Chapter Twenty-Five

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"I just woke up!" Blossompaw cried. "I didn't even get the chance to call for someone..." She didn't sound like herself. She seemed weak, terrified.

At first, he didn't understand, but then the smell came to him. Sharp, dark, strong--it overpowered the herbs easily. He slowly turned his gaze to the limp body of Russetdawn, and suddenly found it hard to breathe. His chest started pounding, his head burned, and he quickly jumped up and raced to the nest. He practically slammed into Russetdawn, struggling to put his paws on her chest.

He started pumping like Mossrain had taught him to. He was trying to get her heart going, watching her closely, looking for a movement in her whiskers, but there was only the slight jump every time he pressed down. Gasping for breath, he slowly backed up, slipping slightly on loose moss on the ground. He didn't even bother to look at it as he whipped around and raced from the den.

He skidded on the grass outside, claws digging into the ground as he forced a quick turn and hurried to the nursery. Oakcloud saw him coming. "What's wrong?" he asked, looking worried.

But Ravenpaw ignored him, flashing past and bursting into the nursery. Instantly, all eyes were on him, and the kits were awoken by the sound, crying out in shock. Rain instantly turned to Maple, and Goldenpool to her litter.

"Russetdawn, she's not breathing! I tried to get her heart moving again, but--" he didn't even get to finish. Mossrain thundered from the den, paws thrumming on the ground. Eagleclaw hurried after him, and Ravenpaw followed. The three ran into the medicine cat's den, passing the terrified Blossompaw and going straight to Russetdawn's nest.

She looked so small, so pale, despite her fur still being a bright ginger-brown. Her eyes, Ravenpaw hadn't realized, were open, staring sightlessly into the den. Quietly, somberly, Mossrain leaned forward and licked her eyelids closed, hiding her dull amber gaze from the world.

"She was so young..." Eagleclaw whispered. "She had so much life ahead of her..." Dropping her head, Eagleclaw whispered, "StarClan, I ask you to guide this cat to your hunting grounds, and take her knowing she gave everything she could to her Clan."

"Her poor kits..." Ravenpaw whispered. "What will they do without her?"


Ravenpaw turned his head slowly to see Oakcloud at the entrance, obviously worried about the trouble. He didn't know what was wrong, just that something was wrong. Then his eyes settled on Russetdawn's still frame.

"Oh, no..." he whispered, eyes filled with grief.

"Please, go get Foxpounce," Eagleclaw meowed softly. After a moment, Oakcloud nodded and retreated, still resonating sadness and shock.

"I'll... I'll get Featherpaw, and her brothers..." Ravenpaw told his mentor, and the tom just dipped his head once as Ravenpaw slipped away on quiet paws. Outside in the clearing, Oakcloud was just going into the warriors' den, and the black apprentice hurried to the apprentices' den. He slipped down the tunnel, fighting to see through the darkness. "Featherpaw! Firepaw! Flamepaw!" he called for each of them, repeating their names a few times.

Slowly, groggily, they began to wake, as did the other apprentices. "What's going on?" Willowpaw asked.

"What do you need? Is something wrong?" Featherpaw murmured.

Firepaw's eyes glowed suddenly. "Russetdawn! Is she okay?"

At that moment, a mournful yowl cut through the air, telling Ravenpaw Foxpounce had just been informed. Suddenly, the three apprentices were up, awake and scared, ready to leave the den and see what was wrong. Ravenpaw led them out, and saw Foxpounce's tail disappearing into the medicine cat's den. Oakcloud had told him in the clearing, and the handsome brown tabby still stood like a shadow by the entrance of his den. Other warriors were beginning to leave their den, curious about what was going on.

The littermates were rushing past him, and he hurried after, reaching the den just after them. Ravenpaw thought he would be forever haunted by the sound of their mournful yowls swirling into the quiet night air. An owl even answered back from the far forest. Moving forward softly, Ravenpaw pressed against Featherpaw, knowing it was the only comfort he could give her, no matter how small it was. After staring at her mother for a few moments, Featherpaw turned her head and hid it in his neck.

For quite a while, they just stood there, listening to Foxpounce's cries of agony.

"You can't leave me," he whispered, nudging her cold cheek. "Please. I need you. I... I can't live without you, my love. You promised me we would be together forever, you said you would never leave. We were going to watch our kits turn into warriors, remember? You even thought of their warrior names, when they were tiny little things, barely a moon old. Flameheart, Featherleaf, and Firethorn, right? That's what you wanted?"

Featherpaw let out a shuddering breath into Ravenpaw's shoulder, and Flamepaw suddenly collapsed, unable to stand anymore. Firepaw tried to go to him, mewling like a young kit, but Flamepaw suddenly growled, scaring him back, before forcing himself to his paws and stumbling away, out of sight, out of the den.

Ravenpaw could hear the cats outside in the clearing, having no idea what was going on, why Flamepaw had stormed away. But then the whispers started, the fearful murmurs with the word "dead" floating around.

