Chapter Seventeen

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The patrol had been away from EchoClan for seven sunrises now, and Ravenpaw had never felt such a strong longing for home. He missed the smell of the medicine cats' den, Mossrain's rants about nothing, the crash of the waterfall that he never noticed until it was gone--but stronger than anything else, he missed his mother. He missed the soft heather smell of her fur after she went hunting on the moor, and the feeling of her short coat after it was freshly washed.

Ravenpaw felt Jaypaw stir beside him, his thick fur messy and dirty with bits of dry moss from their makeshift nest. Uncomfortable from the low amount of moss under him, he rolled onto his back, feeling a light sting of pain. The previous night the only place they had found to sleep was under some ferns right next to a thorn bush, and Ravenpaw had awoken during the night with the sharp thorns scratching his back. Luckily, he had found dock early the next morning and now the light wounds were healing well, and barely annoyed him when walking. Sleeping, on the other paw, was a different matter.

The medicine cat felt himself slipping in and out of sleep, hearing the pawsteps of a few cats leaving when the sun was still dull. The next thing he knew, broken streams of sunlight was shining on his face and he could hear the pawsteps returning, the scent of fresh prey flooding his scent glands. With a groan, he rolled over, feeling Jaypaw shift beside him, opening his white jaws into a large yawn.

"I'm starving," the gray and white apprentice complained, shaking his head to clear it of sleep.

"Good thing we have prey," Shadefur's meow sounded from outside their small den under a thick bush. Licking his jaws and stretching his legs, Ravenpaw forced himself to his paws and slipped out of the den, blinking at the cold sunlight. Icy snow stung his paws, and he shivered at the wind attacking his dense, short coat. He felt slightly jealous of Jaypaw, who fluffed his heavy fur the moment he appeared from the bush.

Everybody else of the patrol was already awake, beginning to settle down in order to eat the prey just caught. Ravenpaw started for his father, but he couldn't help but notice Rain was apart from the group, sniffing at a mouse at his paws. "Ravenpaw, this is for you." Boulderclaw pushed half a squirrel through the snow--Frostfall was eating the other half by Silverstrike's side.

Ravenpaw went to the squirrel, not knowing what to do. Finally, he grabbed the squirrel after thanking his father, then padded quietly over to Rain and settling by the tom. Ravenpaw didn't look at his Clanmates, not wanting to see their response--what if Boulderclaw was disappointed? Shaking the fear out of his mind, Ravenpaw began to eat. He knew Rain was appreciative, and after a moment the tom tucked into his own prey. 

After their meal, the Clan cats sat in a comfortable silence as they cleaned their fur and completely woke up. Frostfall had went back to the den in order to catch Acornstar's scent, which they had found under the bush. She followed it back out, going through the snow with obvious concentration. How she could scent the she-cat Ravenpaw didn't know--he had tried to catch the leader's scent, and only found it if he tried as hard as he could on something she had rubbed against. But somehow, Frostfall had managed to follow the trail even on open ground; she could obviously smell much better than any of the other cats.

"We should head out," she called over to them.

"Then let's," Silverstrike meowed, getting to his paws and shaking this thick coat of the snow that was stuck to his belly. The rest of the patrol followed suit, and as they walked Ravenpaw moved to walk beside Jaypaw, watching his brother walk. He was healing well, with only his shoulder still injured. He had the tiniest limp, but it didn't seem to bother him much. The only other cat he hurried about was Silverstrike, who's scratched pad wasn't getting better but wasn't worse either. Ravenpaw had checked it last night and it was free from infection, but still slightly opened. The snow was, luckily, protecting it from injury, but if the tom walked too long his limp would get worse and he could occasionally bleed lightly.

Frostfall led them along the Thunderpath for a little while before crossing to the other side, slipping through bushes and pausing where Acornstar had hunted a mouse--the ground had been too frozen to bury the prey, so instead a pile of snow had been scooped over it. But they hadn't been going for too long when the she-cat suddenly stopped, raising her head with flicking ears, nose twitching.

"There are cats up ahead," she said softly. "Coming toward us."

Ravenpaw opened his jaws to take in scents, but there was nothing. He strained his ears to listen, and after a few heartbeats he heard a tiny sound, a distant voice he couldn't make out. "In the bushes, now," Silverstrike ordered, and the cats separated, tucking down into snowy bushes. Ravenpaw crouched next to Boulderclaw with Jaypaw against him, and his father rubbed against the base of a bush, showering them with snow.

