Chapter Twenty

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Ravenpaw was suddenly awake beside the Moonstream, pale dawnlight flooding through the gaps in the ceiling. Slowly, the other medicine cats woke beside him, but he stared sightlessly into the wall. The rain will explain the flames and save the Clans from the approaching darkness. The beginning and end was clear enough--Violetfrost's mate was named Rainshadow, and he would save them from the darkness approaching the Clan. But how could he explain flames? What could be explained from fire? Would the forest burn down, but he would save the Clans by helping them?

"Ravenpaw, are you okay?" Mossrain's nose gently touched his shoulder, and the apprentice forced himself to nod, looking at his mentor. Mossrain looked unconvinced, and said to the other medicine cats, "I'm sorry, but Ravenpaw and I don't have the time to talk, we have injured cats to take care of."

Poppysong raised her head, curious. "Injured cats? What happened?" she asked, sounding worried. Mossrain seemed unable to leave her empty pawed.

"A dog attacked one of our apprentices and fractured her spine, and we fought a small battle with them to get them away from our territory. Many of our cats were injured, one quite fatally. We also have a new kit in our Clan, found at our border. Goldenpool has to focus on helping her, so she can't be much help in the medicine den while we're gone."

"A fractured spine?" Hawkstream's eyes opened wide. "Thank StarClan it wasn't broken! I've seen both in CrowClan, with apprentices and even warriors falling out of the Giant Oak after being dared or challenged to climb up."

Mossrain's gaze lit with an excited fire in their depths. "So you know how long fractures take to heal?" he rushed, claws sliding out and crossing over the ground as he anxiously scratched a paw.

Hawkstream nodded. "Broken ones will never heal, but depending on the fracture, maybe two moons, possibly more or less. Make sure the apprentice stays still in a comfortable nest. Once the pain has died down, they can start small exercises, but be careful about jumping until the cat feels no pain at all. I've found having them swim is a good way to get their muscles used to moving again. Feel free to bring the injured apprentice to our camp once she can make the journey a moon or so after she starts exercising, and I can show you the deep pond I use at the edge of our territory."

Mossrain nodded eagerly. "Yes, yes, yes! Thank you so much, Hawkstream! If you need anything, please tell me and I'll be glad to help you!"

Hawkstream, seemingly amused, dipped her head. "Of course. Perhaps I can visit later on and see the injury."

"Definitely!" Mossrain's tail rose into the air. "Come by any time!"

Hawkstream lowered her head briefly once again. "I believe you have somewhere to be?" she meowed in amusement.

"Oh, yes, I'd forgotten!" His paws bounced happily on the soft ground of the Star Cave. He waved his tail in goodbye as he hurried from the Moonstream's side, and Ravenpaw rushed to keep up with him.

Ravenpaw knew he should be happy, to know that Blossompaw would heal, but his mind was still distracted. He had thought a lot when Mossrain had been talking, and he was overloaded with thoughts. Just to think that another Clan was out there... But this wasn't like the Clans he knew, was it? Violetfrost said it was a place of chaos and destruction, where cats weren't allowed mates. But, how did they have kits? He swiftly decided it was more complicated than that. And there was a cat waiting where she had died, probably stuck in mourning for the loss of his mate and kits. But he had no idea that his daughter lived.

The rain will explain the flames and save the Clans from the approaching darkness.

This cat, Rainshadow, would be able to answer all the questions he had. Except for one.

Should I tell Mossrain? He was worried about what would happen if his Clan found out about a new one, far away but dangerous enough cats would flee to a place they didn't know even existed or not. What sane cat could ever leave their Clan unless it was a horrible place?

There was already so much stress in the Clan, with Acornstar how she was. And like Mossrain said, they had two very injured cats and weak ones all throughout the Clan, mostly with sore legs or shoulders, and a new kit. Eagleclaw had so much on her shoulders, as did Mossrain and Goldenpool.

Could they all really handle the knowledge of another Clan?

