Chapter Twenty-Three

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The sun continued to sink down the sky as Ravenpaw and Jaypaw led Rain into their territory. Bushes trembled as they past, with the gray tabby sniffing many of the scents that passed his nose. "Reminds me of home," he muttered. "Being in a patrol, prowling a dark forest..." He dropped his head with a sigh. "It was an awful place, but I still enjoyed being apart of the Clan."

"Well, you'll be apart of a real Clan soon," Jaypaw meowed kindly.

"That's if they accept me," Rain responded, gazing at the towering trees with memories flashing in his eyes.

"I can convince Eagleclaw," Ravenpaw said with fake confidence in his voice. He had to believe he could get the deputy to allow him in. If he had to, he would tell her the prophecy. But he didn't want too much pressure on Rain, or constant questions from Clanmates. And what if the prophecy was wrong, or took too long to come true? Rain might be kicked out. No, he had to get into the Clan as a normal cat just wanting the best for his daughter.

"Eagleclaw?" Rain meowed.

"Our deputy, and Acornstar's daughter. She's kind of in control right now, while Acornstar is... you know... unavailable."

Rain nodded in understanding.

Suddenly, Jaypaw paused, ears twitching. He crouched, stalking forward slowly, then suddenly leaped for a small fern bush a head on the path. A mouse squealed and ran for cover in a small hole near the base of a tree. The apprentice slapped his paw down at the hole right as it disappeared, narrowly missing the catch.

"Mouse-dung!" he growled, lashing his tail.

"You were too impatient," Rain meowed. "You should've gone slower and more careful."

"We were already really close to it," Jaypaw answered. "I thought it'd run."

"We were down-wind," Rain answered. "So it couldn't smell us."

Sighing, Jaypaw continued on the path. Ravenpaw followed after him, with Rain bringing up the end. Familiar scents of Clanmates filled Ravenpaw's scent glands, and he saw the rocky pathway not far in front of him, hidden by undergrowth. "We're here. Camp is up those rocks," he explained to the tom behind him.

Painful sadness flared in Rain's blue gaze. "We were so close... If I had kept going, I could've saved Violet and the kits..." Once again, his head dropped, and his muscles went slack. He looked like was about to fall over, with agony waving from his body.

Ravenpaw put a soft tail on his shoulders. "We can wait a little if you want, but the Clan will likely see us soon."

Rain shook his head, and raised himself up, suddenly looking sturdy and strong. His eyes showed no emotion. "In MothClan, we must hide all emotions if we want to survive. I was always one of the best." He walked forward with a smooth step.

"Well, keep some emotion. You have to seem vulnerable, but still strong. If you look like that the Clan might attack," Jaypaw meowed, taking up the lead again.

Rain seemed to understand, and gave a little slink to his shoulder, and allowed a small glaze of sadness in his eyes. Just like Jaypaw had suggested, he had the air of a sad but still powerful cat. He was in a weak state of mind, but not someone to mess with.

"Jaypaw? Ravenpaw? Who in StarClan's name is that?" It seemed a little lucky that it was Stonecoat guarding, and not a less understanding cat like Grayblaze.

Stonecoat's leg is still slightly injured, makes sense he's resting it. Grayblaze, always a worker, was likely out in the territory, despite being injured as well. Well, hopefully he was out, and not waiting to pounce inside the camp.

"This is Rain. He's a friend," Ravenpaw answered, walking up to the gray tom. "Rain, this is Stonecoat, my older brother."

Rain dipped his head. "Nice to meet you," he had a slight tone of depression in his voice, but also some excitement, most likely for his daughter. There was also some worry, but Ravenpaw couldn't tell if it was fake or not.

"How did you meet him?" Stonecoat asked, then his fur began to bristle. "Was he in our territory?"

"No," Ravenpaw meowed quickly. "He was outside of it, looking for his kits. He's Maple's father."

Surprise ran through Stonecoat, and he mindlessly stepped back, allowing the tom's entry into the camp. Nodding his thanks, Ravenpaw led the old MothClan warrior up the final rocky steps. It seems most of the Clan had smelled Rain's strange scent or perhaps heard Stonecoat's first few words, for cats had drawn from dens or from where they were eating and were approaching the camp entrance.

"Why is there a stranger inside our camp?" Silverstrike growled, fur bristling. "Stonecoat!" he yowled. The gray tom flinched slightly, but stepped forward. "Why did you allow him in?"

"He's with me!" Ravenpaw quickly stood up for his brother.