"Stay still," he ordered. "The snow will hide you." Ravenpaw nodded quietly, feeling the cold snow begin to melt and chill his skin. He saw the other cats of the patrol, but knew he could only see them because he knew they were there. Frostfall was almost completely hidden, only her bright blue eyes visible.

After many moments, three cats slipped from the bushes. They were young, likely barely seven moons old. The one in the front was a gray tabby tom, with his eyes quite striking--one was a bright, glowing amber and the other a deep forest green. Behind him were two brown tabby she-cats, one a little lighter with green eyes and the other darker with amber eyes.

They continued past the cats without saying anything, but Ravenpaw noticed one of the she-cats, the lighter one, was limping slightly, a trail of blood down one back leg. Suddenly, the tom stopped. He sniffed the air, and his fur bristled. "Who's there?" he called, looking around warily, but his eyes went right over the Clan cats.

Ravenpaw saw Silverstrike nodding to each member of the patrol, and after a moment they appeared together, the six cats slipping from the bushes like silent shadows. Ravenpaw and Jaypaw quietly followed their father a moment later, keeping close to his side. The moment the patrol appeared, the young tom instantly slid out his claws, facing them with surprising bravery. Both his sisters joined him, fluffing their fur and flattening their ears.

"Don't do anything stupid, kits," Silverstrike warned.

"We're not here to fight," the tom said, with surprising voice. He didn't sound scared, despite the fact he was so young and facing so many large, intimidating warriors.

"Neither are we," Silverstrike answered, though his mew was curt and a little cold.

"Then why hide in the bushes?" the tom countered, flashing his eyes between the cats, like he was making sure none of them were going to attack.

"We didn't know who you were, or how many of you there were." Silverstrike eyed the young tom curiously. "You're either brave or stupid," he added, "standing up to us like this."

"I'll protect my family no matter what," the gray tabby hissed. "Like my mother and father did." He shifted his weight, getting into a better attack stance.

"And where are they?" Boulderclaw asked, his tone much kinder, though still guarded. Ravenpaw noticed a strange look in his father's eyes, and he was watching the gray tabby with a strange intensity. 

The young tom watched him for a moment, then finally responded, "dead". 

The patrol was instantly stalled in their hostility. "For how long?" Frostfall asked softly.

The young tom hesitated. He looked at his sisters, and the one with darker fur gave a small nod. Together, the young cats lowered their fur and slid their claws back in. Looking rather grateful, the light brown tabby got down to her belly, her leg obviously paining her. Ravenpaw had to hold himself back from moving forward to check on her. "Our father died before we were born," meowed the dark brown tabby, her voice soft and quiet.

"Our mother just half a moon ago." The light brown tabby looked at her paws as she spoke, the sadness in her mew obvious.

"I'm sorry for your loss," Boulderclaw meowed sincerely, his tail low in the snow.

"Where are you headed?" Silverstrike questioned.

"To her home," the light brown tabby meowed.

"And where's that?" Silverstrike eyed them curiously.

"We don't know, exactly," the tom meowed, looking at both his sisters briefly. "She mentioned the Thunderpath and those mountains, but... She died before she could finish." He had nodded to the mountains barely visible through the leafless trees--the exact mountains the Clan cats had come from.

For a few moments, the Clan cats looked around at each other, then Silverstrike meowed, "what are your names?"

"I'm Rock," the gray tabby meowed. "After my father," he added proudly.

"I'm Pine," said the dark brown tabby.

"Lark," meowed the last. 

"And your mother's?" Boulderclaw asked.

"Robin," answered Lark.

Silverstrike nodded slowly, while Boulderclaw continued to stare, his eyes staring down Rock like he was thinking hard. Are they Clan cats? Ravenpaw wondered silently, sizing them up. They looked like they could've been, but what about their names, and their parents'? Had Robin changed her name like Violetfrost had? Sudden fear washed through Ravenpaw--what if they were from MothClan?

He looked over at Rain, and the tom caught his eye. Almost as if he knew the question on the young tom's mind, he gave a tiny shake of his head. Ravenpaw instantly trusted his judgment--he would've known if a Robin and Rock were in MothClan--there had once a Robinpaw in MothClan, but they had been a tom and died many moons ago. And if there had been a Rock, Rain obviously didn't think they could father these kits before them.

