening tone.

"You already know that you're in Triple Threat Triad territory and you're still threatening us? I thought you were smarter than that kid." The leader said with a smirk.

"Wrong answer." Mizu said as she swiped her arm down and a thin wave of water moved from her sack and towards the leader.

He narrowly dodged it and their jaws dropped when their automobile was cut clean in half. Mizu ran towards them and jumped high enough to kick the leader in the face, when she landed on the ground she guided her water to trip the firebender as he tried to shoot flames at her. She turned as her water moved with her and she flung it into the third one's head, freezing the water along with his head. She kicked the man between his legs and he fell to his knees as she gave him a strong right hook which shattered the ice and promptly knocked the man out.

The firebender stood up and roared as he shot flames at Mizu, she was about to react when the waterbender looking girl stomped the ground and launched the man into the air. He screamed as he fell through the roof of a shop, Mizu rose an eyebrow as the leader groaned and sat up. He shot a small ball of water at the girl who caught it and threw it back at the leader's head and it froze, Mizu raised her leg and slammed the man's head down as the ice shattered.

"Thanks but I could've handled it." the girl said to Mizu.

Mizu ignored her and started searching through the leader's coat, eventually finding his wallet and taking all the money inside.

"You're the avatar, ain'tcha?" Gamakichi asked as Mizu searched the other two men.

"Yeah and your friend shouldn't be stealing."

Mizu rolled her eyes and continued to collect their money while Gamakichi chuckled.

"She does what she wants." Gamakichi said "So what's your name, oh great one?"

"Uh name's Korra." Korra responded.

They heard loud police sirens coming from the sky and Korra and Gamakichi looked up to see that it was a Metalbending police blimp. Mizu stood up and dusted herself off as Gamakichi jumped back on her shoulders, while she pocketed the money into her pocket.

"Word to the wise Korra, it doesn't matter if you're the avatar because here in republic city, heroes don't last long." Mizu said without even turning around to face Korra.

Korra looked at her in confusion and slight anger "What's that-"

"Police! Freeze where you are!" A voice announced over the intercom as Metalbending soldiers jumped out of the blimp and maneuvered their way down to the street, using wires from their suits.

Korra looked away from the metalbenders and back at Mizu only to see she and Gamakichi had disappeared while a cryptic laugh reverberated through the air.


Mizu walked into the gym only to see Mako lifting weights and Bolin practicing by launching earth plates into a net, they stopped their workout when they saw that Mizu and Gamakichi had returned.

"You're back!" Bolin exclaimed happily.

"Yup." Mizu said as she threw Mako a rolled up wad of cash.

"Where'd you get this?" Mako asked and Mizu just shrugged as she walked to a corner with a mattress and multiple comic books.

"Mizu, where did you go?" Mako asked.

Mizu sat down and opened a comic book but not before looking at Mako with a smirk "Out."

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