Chapter Four

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Ravenpaw was glad to return back to camp by the time night settled over the territory. The stretching shadows under the trees had scared him, only being out there with Willowpaw. Now, back at camp, he felt much calmer, his back fur clotted with cobwebs. His sister had a similar look, and they went to the medicine cat's den together.

Right as they entered, Mossrain was with them. He grabbed a large pawful of cobwebs from Willowpaw's back then was back at Grayblaze's side. The tom's leg was still bleeding, and instant worry traveled through Ravenpaw.

"Has it slowed down?" he meowed, hurrying to his mentor's side.

"A little. Now with cobwebs, I'll be able to hold it in much better. Put them all over there, please, then check on Brightflower. Use a poultice of goldenrod and dried oak then cover the wound with cobwebs. After that, I want you to do the same to Maskdapple and Frostfall. Goldenpool visited Jaypaw and Flamepaw while you were gone, they should be resting now. And I'll get Silverstrike in a little bit."

Ravenpaw nodded, then led Willowpaw over to the herb storage and removed the cobwebs from her fur. She did the same to him and touched her nose to his cheek before heading off. She nodded to Blossompaw, looking sadly at her sister, then left the den. The white and silver she-cat watched her sister leave sadly, then hardened her gaze and lay her head down.

Ravenpaw grabbed a pile each of dried oak and goldenrod, doing his best to ignore their mixed tang. He dipped his front paws into the water, then headed back to Brightflower. Crouching next to the young she-cat, he spat the paste onto one paw and began to lick the fur around the broken flesh.

Her eye flashed briefly to meet his. "Thanks," she murmured. He flicked his ear in response, looking at her with a glowing gaze, then continued to clean the wound. Once he knew it was ready, he licked up small amounts of the poultice at a time and licked it into the wound with the tip of his tongue. By the time he was finished it was bleeding slightly, but he quickly went and grabbed enough cobwebs to cover the long scratch down the poor she-cat's side. "Will it scar?" she muttered.

"Probably," Ravenpaw answered softly, licking the residue off his muzzle. "But your fur will grow back and cover it."

"Grow back?" she tried to raise her head up. Ravenpaw pushed her back down softly with a purr.

"You lost some fur around the wound from your attacker. It'll grow back and you'll look just as good as you did before."

Brightflower's eyes glowed for a moment in amusement, then faded. "We were the attackers--they were just defending themselves." Her mew was bitter.

"I know," he murmured. "But it's in the past. The only thing that matters now is that you're hurt and I'm here to help. Is your side hurting you?"

"Really bad," Brightflower murmured. "My muscles are on fire."

"Give her two poppy seeds; the first will stop the pain and the second will get her to sleep," Mossrain called over from Silverstrike's nest, where he was treating his injured pad.

"Okay," he answered back, going to the herb storage and shaking two seeds from a poppy head. He licked his pad and stuck them to his paw then limped awkwardly over to the young she-cat, displaying his paw out for her.

"Gross," she murmured with a twinkle in her eye, amusement in her mew. She licked the seeds from his pad then rested her head against the side of the nest, crossing her tongue over her muzzle, whiskers quivering. Ravenpaw watched her for a moment before grabbing herbs and heading to Maskdapple. He took the blood-stained cobwebs from the back of her neck, checking the teeth wounds dug deep into her skin. He licked away her fur then began to chew the two herbs.

"Ouch!" Silverstrike hissed. Ravenpaw looked over quickly. Mossrain was pulling his paw away from the silver and white tom.

"Accidently scratched him," Mossrain meowed to Ravenpaw, flicking his ears. "It happens."

Ravenpaw looked at him worriedly, then glanced at his paws. He waited a few moments, licking the poultice into Maskdapple's bite wounds. After he grabbed cobwebs and tied them into her fur, he meowed softly, "Mossrain, can I talk to you in the farther den? I really need to tell you something."