"Has she ever mentioned something called a Clan?" Silverstrike asked.

"No," Rock said.

"What's a Clan?" Pine asked.

"A group of cats that live and survive together," Frostfall answered. "We help each other, keep each other safe."

"There are four," Shadefur meowed. "We live by the Thunderpath on the other side of the mountains." 

All the kits looked curious. "Do you think our mother is from your Clan? Or one of them?" A glint of excitement glowed in Rock's eyes.

"We wouldn't know," Silverstrike meowed.

"We could direct you to our territory. See what Eagleclaw thinks?" Stonecoat added the second part to his Clanmates.

"They couldn't go alone," Frostfall argued. "They'd need someone to explain to Eagleclaw."

"I'll go."

Ravenpaw was surprised by the speed of Boulderclaw's mew, and sadness flickered in his heart. Boulderclaw noticed his depressed look.

"They need a guide," he said softly. "I know you'll do fine without me."

"I can bring them back instead," Shadefur meowed, a particular gleam in his eyes.

Boulderclaw scoffed softly. "Mossrain will do fine without you, Shadefur," he said in amusement. "No, I can go back. Just keep my family safe, Silverstrike," he added to his brother.

"Always," Silverstrike answered without hesitation. "Be safe, Boulderclaw."

"Always," he responded back, then looked at the three young loners. "You're okay with this, of course?"

Rock looked at his sisters, then nodded. "We're tired of living alone," he said. "We don't need cats to look after us, but... It would be nice to know someone other than these two." He jerked his head to his sisters.

Quietly, Ravenpaw pressed against his father. "I should check Lark's wound," he whispered to him.

Boulderclaw nodded. "Why don't we rest for a while? We can hunt for you three, get up your strength a little, if you're hungry?"

"Starving!" Pine meowed. "We haven't eaten yet today."

"Let's change that then. While we hunt, my son Ravenpaw will check that wound of yours, Lark."

After a nod from Boulderclaw, the black apprentice moved forward to the light tabby. She looked a little wary, but shifted so he could look at her back leg. "I fell into some thorns," she said softly.

"More than some," Ravenpaw murmured, leaning forward to lick away the blood. He was strangely used to the harsh taste, and it didn't bother him. The she-cat flinched slightly but tried to stay still.

"You know about healing?" she asked curiously.

"I'm a medicine cat apprentice," he explained. When she looked confused, he said, "I work with herbs to heal my Clan. I'm only learning right now, but I'll know more eventually."

"What are you going to use on my leg?"

"Whatever I can find," he muttered in response, sitting up. "Dock would probably be easier to find than goldenrod..." And with nothing else to say, Ravenpaw turned and padded off mindlessly, his nose in the air in search for the tangy smell of dock. He heard pawsteps, and looked to see Rain was following him.

The tom let him work in silence, searching the woods with eyes and nose. It seemed luck was on his side, today, because he spotted a snowy patch of dock quite quickly. Hurrying over, he shook it free of snow and chose the best looking leaves, then turned and went back to Lark, feeling quite safe with Rain beside him.

No cat had returned from hunting yet, but as Ravenpaw settled and began to chew Shadefur and Stonecoat returned with a mouse, and then Silverstrike and Frostfall with, surprisingly, a rabbit. As the patrol had just ate, they let the young loners take the prey and settled down to share tongues. 

Lark was distracted with her mouse and barely reacted to Ravenpaw's work, and he leaned back with chewed dock staining his muzzle and paws. "Try not to rub it against anything," he suggested.

"It feels better already," Lark meowed happily. "Medicine cats seem quite helpful!"

Stung with embarrassment, Ravenpaw gave an awkward nod then went back to Boulderclaw, curling up by his father's side. The large tom gave him a reassuring lick on the forehead. "Don't worry, little one," he meowed, "you'll be back to the Clan soon. I'm sure Acornstar isn't far."

"I hope not," Ravenpaw murmured. Anxiety rumbled in his stomach about his father leaving, and for a brief moment he wished he would be leaving with him.

I've found it a lot easier to write recently, more because I've found a good time to do it. I already have the next Chapter almost done, and so now (hopefully) I'll always have a Chapter done by the time I post the one before it, just in case I can't find the motivation to write for a while I can have extra time by posting the next Chapter. I don't know if that makes sense, but hopefully it does. And hopefully you enjoyed, too!

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