"Oh, well if he's with an apprentice, then it's definitely safe," he meowed with heavy sarcasm, rolling his head.

"Knock it off! Ravenpaw isn't a normal apprentice, and you know that! You will respect a medicine cat and give him the chance to speak," Maskdapple hissed at him, tone hard.

"Feels like home," Rain muttered under his breath with complete calm, though he was feinting a worried expression.

"Let them explain themselves before you yowl your head off," Boulderclaw meowed smoothly, walking over from his spot he had been eating a finch with Snowfern, who was getting to her paws and shaking her short fur. She hurried over, giving Ravenpaw a lick on his ear before looking at Rain. She seemed uncomfortable having to look up at him, and softly drew her son away with her tail. Or at least she tried to, for Ravenpaw ignored the pulling tail, much to the surprise of both him and Snowfern.

"What's going on here?" Eagleclaw jumped from the leader's den, muscles moving smoothly.

"We were just getting to that," Silverstrike said with some exasperation, tail flicking in annoyance. Eagleclaw snorted at him, then looked at Ravenpaw, Jaypaw, and Rain. When Jaypaw looked at him, he found everybody else--almost the entire Clan was in the camp, even the apprentices--were staring at him. He turned his head slightly to the medicine cat's den, where he saw Mossrain watching with interest, while from the nursery across the clearing Goldenpool gazed out, no kits in sight. 

"Uh..." His throat was dry, anxiety rushing through him at all the sets of eyes on him, but he forced himself to swallow and begin, though rather unsteadily. "This... This is Rain... He's Maple's father..." He paused to think of what he was going to say, and the Clan murmured together, speaking of the kinship between the tom and the little kit they had rescued. What are the chances, their combined voices seemed to say to Ravenpaw, that this random loner is related to Maple?

Just breath, Ravenpaw told himself and cleared his throat. Slowly, the Clan quieted and looked at Ravenpaw expectantly. He knew he had to do this right and he forced his voice to be strong. "I found Rain on the Old Thunderpath right outside our territory." The lie stung his tongue like a bee sting, filling his throat. "He told us that his mate had died, but his kits nowhere to be found. He was searching for them. We asked their names, and he said Maple and Tumble.

"We brought him here, so he can be with Maple and take care of her. But..." Now the main lie was over, and he had to convince his suspicious Clanmates to let a stranger into their home as a friend. "I don't think they could survive on their own. Rain is weak physically after moons alone. He can still hunt and take care of himself, but a young kit as well? It would be moons before she could join him on hunts, and he couldn't leave her alone in a den while he went out hunting, could he? I mean, look what happened to his mate... He left, and she was attacked and killed by a fox. What would happen to a poor kit all on its own? And with leaf-bare coming..."

He felt bad for guilt-tripping his Clanmates, but he could see the sympathy in many of their gazes. Silverstrike, though, kept his eyes hard. "So what are you trying to suggest? We take him in? Try to teach him our ways as a Clan? I doubt he even knows what it means to have friends!"

Rain flinched, real pain and memories filling his eyes. Ravenpaw began to answer for the tom, not wanting to cause him more heartache, but Rain rested a tail on his shoulders. "Let me," he said softly, then faced the many cats before him. "After I found my dear Violet dead, I was lost, and I thought my kits had joined her. But you saved them, tried to help them. I know my poor son was lost, but you kept my daughter alive. You gave her to your queen and planned to raise her as a Clanmate, and I have messed that up. She does not know I'm here, and if you truly wish, I will leave now. I will not lay eyes on my daughter, my only living kin, and leave your home without looking back. If I was allowed to see her, I know I won't be able to leave her side without breaking even more. But I cannot raise her alone, in that dangerous world out there. I may not know your customs or ways of life, but I promise I could learn. If you still do not trust me by the time my daughter is old enough to hunt, I'll take her away from here and raise her out there, and pray to my ancestors for her survival."

His speech brought emotion to even Silverstrike's gaze, and the silver tabby lowered his eyes and said nothing. Many cats murmured condolences to him, while others kept quiet.

"I could never be torn away from my own kits," Boulderclaw murmured, gazing at Ravenpaw with pride, then trailing it to Jaypaw, and he gave his son a nod with a similar loving look. Both apprentices glowed with happiness.

Eagleclaw stepped forward, and the murmuring of cats went quiet as they waited for her judgment. Rain dipped his head to her in respect, then waited for her choice. "I do not have kits myself, nor a mate, so I don't completely understand the pain of losing them," she began, sending a vein of fear through Ravenpaw.