"They need you," Mossrain whispered to Eagleclaw. "They need a leader."

Ravenpaw wasn't surprised by the words, but found himself sinking into them. It continued to come to him, constantly repeating: Eagleclaw was supposed to be just a deputy, but yet she was completely their leader in everything but name. She had sent Russetdawn into StarClan, something Acornstar should've done. And now she was slowly heading for the entrance of the den to speak to her Clan like a leader. He couldn't help but follow, leaving Featherpaw to quietly pad over to her father and collapse next to him.

Eagleclaw padded to the Rock Pile and jumped up, muscles moving smoothly under her pelt. "Will all cats able to hunt for their Clan come to me for a Clan meeting!" Most cats were already out their dens, though, and only a few extra warriors had to come out of the warmth of their den. Goldenpool did appear from the nursery, sitting right outside the front. Surprisingly, Rain did as well.

"What's happened?" Frostfall, one of Russetdawn's closest friends, looked extremely worried and was casting glances to the medicine cat's den.

Eagleclaw sighed. "R... Russetdawn..." She sighed again, turning her gaze from her paws to her warriors. "Russetdawn has joined StarClan tonight."

Shocked murmurs went through the night air, mutters of grief, hints of good wishes to the dead she-cat. Once they began to quiet, Eagleclaw continued.

"I don't know exactly what happened, but I assume she succumbed to her wounds given to her by the dogs." She turned to Oakcloud, who sat next to the medicine cat's den and close to Ravenpaw. "Please, grab her body so we may sit vigil."

The tom nodded silently and disappeared into the den, brushing against Ravenpaw's fur. The Clan waited in silence until the brown tabby finally appeared dragging the limp body of the poor dead cat. Foxpounce followed close behind, with his kits dragging their paws after him. Featherpaw sat quietly next to Ravenpaw and pressed herself into his side. He moved closer to her, trying to comfort her. She let out a shuddering sigh, and tucked her head under his chin.

He sat there, forcing himself still, as Russetdawn's body was settled in front of the Rock Pile, and Foxpounce nudged her cheek once again like he was just making sure she was truly, truly gone. Then he dropped to his stomach and hid his head in her neck like Featherpaw was doing to Ravenpaw.

"Russetdawn might've had a temper, but she has always worked for her Clan," Eagleclaw meowed softly. "She will be missed by her family, her friends, and the rest of her Clanmates. StarClan, please, take care of her for us." She jumped down from the Rock Pile and settled by the warrior with the plan of staying there for the rest of the night.

Featherpaw pulled away, and Ravenpaw gazed over at her. She looked at him with a dull, broken gaze. "I never thought I'd lose her..." she whispered. "I thought she would always be there for me."

"I'm so sorry," he said quietly to her.

"It's okay..." But it wasn't. It wasn't okay. Ravenpaw had been the one to bring Mossrain to the nursery and left Russetdawn alone. Would they have been able to save her, if they were in there with her?

Sighing, Ravenpaw wrapped his tail over his friend's shoulder and led her over to her mother. He settled down with her, keeping his tail over her back. Mossrain appeared soon, setting some mint leaves down on her body. He cut each leaf slightly with his claw, allowing the strong smell to fill the scent glands of the gathering, mourning cats, and hiding the sharp smell of death.

Though he had not been close to Russetdawn at all, Ravenpaw stayed with his friend for the rest of the night, watching her dull body. Her fur was ruffled once and a while by the cold winds, but none of the living seemed to notice. But then, Ravenpaw saw something. It was past the she-cat's body, behind where Frostfall lay mourning.

It was a StarClan cat, that was easy enough to see. He looked around, but no one else seemed to notice it. But he was awake, wasn't he? Yes, he was sure of that. The StarClan cat had more color than most cats he had seen, with a pale brownish-red tabby coat. Her amber eyes glowed with something he recognized. It wasn't until the familiar ginger-brown of Russetdawn joined the other cat that he realized who the unknown cat was; Russetdawn's sister, who had died when he was a young kit. He didn't know her name, just remembered Featherpaw mentioning her.

Then, his breath caught in his throat when he noticed something else: the two tiny figures struggling to stand at Russetdawn's ghostly paws. A horrible feeling filled him.

Russetdawn was expecting kits when she died... 

Both were toms, one with faintly red but mostly brown tabby fur, and the other very pale ginger.

"They were never supposed to live." It was Russetdawn speaking, her voice cool and soft. "Right after I was injured by the dogs, Fawnshine told me that I wouldn't end up surviving, she just didn't tell me exactly how I would die..." Her voice faltered for a moment, then she cleared it with a shake of her star-littered head. "But she also told me I was expecting kits, and that when I died they would join me in StarClan. Tell Foxpounce, please, that I'm okay. That I was ready for this. But... Don't mention the kits, I don't want him tortured by it." She looked at the little cats, pale eyes glowing with love. "Sandkit and Hornetkit will live happy in StarClan."

Then she nudged the little kits, and the family disappeared. Her sister, obviously Fawnshine, dipped her head to Ravenpaw before fading into nothing.

