Chapter Twenty-Two

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"We must be just a day or two behind her," Frostfall meowed as the sun started to set on a cold day, sending shadows streaking through the forest. Her and Silverstrike had been leading the patrol at a steady pace, and it seemed they were finally closing the final stretch of distance.

"We'll keep moving for a while longer," Silverstrike decided, pausing for a moment to scratch behind his ear. "Hopefully we'll find her in the next few dawns, if we move fast enough."

Ravenpaw noticed the tom was still limping slightly on his forepaw. All the other patrol members had healed from their wounds, but the constant moving had stopped the senior warrior's paw from getting better, though the snow kept the tom's wound clean of infection, as well as the occasional stalk of marigold or horsetail--Ravenpaw would like dried oak much more, but in leaf-bare it was almost impossible to come by.

As he continued on, he sensed a strange uneasiness in the air, and realized after a little while that it was coming from Rain, who was walking a little behind the group. No one else seemed to have noticed, with Jaypaw intent on listening to a story from Stonecoat and Shadefur, who talked and laughed with their fur brushing, and Silverstrike was intent on watching Frostfall sniff out the trail.

Ravenpaw let his pawsteps slow until he was walking with the lonely tom, letting the rest of the patrol draw forward slightly. "Are you okay?" the apprentice asked softly, hoping that the tom would be honest if no one could overhear.

"No," he murmured truthfully. "I've traveled this forest before." He looked to his right, where Ravenpaw knew the Old Thunderpath lay just out of sight, hidden by thin leaf-bare undergrowth. "MothClan territory... It's close. Just a little away from the other side of the path." Fear twisted in his mew. "I dread to imagine what would happen if Acornstar runs into a patrol... Or if we do."

"We could fight them off, right?" Ravenpaw asked.

"Maybe," Rain muttered. "Depending on who was actually on the patrol, I guess. They would fight to the death, and if they were defeated you could trust a patrol would be sent after us."

StarClan, please let us pass unharmed, Ravenpaw prayed. He knew StarClan was far away from him, but he hoped even under a strange sky he had kind eyes watching. "It seems like we're going away from it, though, right?"

"We'll see where the trail leads," Rain answered grimly.

Ravenpaw had been hopeful at first, as Acornstar's trail slowly veered away from the Old Thunderpath, but as the shadows over the forest deepened and the sky got darker Frostfall turned back toward the direction of MothClan territory.

Ravenpaw felt his bubbling anxiety twist in his stomach as they traveled closer and closer to the Old Thunderpath. To think MothClan had such a straight shot to his home... Is that how Firebreeze found it? Had he just traveled along the path until he stumbled upon the perfect territory to build a Clan full of killers with hearts blackened, void of love and happiness?

What a horrible life they must live.

Ravenpaw saw the stiffness growing in Rain as they crossed back onto the Old Thunderpath. Frostfall suddenly raised her nose into the air. "I smell water," she meowed.

"Perhaps Acornstar went over to get a drink," Stonecoat meowed.

"She could still be there," Shadefur added.

By the look on Rain's face, she would be in trouble if she was. He opened his mouth to say something, then quickly shut it. He obviously didn't have a way to tell them not to go without giving away the secret.

Ravenpaw knew he had permission to tell the patrol about MothClan, but it would be so hard to explain, and what would Silverstrike do to Rain if he knew the tom once belonged to the strange Clan?

No. He would stay quiet for as long as he could and hope they got by unnoticed. But fear continued to twist and tug at his stomach, and he found himself drifting closer to Rain as they traveled. The tom seemed just as uneasy as Ravenpaw was, and when the river came into view the tom stumbled momentarily. "This is the border to the territory," Rain whispered under his breath, barely loud enough for Ravenpaw to hear.

StarClan protect us, Ravenpaw begged as the patrol stopped by the side of the river. It was frozen over, but a chunk of the ice had been broken to show the water underneath, though a new film had begun to creep over. Silverstrike leaned down to take a few laps, shivering at the touch of the cold water. Then he stepped back to let the rest of the patrol go forward.

But Frostfall was frozen in place, sniffing intently at the chilled breeze. Rain was watching her closely. "It smells likes cats live around here," she meowed after a moment. Rain's claws slid out in anxiety. "I think they've marked the territory."