Surely she won't reject him? he thought scaredly.

"But," her single word sent relief through the young tom, "I do know what it's like to lose a father, and that is a pain I don't wish on young Maple. I will allow you to stay and prove yourself. If you can show us you can change to our ways and accept how we live, I will award you with a warrior name, to show your status. For now, you will stay as Rain, and your kit Maple. Snowfern, as you have no apprentice, you will assess his progress and make sure he learns our ways. Report to me with updates."

The white and black she-cat nodded and looked Rain over for a moment. He dipped his head to her, and she gave the smallest incline to acknowledge her acceptance.

"You will sleep in the elders' den, and Dappletail will move to the nursery," Eagleclaw decided.

"Please," Rain waited patiently until she finished, "allow me to sleep with my kit. She is all I have left."

Eagleclaw looked conflicted. "I do not know if I can truly trust you yet, and I don't believe Goldenpool would be comfortable sleeping alone in a den with you."

"Then set a guard!" Desperation cut though is voice, and he quickly shuffled backward, lowering his mew. "Please, I need to be with her..."

Eagleclaw hesitated, watching his expression. Then, finally, she said, "fine, you may sleep in the nursery." She turned to her Clan. "Any cat guarding the moorland entrance during the night will also be in charge of checking in on the nursery, and making sure nothing happens." She turned back to the tom. "Sorry for the mistrust."

He nodded his understanding. "Thank you for the chance. May... May I see her?"

"I'll take him," Ravenpaw said quickly. Eagleclaw nodded and led her cats to the rocks near the medicine cat's den to set up patrols.

"Ravenpaw, come see me when you're done!" Mossrain called from their den, and he nodded, a little scaredly, before leading Rain across the clearing. He saw Goldenpool's tail disappear inside, and was glad he wouldn't have to explain anything yet. They entered soon after her, and Ravenpaw took in the milky scent with relief. He always loved the smell and the warmth that swirled around him, taking him back to simpler days. 

"Ravenpaw," Goldenpool greeted him kindly, settling in her nest around the four kits. He approached her, brushing her muzzle with his then sniffing Stormkit, then Maple.

"That's her," he nuzzled the kit's light ginger coat, and she stirred slightly.

"She's beautiful..." Rain whispered, leaning close. Instinctively, Goldenpool hissed a warning, curling tighter around them. Rain drew back, surprised.

"Ravenpaw, why did you have to tell him which kit was her?" Goldenpool asked coldly. "He should know what she looks like."

Ravenpaw swallowed. "I promise, Goldenpool, I'll explain everything. But wait until tonight, where others can't overhear. There are others the truth has to be told to as well."

Suspicion echoed in Goldenpool's eyes. "Is he truly Maple's father?" she growled, locking eyes with the young apprentice.

"Yes, Goldenpool, he is. Maple is his kit, but he has not met her before. It was StarClan who led me to him," he added the last part when she looked angry, and her gaze instantly filled with curiosity and surprise. She withdrew her body from its protective curl, revealing the kits once again.

"You may take her, but I don't trust him near my kits," Goldenpool said to the apprentice, looking crossly at Rain. The tom dipped his head in understanding.

"Thank you." Leaning down, Ravenpaw gripped Maple in his jaws with soft teeth and brought her to a pile of unused moss. He scratched it out in an attempt to make a nest, but Rain took over and skillfully crafted one rather quickly. Thankful, Ravenpaw lay the small kit down. Rain stepped into the nest and curled against her back. With the cold moss mixing with the warm touch of fur, Maple opened her small, dull yellow eyes.

"Goldenpool?" she murmured tiredly. Ravenpaw couldn't help but look at the golden tabby and noticed the broken look in her gaze. She had been taking care of Maple for such a short time, but obviously already felt the she-kit was one of her own. Pain coursed through his heart. He felt awful for taking the little kit from her but knew it was necessary. It was the will of StarClan.

"No," Rain said softly in answer to the kit. "I'm Rain, your father."

"But... Isn't Oakcloud...?" her mew trailed off, and her eyes filled with a sudden realization. "No, Violet's my mother, not Goldenpool." A new flare of sadness etched the old medicine cat's gold eyes, and she tucked herself tightly around her remaining kits, hiding her face from Ravenpaw. "Violet talked about you..." Maple whispered, still staring at Rain. "She said you'd come back..."

Loss sparkled in the blue gaze. "Your mother was the bravest, smartest, and most beautiful cat I had ever met," Rain muttered back. "I can tell you all about her, if you want."

