Chapter 4

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A few days later, while sitting at the breakfast table, Alicai found himself thinking about that 'Karver' fellow whom he had learned about from Mason. For some reason, he was very intrigued by this shady character and his inquisitive nature was just begging him to explore further, but no one seemed willing to go into greater detail about the story! With a frustrated huff, Alicai propped his head up with his arm and furrowed his eyebrows into the frown he always made when he was bothered by something.

In the midst of stirring the grits in the pot that sat over a small fire, Makawee noticed the young tiger's look and shook her head disapprovingly. "Dear, if you keep scowling like that you'll get wrinkles like mine before you're thirty." She mused, taking a spoonful of the steaming grits and gently blowing on it so she could taste it. "What's the matter? It's too early to be upset like this."

"No one will tell me the real reason Karver was banished from the kingdom. They act like he's some terrible guy, but then all they say is that he was just a nuisance! I want the real story!" Alicai exclaimed with a flick of his tail. There was something burning within his vivid green eyes, Makawee could see it. It was the flame of curiosity, one that couldn't be put out easily.

The aging leopard simply sighed. She spooned some grits into a bowl and set it down before Alicai. "Alicai, some things are better left unsaid. If you want the honest truth, the story itself isn't that exciting. Believe me, it's not. Now cheer up and eat your grits. Those crops aren't going to tend to themselves." She finished cheerfully, bending down to kiss him on the cheek before turning around to tend to the pot of grits again.

Alicai huffed and looked down at his grits. He wasn't particularly hungry, but he didn't want to upset Makawee by not eating. He managed to scarf down most of the grits and was already heading out the door before Makawee could catch him to make him wash his bowl.


As the sun rose in the sky, the air grew hazy and thick. Flies buzzed about here and there, annoying livestock and townsfolk alike with their constant buzzing and biting. While Alicai didn't exactly have to worry about being bitten because of his fur, the flies were still a nuisance to him as he tended to the fields. The tiger wiped his brow and squinted as he looked up at the burning sun, which was still rising higher and higher into the sky. If only a cloud would pass by and bring temporary relief from the heat.

Alicai had almost finished weeding the potato plants when he heard a horn blow off in the distance. That could only mean one thing: the king was coming! He quickly yanked the last weed out of the soil and scrambled to his paws, darting over to the fence near the road so he could see if King Malik was coming his way. Sure enough, he spotted the lion and his guards patrolling down the dirt road in his direction. There weren't as many guards as he thought there would be, only five or six flanking the sides of the king.

It only took the king and his posse of guards a few minutes to reach Makawee's fields, which they then halted at by order of the king himself. Alicai just stood there, perplexed by the situation. Why was King Malik stopping here? Was there a reason? He snapped himself out of his little trance when King Malik stepped past the guards and instinctively knelt down before the lion. "Your highness." He greeted humbly.

"Rise, young one. I see you've been learning the ways of an honorable knight." King Malik chuckled wholeheartedly, gesturing with his paw for Alicai to stand up. His amber gaze scanned the field behind the young tiger and he smiled. "These fields appear well taken care of. I hope they yield a great profit this season."

Pride swelled in Alicai's chest upon receiving praise from the king. "I hope so too. I weed and water them every day." He stated proudly, folding his paws behind his back as he rocked on his heels a bit. "What brings you down here, my lord?" He asked with an air of nervousness. He wasn't sure if it was his place to be asking the king questions, but he just couldn't help himself.

The king stroked his mane with one paw for a moment, appearing to be deep in thought, before he answered Alicai's question. "I came down here looking for you, Alicai. I was told that you lived here with Makawee and tended to her fields. I've heard great things about you and I wish to speak with you, if you're not busy or anything."

Alicai felt as if he would faint on the spot. First the king had praised him, now he wanted to talk to him? Was he dreaming? No, this couldn't be a dream! "Well, sure! I'm not busy at all!" He replied happily, a smile crossing his face.

King Malik's smile grew and he waved Alicai over. "Come, then. Follow me." He then started off down the road again, but the guards didn't follow. Only Alicai was to be with him during this walk per his request, though the reason behind it wasn't made clear beforehand.


"So what was it that you wanted to speak to me about?" Alicai asked as he walked alongside the king, occasionally glancing at the surrounding forest they had entered a few moments ago. He still had no idea why King Malik would only want him and none of the guards to accompany him, but he supposed there was a good reason behind it.

"A few days ago, one of my guards was attacked by Karver, an outcast of the Bidora Kingdom. You were the one that found him and brought him to Doctor Mason, correct?" King Malik replied with a raised brow, keeping his gaze forward.

"Yes. I heard him calling for help when I was on an evening stroll."

"Well, I thank you for doing so. I can't imagine what would've happened to him had you not found him. It worries me that Karver has become active again. That could mean trouble is brewing once more..." King Malik mused, stroking his mane with one paw before letting it drop down by his side. "Tell me, is it a dream of yours to become a knight?"

Alicai was caught off guard by the question and found himself scrambling for an answer. The whole reason he started training with Borya was so that he could possibly become a knight! But now that King Malik was asking if he wanted to be one, he became hesitant to reply. "I mean... yes, but... I'm not so sure anymore.." He mumbled, shoving his paws in his pockets and looking at the ground.

"Why do you say that?"

Alicai chewed on his lip, trying to think of a response. "I don't know... I just.. I just think I'm not good enough to be one of your knights. They're all so good and I'm terrible..." He froze when he felt King Malik place a heavy paw on his shoulder and looked over at the king, who had stopped walking as well.

King Malik sighed and gazed softly upon Alicai. "Alicai, they're good because they've trained to be that way. I've seen you train with Borya before, you're naturally talented. Borya's a bit of an old soul, bless his heart. He can't teach you everything. If I can get someone to teach you all you need to know about hand to hand combat and sword fighting, would you be willing to try it? I need someone like you to give us an edge against whatever darkness lies beyond the edges of my kingdom."

Alicai was taken aback by the lion's offer. It was almost like a dream come true, but he wasn't so sure he wanted it or not. His gut told him no, but his heart told him yes. Deep down, he felt that this was what he truly wanted. He wanted to fight to protect his people from any threat that arose, no matter how dangerous. "Yes, your highness."

He had no idea what he was getting himself into.

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