Bunching her muscles, the white she-cat leaped over the river. Rain opened his jaws to call out a warning, but stopped himself, backing up and looking surprisingly small. His body was tense, like he was ready to run. Ravenpaw couldn't help but copy him, while the rest of the patrol watched Frostfall curiously.

"There's a lot of different smells," Frostfall murmured. "Almost like a border patrol."

"Maybe we should see if they saw Acornstar?" Shadefur suggested.

"No!" Rain gasped before he could stop himself. Everyone looked over.

"What's the matter?" Silverstrike asked. "Don't you want to find Acornstar? These cats could help."

"No, they--" Rain was cut off by Frostfall.

"Quiet!" the she-cat hissed with a flick of her tail, mouth open and nose twitching. "I smell cats coming." She looked deeper into the trees across from the river.

Rain took a step back. "Run," he whispered.

"What?" Silverstrike tilted his head in confusion.

"Run!" Rain hissed, whipping around and racing away as fast as his paws could carry him. With barely any hesitation, Ravenpaw sprang after him. But he didn't hear pawsteps, and he skidded to a stop and looked behind him.

The patrol looked at him in confusion. "Trust Rain!" Ravenpaw cried. "Run!"

Sudden realization rushed to Jaypaw's gaze, and he was racing for his brother. After a brief hesitation, Silverstrike led the three other warriors after them. Ravenpaw ran as fast as he could, following Rain's tracks through the snow. MothClan's going to follow us, he thought fearfully. Rain, I hope you have a plan... 

The tom had paused to wait for them not far up ahead, but started running again the moment they got close. "Follow me!" he growled.

"Rain, slow down! Tell us what's going on!" Silverstrike yowled.

"Keep it down!" the gray tabby hissed.

He led them at a relentless run, and Ravenpaw heard painful intakes of breath from Silverstrike. Ravenpaw knew instinctively his paw wound must've opened wider. But they kept running. They ran and ran until Ravenpaw thought he would drop, then they ran more. Rain never looked back and never slowed down, dodging trees and undergrowth with swift, skillful movements.

Something came into view in front of them--a tall wall of wood, with large, strange objects behind it. Ravenpaw recognized it immediately, from his visits to the past with Echo. "A Twolegplace!" he gasped.

"Don't stop!" Rain growled. "Stay close and follow me no matter what!"

They neared the fence, and without hesitation Rain leaped, dug his claws into the wood, and swarmed over the side. The patrol, even Ravenpaw, skidded to a stop. "Into a Twolegplace?" Silverstrike growled. "No way! We don't know our way around."

"Get over here!" Rain called from the other side. "Now!"

"We'll stick to the forest, thanks!" Shadefur called.

"He seems pretty rattled," Frostfall murmured, "are you sure we shouldn't join him?"

"We have to," Ravenpaw told the cats with the most amount of bravery he could summon, but it wasn't much. Fear shivered through his spine at the idea of going into the Twolegplace; something was tugging him back into the protection of the forest, but there was also a strange pull to the Twolegplace in front of him. "I trust Rain, with everything I have." He looked Silverstrike right in the eyes, forcing courage. "We need to go."

Silverstrike watched him for a moment, then gave a stiff nod. "Everybody, up and over."

The cats hooked their claws into the wood and climbed. Ravenpaw looked out into the Twolegplace--a large den loomed in front of them, lined up with others as far as he could see.

"Hurry up!" Rain was standing in the snow, looking up at them. "I know this Twolegplace, I can lead us."

"You lived here?" Silverstrike panted as he jumped down, the patrol quietly following him. The ground was cold and the grass felt short and stiff underneath.

"Close by," Rain murmured, with the briefest glance at Ravenpaw. He didn't seem to want to reveal his secret, and Ravenpaw respected that completely.

"Is that why we ran from the rogues?" Silverstrike asked, still struggling to catch his breath.

Rain nodded. "They're... Merciless. The moment they saw you they would've marked you, and no matter how far you run you wouldn't survive."

Are you marked, Rain? Ravenpaw wondered, his chest heaving and his breath hot. Do you think MothClan is coming after you?

"Then shouldn't we keep moving?" Silverstrike asked, checking over his shoulder at the fence as if he imagined the "rogues" appearing then and there.