As Maple mewed a quiet and tired agreement, Ravenpaw forced himself to leave them alone. His paws hesitated, though, on the steps to his den. What did Mossrain want to talk about? Well, Rain, most likely. Would he see through the lie? It doesn't matter if he does, Ravenpaw told himself. You're going to tell him the truth anyway, right? 

Before, right after the Moonstream meeting with Violetfrost, Ravenpaw had been convinced that he shouldn't tell Mossrain, Goldenpool, and Eagleclaw the truth. But it was when he was included in the talk about voting for the battle that he had realized he couldn't keep it a secret. Mossrain and Goldenpool were medicine cats, and both his mentor. And Eagleclaw... while not in name, she was his leader. Acornstar not being present for Rain being allowed into the Clan was the main focus on that point. He didn't even know if she knew what had happened.

But that was exactly the point. He was treating his mentors and almost-leader like they weren't to be trusted. But he was too young to hold this information alone. They needed to know. And he would tell them tonight, in the nursery, once everyone was asleep and unable to overhear.

He stepped inside the darkness of the medicine cat den with no idea what he was going to say. Instantly, Mossrain was approaching him. Blossompaw was alone and sleeping, while Russetdawn was in the same state as always.

"You lied to me!" Mossrain said before Ravenpaw could think of what to say. "At the Moonstream, you didn't just learn Maple's name, did you? You learned of Rain, and where he was?"

"I--" He didn't know what he was going to answer, but Mossrain didn't give him a chance.

"There aren't any herbs over by the edge of the territory next to the Old Thunderpath, nothing we need right now, at least. So how did you find him? Was he actually in our territory? Or did StarClan show him to you?" He suddenly began pacing, tail lashing. "Ravenpaw, you've never lied before, as far as I know, and I haven't lied to you. Or at least, I don't think I have..." He shook his head roughly.

"Mossrain!" Ravenpaw had a desperate tone in his voice, and his mentor swung his head around to look at him. "Yes, I lied, and I'm sorry. I promise I'll explain everything, the completely honest truth. But we need to wait until it's night, and it's private. I'm going to be honest with Eagleclaw, as well, and Rain and I will answer any questions you have. You'll probably have more for him..." he let his mew trail off.

For a few moments, Mossrain looked unconvinced, then he finally meowed. "Okay, I'll trust you. Just... don't lie to me again, okay?"

"Okay," Ravenpaw answered. "I promise, never again."

Nodding, Mossrain hesitated for a moment, then leaned forward and rubbed his chin against Ravenpaw's briefly as a sign of trust and affection. Ravenpaw let out a weak purr. "Let's go through our herbs, shall we? We need to get ready for leaf-bare."

"Okay, Mossrain." Ravenpaw felt relief that things we were going back to normal for the moment, and joyfully joined his mentor at the store as he pulled out piles of herbs, setting a few in front of him. As he began to go through the leaves and berries, Mossrain spoke calmly to pass the time.

"I went to BatClan territory today, while you were sleeping. When I returned to find you gone, it reminded me of when you went to the Moonstream without letting me know. But Willowpaw told me where you'd gone. Did she know the truth?"

"No, she didn't." Feeling sad, Ravenpaw asked, "you went to BatClan to get the herbs, right? From Sandflight?"

"You remember that, do you?" Mossrain gave a soft sigh. "Sadly, that was a lie, purely to the BatClan warriors. They are too proud to take prey from us, but it is the main thing that keeps them alive. That kit they mentioned, the weak one? Her mother died kitting her, and her father just before that. It was a very early kitting, caused by the death of the father. If he hadn't died from starvation, if he had just managed to get the tiniest bit of prey, the mother wouldn't have kitted early, and the kit would still have its parents."

"That's awful..." Ravenpaw murmured, accidentally tearing a leaf in his distracted depression. Sighing, he threw it away to the side, to the pile of old, dying leaves and rotting berries no longer usable. "That poor kit..." It almost reminded him of Rain and Violetfrost. If he hadn't left, would her kits still be okay? Would Maple no longer be siblingless, living without her mother and just her father? But you can't change the past...

"They will not be able to live like that forever. One day, something will happen that will change the Clans for good..."

Sorry for the very long gap of no updates, I've been having some trouble with school right now and it's been hard to find time to write.

Question #1: What do you think will happen when Eagleclaw knows the truth? Mossrain? Goldenpool?

Question #2: Mossrain had some dire words for BatClan's future. Do you think they will get stronger, or fail as a Clan?

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