Mossrain hesitated, looking at Silverstrike's leg. He quickly wrapped it up then nodded to his apprentice. They headed into the back den, fur brushing at a few different moments. Once they entered the dark, cold cave, they sat facing each other. "What do you need to tell me?" Mossrain meowed, shifting impatiently on his paws.

"Nothing," Ravenpaw answered. "But I have a feeling you need to talk. You're making a lot of mistakes. I know you're a little clumsy but not this much--accidentally making Grayblaze bleed like that, scratching Silverstrike; why would you even have your claws out in the first place?"

Mossrain looked at his paws, stained with blood from healing all day. "I... I'm tired," he muttered.

"I'm tired, too," Ravenpaw said softly, still gazing at his mentor fearfully. "Goldenpool as well. We're not making mistakes. Please, Mossrain, talk to me. I'm worried."

His mentor raised his tormented hazel gaze. "My sister, father, and mother are bleeding out in the cave right next to us--how else should I be acting? I heard what Brightflower said. She obviously regrets the battle, and so does everyone else. It was completely useless, and was caused by our own leader," his mew was shockingly dark, and Ravenpaw shivered. Regret instantly seared Mossrain's eyes, and he dropped his head. "They are all injured for nothing... Ravenpaw, I have no idea what is going to happen to us. Acornstar is broken and will never lead us properly again and I truly do not know why. She was estranged when I was a kit but not as much as now. Something happened between Redcloud's death--even Appleleaf's--and now that shattered which was already cracked inside of her." He shook his head slowly, sighing. "Everything is falling apart."

"Not everything," Ravenpaw murmured.

"Yes!" Mossrain suddenly snapped. "Everything! Don't even get me started on MothClan--Eagleclaw has been too busy to talk to her about it but MothClan could be here tomorrow and there's nothing we can do about it!" He stood up, lashing his tail angrily.

"No, you're wrong!" Ravenpaw was surprised in his own voice rising. Mossrain seemed surprised, too, turning to look at him with wide eyes. "I talked to Rain, and he doesn't think MothClan will arrive for moons, for seasons. We're safe from them for now, and your family--they'll be okay. They're all strong cats, and they'll heal soon enough."

"And Acornstar?" Mossrain started to pace, seemingly not even registering Ravenpaw's words. "We can't just give her some herbs and get her better."

"How should I know?" Ravenpaw cried, suddenly breaking his calm manner. "I'm just an apprentice! A moon and a half ago I was playing with my littermates in the nursery, curling up against my mother's stomach every night--I don't know anything about anything! I'm just a kit!"

Mossrain stopped, looking at him with a frustrated sadness. "And I'm barely of age! Ravenpaw, you realize this is only my second leaf-bare, right? I was born only the greenleaf before last. And yet I am expected to make all these great decisions for the Clan--all of EchoClan is resting on me and Eagleclaw. And yes Eagleclaw isn't young but she is at heart, and she is still hiding in her mother's shadow despite guiding her for moons."

Ravenpaw looked at him silently as his mentor's gaze turned dark. "Eagleclaw talked to me recently. She had been watching you, as a kit. Same as Goldenpool. They both had already talked about you becoming a medicine cat apprentice, if you asked for it. Eagleclaw told Acornstar to allow you to become one if Goldenpool ever came to ask. Don't you see?" Mossrain stepped closer. "Even when she seemed calm, Acornstar was broken. But it's worse now. And I don't know why." He scratched his claws over the stone.

Feeling weak and scared, Ravenpaw forced himself forward, curling around Mossrain and pressing against his side. "There's nothing we can do about it right now. We just have to wait and see, don't we?"

Once again, Mossrain sighed. "Great StarClan, what is wrong with our Clan?" his mew suddenly sounded broken, and he stared at his paws.

"I don't know," Ravenpaw answered.