And even with Featherpaw pressed against his side, Ravenpaw suddenly felt more alone than ever. He turned his eyes to the sky, first watching the Star Streak that glared brightly in the distance, shining down over the Old Twolegplace and CrowClan territory. Then, his yellow gaze turned to a shining star right above his head, two smaller ones right under it. Somehow, he knew which stars those belonged to. 

Russetdawn, I'll take care of Featherpaw, I promise. And even if they don't want it, I'll make sure Firepaw and Flamepaw are safe, too. Sandkit, Hornetkit... I like the names... I'm sorry they didn't get a chance to live, but I trust you, that they'll be happy. And... and when it comes time, I'll tell you when your kits become warriors, so you can watch them from the stars...

Ravenpaw was convinced the biggest of the three stars blinked out momentarily, like Russetdawn was acknowledging his words. Feeling just a little more content, though still saddened by the death of the she-cat and her unborn kits, Ravenpaw rested his head on his paws, and watched the cold body sit empty of soul inside the Clan clearing.

When pale dawn light shone against Russetdawn's dull pelt, Eagleclaw finally stood and gave Russetdawn one final lick on her chilled forehead. The deputy shivered slightly. Then, she said softly, "it is time to bury Russetdawn's body, to solidify her status in StarClan. Frostfall, you were always her closest friend. Would you honor her, and help carry her body to the burial site?"

The she-cat nodded silently.

The deputy looked to Foxpounce. "I assume you wish to help, Foxpounce?"

"He is not strong enough." Mossrain, who had only come out of his den a little while ago, stepped toward his leader. "His back wound is still bothering him."

Eagleclaw nodded in understanding, while Foxpounce just still stared blankly at his mate's body, having not moved since he collapsed by her side the night before. His gaze looked as blank as Russetdawn's had before Mossrain had closed her eyes for the last time.

"I'll do it," Boulderclaw said softly. He had stayed by Foxpounce's side throughout the entire night and now rested his thick tail over his old apprentice's shoulder. "Stay here, do not hurt yourself any further by watching her go under." The ginger tabby looked up at this, looking angry, but Boulderclaw added, "be here for your kits. Do not leave them alone any more than you already have."

With help from Oakcloud, the two warriors got Russetdawn's limp body onto their shoulders and headed silently to the moorland entrance.

"Ravenpaw," Mossrain meowed softly, "come back into the den. You should rest for a while."

The apprentice looked at Featherpaw, still resting against his side. She slowly raised her head, looking at him. "I'm okay," she whispered. "I'm going to go into apprentices' den, to rest." She stood stiffly, forcing herself toward her den, her paws dragging over the ground, tail trailing limply behind her.

Ravenpaw felt his heart aching, seeing her so sad and broken. Mossrain rested his thin tail over his back. "She is sick with grief, but I promise it will heal eventually. It is not easy to lose a parent. Luckily, we both have not been cursed with that yet." Mossrain looked at him curiously. "You seem sad for Featherpaw, but yet I sense, not for Russetdawn. Why is that?"

"I am sad for Russetdawn," Ravenpaw mewed softly to his mentor, still looking after his friend. "But perhaps not as sad as I should be. I saw her, last night after she died. Fawnshine, her sister, had come to bring her to StarClan." He looked around briefly to make sure they were alone, but the rest of the Clan had padded away softly, leaving the two alone. "Russetdawn said she knew she was going to die, but she didn't expect how. But Fawnshine told her after she was attacked by the dogs, so I don't understand. She died because of the dogs, so I don't know how she didn't expect that..."

Mossrain was quiet for a moment, taking it all in. "I don't know. I guess it doesn't make much sense."

"Mossrain, did you notice anything when caring for her? About... her stomach?"

He seemed surprised by the question. "I... I don't think so, no. Why? Was something wrong with her in StarClan? Did she mention something?"

"Don't tell anyone, okay? She doesn't want Foxpounce to know." Ravenpaw watched his mentor, to make sure he understood.

"I can't tell anyone anything that I don't know," Mossrain meowed. "What is it?"

After a small hesitation, and another look around, Ravenpaw explained quietly, "when she died, Russetdawn was expecting kits. They joined her in StarClan. Two little toms, Sandkit and Hornetkit."

For many moments, Mossrain seemed too shocked to speak. Then, finally, he shook his head. "But... I don't understand. This should... Shouldn't this make you more upset that StarClan took Russetdawn?"

"I think it's the only reason I'm sad," Ravenpaw explained softly. "I... I don't think I see death the way others do, not even you. I used to, I think, but after Berrywhisker died, and I continued to see her in StarClan--got closer to her, even--I think I've realized that death isn't the end, just a beginning of something new. We'll miss those who leave, but they're still here with us, even if we can't see them all the time."

Question #1: What do you think of this chapter?

Question#2: What do you think of Ravenpaw's short speech about death? Do you agree with it, at least when it comes to the Warriors' series? (both mine and the original from the Erins)

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