"Definitely," Rain answered, shaking his coat and trying to steady his breathing. "It's possible Acornstar ended up here, too. Most cats do." He shook his head. "Stay close, and do as I say."

Turning, Rain sniffed the air then hurried along toward the Twoleg den. The patrol kept close to him, keeping to the fence that ran between the den and the one next to it. Rain led them into a small pathway between the fence and den, where tall objects shined silver in the growing moonlight.

Rain flicked his tail to the silver objects, which had multiple odors coming from within it, some harsh and others sour. "That's a trash can. Twolegs throw unfinished food and things in there. Sometimes cats will eat from there if they have to."

Silverstrike curled his muzzle in disgust, while Shadefur murmured to Stonecoat, "dare you to eat from it."

Jaypaw slid to Ravenpaw's side, and the medicine cat apprentice took comfort in the feeling of his brother's thick coat. "It was MothClan, wasn't it?" he breathed in Ravenpaw's ear. The little black tom nodded quietly. Jaypaw responded with a nod, but didn't say anything else.

They followed Rain down the thin pathway and up another fence. On the other side was a brief stretch of snowy grass, then a Thunderpath clean of snow. Even as they watched, a heavy rumbling began to shake the ground and pound in their ears, and a giant object flashed past, bright yellow eyes sending streaks through the darkening day.

"Is that a monster?" Ravenpaw gasped, shivering in fear. He hadn't seen the monsters that came into EchoClan territory when they found the dead Twoleg, and he was glad he hadn't--the giant creatures looked terrifying!

"Yes, don't worry--they don't leave the Thunderpath," Rain soothed. "And there's not as many during the night." He led them forward to the edge of the path, sniffing the snow. "The path will cover our scent, so we'll have to pass. I know a good place to find mice, it's been there since I was a kit so I doubt it's gone yet."

He looked up and down the path with a quiet intensity.

"When I say go, race across the path and don't stop until you reach the other side. I'll run behind to help anyone who may trip." Rain backed up so the patrol could line up by the side of the black path, and he looked up and down again, ears pricked. It seemed silent, and Rain growled, "now!"

The patrol raced forward. The path was harsh against Ravenpaw's pads, and he couldn't help but worry about Silverstrike. He noticed the tom falling behind, but trusted Rain's orders and kept himself moving until soft snow touched his paws. He slowed to a stop, his muscles sore and burning after so much running through the day. He desperately wanted to rest, but he would follow Rain as far as the tom wanted to go.

Rain slipped to the front again and led them down the edge of the Thunderpath, past multiple Twoleg dens. Many had a yellow glow from within them, while some were dark and quiet. Rain seemed surprisingly brave, but Ravenpaw and his Clanmates bunched together, ears perked to make sure nothing was coming.

Silverstrike was leaving a trail of blood with each step he took, but he kept a brave face and forced himself onward. Ravenpaw hoped he would find some type of herb wherever Rain was taking them.

Eventually, the Thunderpath split off in two directions, one into the forest and one to more rows of dens, and Rain led them deeper into the Twolegplace, briefly sniffing at one of the trash cans in front of a den. They ended up crossing a few more Thunderpaths, moving deeper into the Twolegplace until the sky was dark and filling with stars. Ravenpaw noticed they looked slightly fainter, harder to see. 

"There it is," Rain said suddenly, a small white cloud coming from his jaws. Ravenpaw looked to where Rain was, over a huge area of smooth black rock, almost like a giant Thunderpath, to a grassy area with strange Twoleg objects around, with short oak trees scattered around. "It's called a... park, I believe. Twolegs take their kits here to play. It's empty at night, though, except for other cats."

"And what's with this area in front of us?" Silverstrike limped forward and sniffed at the black ground.

"It's where Twolegs leave their monsters during the day," Rain explained. "There's one over there, though they usually aren't here at night." He nodded his head to the edge of the area, where a dark shape sat in the snow. "Don't worry, it sleeps unless it has a Twoleg in it, and Twolegs are usually in their dens at night."

"Usually?" Shadefur looked over with an ear flicking. "That's comforting."

"Twolegs are scared of the dark," Rain meowed, shrugging. "Come, let's get over to the park--other cats will start to come when it gets late. You can usually find some mice and squirrels roaming around, and Ravenpaw you might find some herbs, but I couldn't say for sure."