No, he decided. They couldn't. He couldn't tell the three cats. He would have to find Rainshadow on his own, and talk with the tom on what he wanted to do. Perhaps Ravenpaw could say he went out looking for herbs, and stumbled upon the tom, looking for his kits? Maybe he could convince Eagleclaw--and Rainshadow if need be--that he and his kit should join the Clan for protection from foxes and badgers and rogues, and not an evil Clan that may come to hunt them down.

An evil Clan may come to hunt them down...

Would that put his Clan in danger?

StarClan, help me, he thought up to the lightening, eyes sparkling with fear.

"Ravenpaw, what did you dream?" Mossrain's mew surprised him.

"What?" His mind had been elsewhere, and though he heard the question, he wanted to hear it again.

"What did StarClan show you? It is obviously bothering you greatly."

Ravenpaw looked at his paws for a moment, trying to think. "Berrywhisker came to me, with the tomkit that died." He looked at his mentor just as the tom's head turned away in sadness. "His name is Tumble, and his sister is Maple. Berrywhisker said Maple would make a good warrior one day, one every cat could be proud to have in their Clan." He knew not to mention Violetfrost, and to exaggerate the truth just a little, to make it more likely the kit could be accepted.

Mossrain nodded. "Maple... A good name, if turned to Maplekit."

Ravenpaw agreed with a similar nod. To change the subject, he asked, "do you think Acornstar will agree to let us bring Blossompaw to CrowClan territory, and to let Hawkstream come to our camp?"

"We don't even know if Blossompaw will go to CrowClan territory," Mossrain responded, seeming to brighten just a bit as they moved away from the past topic. "But it will be a good try-- they have the only real pond in all the territories deep enough for a cat to swim, rivers are too shallow and fast for a cat to practice exercising their muscles."

"But what about Acornstar?" Ravenpaw asked softly, scared about approaching the leader and asking for something so out there, in such a bad time.

Mossrain hesitated for a moment. "Acornstar is not in the position to tell us what to do, is she?" he said it so softly Ravenpaw thought he wasn't supposed to hear. Slowly, Mossrain quickened his pace to get to the trees sooner.

Sure enough, at this quick pace, they made it to the forest in no time and passed over the fresh scent markings. Mossrain led him in the immediate direction of the camp, but they had barely begun moving before the undergrowth trembled, and a patrol stepped out. Instantly, Ravenpaw's mind cleared at the sight of his father and older brothers, Stonecoat and Shadefur. His stomach growled to remind him of his hunger when he noticed Shadefur holding two voles by their tails.

Mossrain purred in gratitude as one was set in front of him. "Thanks, Shadefur. How's your ear?" He peaked at the open, healing wound.

"It hurts when it touches things in the forest, but other than that I only notice it when there's a breeze." Mossrain purred again, this time in amusement.

"My leg is okay, too," Stonecoat put in. Mossrain seemed surprised, almost like he had forgotten the other tom was there.

"Oh, uh, good, I'm glad. Just don't overexert yourself, alright?" He waited until the tom nodded before looking back at Shadefur. Stonecoat shifted on his paws, like he was upset his littermate was getting more attention than he was.

"How was the Moonpool?" Boulderclaw asked softly, touching Ravenpaw's cheek with his nose. The small black apprentice curled into his scent, feeling relaxed.

Knowing he wasn't allowed to talk about what happened, he said cryptically, "it was... interesting."

Boulderclaw snorted in amusement. "Fair enough." He licked Ravenpaw's ear, and it flicked from the contact on instinct. "I'm still very proud of you. Being a medicine cat isn't an easy job."

"Harder than being a warrior?" Ravenpaw felt scared he had chosen a bad path. Yes, he loved being a medicine cat, but it was challenging, remembering all the herbs. One day, he would have to do it alone. How would he fair without Mossrain guiding him? Fear and anxiety swallowed him like an open mouth, welcoming him into their cold, chilling depths.

Boulderclaw calmed him by giving him a simple, loving nuzzle. "A warrior and a medicine cat are very different. Both face different challenges but can face them together. One cannot live without the other. With no medicine cats, warriors could not heal from injuries. Without warriors, medicine cats would have no purpose. It is the circle of Clan life."