Mossrain shook out his fur, forcing himself to harden his gaze. "Well, we're not getting anything done just standing here. I'll finish up the rest of the cats, you get some rest. It's been a long day."

Ravenpaw wished he would've argued to stay and talk more, but he knew his mentor was right. So he followed Mossrain into the other den and collapsed into his den. Almost instantly, he realized his fatigue. His paws ached from working all day, and even his jaw hurt from chewing so many herbs. As he lay in his nest, he realized that his paws were stained with blood, and he began to lick them slowly. The taste was harsh on his tongue, and he stopped after just a few moments. Sighing, he let his eyes flutter closed.

He listened to the sound of Mossrain working, of shifting cats, and the steady breathing of the cats already sleeping. Slowly, calmly, he drifted off.

Ravenpaw didn't dream, but he did register that he was asleep, which was a weird feeling. Everything was black and silent, and he felt more relaxed than ever.

Wake up, a voice whispered softly in his ear, familiar yet strange.

He decided to ignore the voice, despite his better judgment. He was tired and he liked the peacefulness of the deep, neverending blackness of his mind.

Wake up! The voice was sharper this time.

He felt the blackness loosen, and he peeled open his eyes. Everything was still dark, and there was a strange feeling in the den. Shapes rested peacefully in their nests, all except one. It was slim yet muscular, with ruffled, dirty fur that had no color in the darkness. The cat stood over Blossompaw's nest, where his sister was still sleeping, side moving up and down slowly in peaceful sleep.

"You can't destroy my Clan..." the cat spoke quietly. "I will not let them fall to you. I must save them." As his eyes adjusted, Ravenpaw was shocked to see the ginger-brown pelt of Acornstar. What was she doing here, and what was she saying? Suddenly, she raised a paw, and he saw her flashing claws. "You cannot have them!"

"No!" Ravenpaw's hoarse, terrified voice cut through the air as Acornstar swiped down. She startled, jumping back before making contact. Eyes flashed throughout the den as cats woke, and Mossrain jumped to his paws in a flash, eyes wide and fur on end.

In the moments the cats were frozen in shock, Acornstar took her chance and fled from the den. In an instant, all his tiredness forgotten, Ravenpaw was after her, though he didn't know what he would do if he actually got to her. It didn't matter, for the moment he left the den he was surrounded by white. Snow rushed down, attacking his fur and filling his ears. It swirled through the dark air and obstructed his vision.

He heard the cat on guard yowl in surprise as Acornstar rushed past them to get into the forest, but he could only see shapes. After a moment, the cat appeared, revealing Boulderclaw. "What's going on?" he called through the loud, rushing air. Mossrain appeared a moment later, repeating the question himself.

"Acornstar tried to kill Blossompaw!" he cried. "I saw her and she ran out of camp."

In an instant, Boulderclaw was trying to push into the den, but Mossrain kept him back. "She's fine! Get back to the entrance, and let me know when Acornstar comes back! She won't be out there for long in this storm." Forcing himself to nod, Boulderclaw started to fight his way back to his original place, but Mossrain added loudly after him, "keep this to yourself for now! We'll go talk to Eagleclaw!"

Boulderclaw looked back, hesitating, then nodded again and went back to the entrance. Mossrain flicked his tail to Ravenpaw and they made their way to the leader's den, the storm blistering their pelts. The stepping stones over the pond were slick with sleet, and the waterfall, the stream blistering mist in the wind, sprayed their pelts with a heavy mist.

Mossrain was in front of him, moving hurriedly, claws scratching through the snow. Without warning, the gray tom's paws slipped out from the stones, and he fell into the water, splashing water everywhere. Freezing droplets touched Ravenpaw's fur, melding with that of the snow forming a steady white layer on his back. "Are you okay?" he asked worriedly, peering into the dark water.

Mossrain stood silently, his short fur flat and dripping. "I'm fine. Come on." He shook his fur, despite still standing belly-deep in the pool. He dragged himself out, shaking his pelt again before padding deeper into the den. Ravenpaw continued over the stones, going carefully until he reached the cave.