"Are these other cats dangerous?" Frostfall asked, with an anxious look at Ravenpaw and Jaypaw. Ravenpaw felt comforted by the she-cat's worry--he had never felt too close to the white she-cat, but yet she was scared for him. She obviously had the makings of a good mother, and he wondered why she hadn't had kits yet.

She will soon, he reminded himself. Frostfall would have kits by the time newleaf came.

"No, most cats are fearful of groups around here." A shiver ran through his fur, and he started forward across the empty space. The Clan cats followed him, and Silverstrike winched slightly with his steps. It seemed his injury was getting harder to ignore.

"Why are the cats fearful?" Stonecoat asked after a few moments. "Aren't any of them the slightest bit brave?"

"Of course--you have to be in order to be a loner in the Twolegplace," Rain meowed, "but, well, the rogues come here sometimes, usually in newleaf and greenleaf but sometimes in the other two seasons as well."

"Why do they come here?" Shadefur asked in surprise. "Don't they have everything they need in that forest?"

"They do." Rain hesitated, tail flicking. He must be regretting what he said, but knew he couldn't back away. "They... they train their younger cats by attacking the loners here, and take some cats back to their camp to... to, well... The cats that are taken by them never return."

The Clan cats were silent, and Rain let out a soft sigh. They finished crossing the area and stepped into the park. "Let's settle under that tree over there," Silverstrike meowed, leading the cats over to the oak he had chosen and settled onto his stomach.

All the cats lay down to rest their muscles, and though Ravenpaw wished he could join them he instead padded over to Silverstrike with aching bones. "Can I see your paw?" he asked softly.

Silverstrike was busy licking the wound, and after a skeptical look the tom finally displayed his paw, revealing that the cut had indeed opened quite wide, the bright red flesh swollen and irritated. 

"Remember to lick it with the tip of your tongue," Ravenpaw advised softly. "Otherwise you'll just tear the flesh."

Silverstrike nodded slowly, and Ravenpaw tried to push away the anxiety in his chest. He hadn't checked close enough if Silverstrike had been doing so before he interrupted him, and now he felt awkward. "I'll go find some goldenrod, though horsetail would work, too. Marigold would be best, but I doubt I'll find it with no water around... Hopefully leaf-bare hasn't killed everything of use..."

"You sound like Mossrain," Jaypaw joked, approaching his brother and brushing against his side.

"Yeah, but Mossrain's a little louder," Shadefur purred with a spark in his eyes. A brief flame of jealousy glowed in Stonecoat's gaze, then he shook it away.

"I'll start hunting," he suggested.

"Good idea," Rain meowed, getting to his paws. "Shadefur, Frostfall, you in?" He looked to the two cats.

They nodded their agreement, and Silverstrike meowed, "I'll come, too."

"No, stay here," Rain meowed. "You need to rest your paw as much as you can." Silverstrike narrowed his eyes in frustration at the words.

"He's right, Silverstrike," Frostfall murmured, touching the tom's ear with her nose. "We'll be back soon. I'll try to find some cobwebs, too," she added to Ravenpaw.

"Thanks," Ravenpaw murmured, shifting his paws. Frostfall tilted her head in confusion. "Thanks!" he repeated, louder, and she nodded, looking embarrassed, then hurried away.

"Jaypaw, you head with Ravenpaw," Silverstrike grumbled, settling deeper into the snow and continuing to go at his paw.

The apprentices nodded and headed off side by side. Ravenpaw kept his nose in the air, telling his brother, "we're looking for either a tall plant with small fuzzy yellow flowers or a tall plant with bristly stems."

"Sounds good," Jaypaw mewed, brushing against Ravenpaw's side again. "Do you think Eagleclaw let the loner kits into the Clan?"

Ravenpaw was quiet for a moment as he thought about it. Boulderclaw would've definitely made it back to the Clan by now, and he wondered what their reactions were, if any cat didn't want them in. Grayblaze, no doubt. "I think she would."

"Do you think Acornstar will let them stay, once she's back?" Jaypaw asked after a moment.

"I... I don't know. It's really hard to predict what she thinks," Ravenpaw muttered, sniffing at a plant he found. He didn't recognize so he moved along, anxiety prickling his step as he traveled further from his Clanmates.