Ravenpaw noticed his older brothers and mentor had been listening, and the three looked at Boulderclaw with awe and pride at being his Clanmate. Ravenpaw's gaze glowed as he stared at the powerful form of his father. Such a wise, strong, caring cat. No one could ask for a better Clanmate, nor a better father. He tucked his head under his father's chest and took a deep breath of his foresty scent.

And all his worries swept away.

Ravenpaw returned to camp with a full belly and a clear mind, what he had seen in StarClan forgotten. Stonecoat stomped off to the fresh-kill pile to deposit a finch he had caught, and Boulderclaw left Ravenpaw's side to follow him. Shadefur and Mossrain spoke quietly, heads down and tails flicking. They parted with Mossrain letting out a purr of amusement. Ravenpaw had no idea they were so close.

Mossrain noticed him watching and nodded to the medicine cat's den. "Let's look in on our patients, shall we?" He padded to the den without looking back at the clearing. Ravenpaw followed him, feeling relief as the scent of herbs washed over him as he slipped through the entrance. His eyes immediately focused on the form of Blossompaw, laying in her nest with a mouse on her paws.

Jaypaw was sat next to her, enjoying a vole. Ravenpaw's heart soared when he noticed an actual happy gleam in Blossompaw's gaze, but it died quickly when the two medicine cats entered. He felt his heart plummet to his paws in sadness.

"How are you, Blossompaw?" Mossrain asked, sounding excited.

"Impatient!" the she-cat snapped, all her calm from just a few moments ago gone. "When can I get out of this nest?"

Worry spiked Jaypaw's gaze, and Ravenpaw noticed flattened moss at the front of the nest. It seemed Blossompaw had tried an escape, but was kept back by her brother.

"Hawkstream has had cats injure their spine before," Mossrain began, "and they can heal. It'll take awhile, but once you start feeling better and don't feel pain from the actual injury you can get up and start exercising, but only if you don't leave your nest before the time is right."

Blossompaw sighed angrily, rolling her eyes. "You still didn't answer! When will I heal?"

"Hawkstream guesses two moons, but she can't be sure. She says she'll come visit soon and be able to check."

Blossompaw back fur rose. "An enemy in our camp?" she growled.

"Medicine cats aren't the enemy. None of the Clans are," Mossrain argued softly. "Now, stop being unpleasant--I have other things to do then listen to you complain." Ravenpaw was surprised by Mossrain's words, and so was Blossompaw. Her eyes lowered after a moment, looking angry but also embarrassed.

"Mossrain?" Eagleclaw poked her head into the den.

The medicine cat turned, and dipped his head. "Everything alright?"

Eagleclaw stepped completely into the den. "I wanted to let you know what happened with the meeting, about SageClan." Instantly, Jaypaw and Blossompaw pricked their ears.

Mossrain noticed the movement. "Follow me into the back den, we can talk privately." He began to lead his deputy back into the darkness, when he turned to Ravenpaw and said, "you may be young, but you're a medicine cat. You deserve to hear." He flicked his tail for his apprentice to follow, and, after casting a worried but also slightly excited glance at his brother, he followed his mentor and deputy.

The darkness of the small tunnel swallowed him quickly, but his eyes adjusted and soon they arrived into the small second den. Mossrain went to the back where a small pile of moss was, and spread it out as a small covering from the cold floor. The three settled on it, but Ravenpaw still felt freezing veins of ice rush his body when he sat.

"So, what's going to happen?" Mossrain asked as they got as comfortable as possible, which wasn't much.

"I don't know, exactly," Eagleclaw admitted. "Grayblaze and Silverstrike think a battle is the only way, while Frostfall and Maskdapple both admit one will happen eventually. Oakcloud and Boulderclaw, it seems, are the only sensible ones. They both agree it would be stupid to cause a battle over something so small, especially at a time where many of our warriors are still weak."

"And what do you think? It sounds like you side with Oakcloud and Boulderclaw." Mossrain's tail flicked softly.