Already, Eagleclaw was rising herself out of her nest. She hadn't been sleeping in the den for long, but since Acornstar really started to go downhill, her daughter had been trying to keep a closer eye on her. Obviously, it had not worked too well. "What's going on?" she asked tiredly, then her eyes flickered to her mother's nest, and alarm let her gaze. "Where is she?"

"Gone, out of camp," Mossrain sighed, padding forward and shaking out his coat.

Stumbling on her paws, Eagleclaw hurried to the entrance of the den, looking fearfully out into the snowstorm. "Why? What happened?" She whipped her gaze back to the two toms. "Why did she leave?"

"She..." Mossrain suddenly lost his cold demeanor from outside and raised a weak, scared gaze. "She tried to kill Blossompaw."

For a moment, Eagleclaw was frozen in shock. After a few moments, she shook out her fur, letting out a shaking breath. "Why? How?" She seemed surprisingly calm, though her ears were flat and her eyes were hard, gazing downward.

"I heard a voice in my head, when I was sleeping," Ravenpaw explained softly. "It told me to wake up. And when I did, I saw Acornstar standing over Blossompaw's nest. She was muttering something, about Blossompaw destroying the Clan, and that she couldn't let that happen. I... I cried out, and she ran. She left camp, and so we came here."

"We told Boulderclaw, who was on guard, not to mention it yet," Mossrain added.

Eagleclaw was silent for a few moments, then she whispered, "did she say Blossompaw's name?"

"What?" Both Mossrain and Ravenpaw voiced their confusion, looking at each other briefly before turning back to their deputy.

"When she was standing over Blossompaw, what exactly did she say?" Eagleclaw stepped closer to Ravenpaw, her gaze hard and unreadable.

Ravenpaw swallowed fearfully. "Uh, she said that Blossompaw, or, well, she said 'you'. Like 'you can't destroy my Clan', I think. That they wouldn't fall to her, and that she had to save us. She said 'you cannot have them'. She never mentioned Blossompaw. I... I thought she was talking to Blossompaw, but... Now that I think about it, it seemed so much more personal, like she was talking to a different cat. One she knew." He looked up, feeling so lost and confused. "Is Acornstar truly insane?"

"I don't think so," Eagleclaw whispered. She turned away and began to pace, tail lashing. "I remember, moons and moons ago, when I was still a young warrior far from deputyship. It was after she lost her litter, right after she lost Redcloud..." Eagleclaw's voice broke slightly, but she forced it away with a shake of her head. "I was broken, too. I tried visiting her, but she was ignoring everything. She was talking to herself, whispering about a cat who had destroyed her life, and was taking everything from her. That they were destroying her Clan, and that she couldn't let her have them."

"That's just like what she told Blossompaw," Ravenpaw whispered. "I don't understand... It truly seems like she's talking to someone else. Like she wasn't seeing Blossompaw at all."

"Perhaps she wasn't," Mossrain whispered.

They stood silently after that, listening to the quiet, rushing storm outside, wondering when Acornstar would enter the camp again, and what she would say for herself. Maybe, finally, they would get some answers.

Great StarClan I love this story. It's, quite honestly, my pride and joy. I get to put everything into it, to push my emotions into these cats. They feel real to me, which is odd to say since they are just words on a computer screen. But also, Ravenpaw is based on my own cat, Jinx. But even Mossrain, and Eagleclaw, and Jaypaw and every other cat (Except Boulderclaw, as he is entirely based on my other cat, Sasha) just feels real. They have their own emotions, their own lives--they are alive. More alive than me, sometimes. I'm just watching their lives. This is weird to say. I hope you like the story.

Question #1: What do you think will happen when Acornstar returns?

Question #2: Why do you think Acornstar is like this? Do you think it is a recent pain, or old ones finally piling over?

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