"I hope we find her soon," Jaypaw said quietly, "I really want to get back to the Clan--I miss training...I miss Snowfern," he added.

"I do, too," Ravenpaw answered softly.

Jaypaw let out a small sigh, casting his gaze around the thin sparse of trees. "Is that an herb over there?" 

Ravenpaw followed his brother's gaze to a snowy fern bush, where a few stalks of a tall yellow-flowered plant stuck out from the soil. He padded over, sniffing it just to make sure, but it was definitely goldenrod. He nipped them from the stalks, nodded to Jaypaw, and they headed back to Silverstrike.

They could see the tom still laying under the tree, blending in well with the bright area around him, the silver of his fur just a streak over the ground.  

Ravenpaw sat next to the tom and began to chew up the herbs, and he instantly seemed to relax as the apprentice rubbed the poultice into the wound. "Keep it off the ground," Ravenpaw told him, spitting out the remains of the goldenrod.

"'Course," Silverstrike meowed. "Thanks, Ravenpaw," he added after a moment.

Embarrassed, Ravenpaw gave a swift nod and headed back to where Jaypaw had settled, pressing against his brother with a grateful groan. His muscles were burning with fatigue, and he was almost asleep by the time the rest of the cats returned--the only reason he woke was that the wonderful smell of prey made his stomach grumble.

The prey, consisting of mice and squirrels and one thrush, was divided out between the cats, and the moment Ravenpaw finished the squirrel given to him, he felt his mind fuzzing and fading into darkness.

"What's our plan with Acornstar?" Shadefur's voice was faint in Ravenpaw's ears, and the apprentice forced himself up, wanting to hear what was going on. He blinked his eyes harshly to wake himself up more. "We lost her trail when we left the river."

"We could go back," Stonecoat suggested. "Just to track her."

"Too risky," Rain meowed. "They would've scented us, and they'll be patrolling more regularly now, seeing if we'll come back."

"You sure seem to know a lot," Silverstrike commented, a glare of suspicion in his eyes. Anxiety prickled Ravenpaw's spine. Rain didn't seem bothered, though.

"Many cats here have spent their lives learning everything they could about the rogues to protect those they loved," was Rain's quiet response. "Or to keep others from losing the ones they loved.

"And which were you?" Silverstrike asked, eyes hard.

Rain was quiet for a moment, then he answered, "both."

"So how are we finding Acornstar?" Frostfall cut in, obviously wanting to change the subject. Ravenpaw was glad because he didn't know how long he would be awake for.

Rain looked thoughtful. "We could probably find a few cats willing to talk. Those who watch for the rogues might've seen her, or some kittypets who live by the fence."

"We could try asking the cats who come here, right?" Silverstrike asked. "If we're careful not to scare them."

Rain gave a slow nod. "It would be best if only one or two of us went to ask--less likely to scare the cats that way."

"I'll go, then," Silverstrike meowed gruffly.

"Uh, perhaps some cat with more... Tact," Rain suggested. "These cats are scared, alone--they should talk to a cat with a little more empathy."

Silverstrike shrugged as if he knew he couldn't deny the claim. "Who, then? You?"

"I'll go with, but I'm not the best at sympathizing, I don't think. The best cat would be a young, kind one, one others can connect with."

At his words, all the cats looked to Ravenpaw. Even Jaypaw shifted to cast his gaze to his littermate.

"Me?" Ravenpaw mewed, fear rushing over him like a wave. "N-No, I can't--"

"Ravenpaw," Rain soothed with a soft tone. "You're good with talking to cats, you're just not the best at actually getting the words out."

Ravenpaw felt hot with embarrassment, and, not knowing what else to do, gave a stiff nod.

Relief shined in Rain's eyes. "Thank you," he meowed softly. "Rest for a few hours, and I'll wake you when it's time to leave."

Ravenpaw gave another nod, though he was unsure if his anxiety would let him sleep now. He rested his head down, feeling Jaypaw's warmth next to him. Then his brother began to softly lick his neck fur with long, soothing strokes like Snowfern used to it. And despite the bubbling in his stomach and the fear tightening his throat, the world went into a dark peacefulness.

Question #1: How are you enjoying the story? What are your thoughts about the way that it's going?

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