"I do," Eagleclaw said softly, "but that's not how I want to do things like this. The Clan decides, not me."

Ravenpaw noted how much she sounded like a leader, so different from her mother. Acornstar decided everything herself, but it was obvious Eagleclaw already planned to lead by letting her cats choose their own future.

"I think we should gather the entire Clan, and have the cats vote. Two categories--fight, or don't fight. Whichever has more, we will do. If more of my cats want to fight, I will ignore my feelings of wanting peace, and prepare the warriors for battle. If more cats wish for another way, I will find it. But I will not choose how these cats live the next few moons."

Mossrain nodded his understanding. "I respect that thinking," the tom said slowly, then added, "but what of the warriors who are unsure? Maskdapple and Frostfall seem undecided, as many others likely will be. Forcing them to choose could make them go into the side for fight. I know you say you want them to have the freedom to choose, but we can still point them in a better direction. Perhaps, we add a third category to choose--undecided."

"But what if so many cats choose 'undecided' that only a few are actually choosing the future of our Clan?" Eagleclaw asked. "The entire Clan must choose."

"Then make a speech," Mossrain answered.

"About what? How I don't want a battle? Then the cats will likely choose to not fight just because they know it's what I want." Eagleclaw's eyes shined with worry.

"Then don't say it straight out," the young medicine cat meowed. "Tell them they are deciding the future of the Clan, and that the battle will mean a change in the life of the kits and warriors of the Clan. Yes, SageClan might deserve to be taught a lesson, but it would also put us in danger for future battles, and those battles could endanger our kits. Take a bit of both sides, but make sure they know what they are voting for."

Eagleclaw nodded in understanding, seemingly more calm. "That's a good idea. Thank you, Mossrain."

The tom brightened, flicking his tail. "Of course. Anything else?"

Eagleclaw looked lost in thought for a moment, then asked, "should I allow the apprentices to vote? Brightpaw and Petalpaw are practically warriors, I might hold their warrior assessment this week, so they should get to vote. But Russetdawn and Snowfern's litter are both young, and may be influenced by older denmates or parents."

"That's true, but they should get to vote on their future. That's what you're going to tell the Clan, afterall. That they are fighting for themselves and the future of their Clan. So, why shouldn't the newer generation decide? I bet most of the apprentices will be in the battle, anyways, if it happens," Mossrain meowed. Then, surprisngly, he looked at Ravenpaw. "What do you think?"

Ravenpaw knew his opinion would likely mean nothing to Eagleclaw, but he voiced the truth anyways. "I-I guess they should be allowed to vote. Like Mossrain said, it's their future."

Eagleclaw nodded, most likely in response to what Mossrain had said, and not what Ravenpaw had contributed. "Then it's decided. I'll direct Acornstar on what to say." The deputy stood up and started from the second den, leaving Mossrain in shock. After a moment, a shudder went through him, and he hurried after his deputy.

"Eagleclaw!" he called, and she looked back with a guilty gaze. She had known Mossrain would stop her. "I don't think it's the best idea to have Acornstar call this meeting. Yes, she is leader by name, but you are the one in charge in all other senses. She is not... mentally able to decide this. We both know she will decide on battle, but her vote cannot be taken into account because of her current troubles. And surely you realize the Clan would rather listen to you than her, especially after her public degrading of everybody in the Clan? She has called her warriors and medicine cats traitors, and fought with you over the death of a poor kit. In most ways, she is the one that is the traitor, an outcast in her own Clan."

Ravenpaw shivered as his mentor spoke, and curled closer to the moss under him.

Eagleclaw dropped her head, and was quiet for a few moments. "You're right," she whispered. "Of course you are. I will call a meeting. Will you stand with me?" Fear lightened her eyes. Ravenpaw realized this was one of the first time Eagleclaw would be calling a Clan meeting, doing something a leader should be doing.

Mossrain was right, he realized. In all senses except name, Eagleclaw was his leader.

Question #1: Do you think EchoClan will fight SageClan?

Question #2: If they fight, who do you think will win?

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