Chapter fifteen

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The Swampert stomped closer to his apparent son. " You didn't tell me were you went. You just ran away!" He exclaimed. Boulder seemed to shrink. It was as if he didn't like his father at all.

Boulder seemed to shiver. " And you didn't tell me you came to capture the outlaws. Come on son." The shiny Swampert urges. " Let's go capture these criminals."

" What?" Tudi, Tisa, and Witness asked all looking at Boulder. " Come over here! We must capture your friend and her accomplices. They're very dangerous criminals." The shiny Swampert states. Obviously stating the obvious.

" Join me, and we will destroy those brutes and their dastardly palms as well." The Swampert commented. " What the fuck are you talking about? Boulder isn't one of you jackasses." Sklirós commented.

The shiny Swampert turned to him. " He's a starter. He's suppose to fighting bad guys. Not mingling with them." The shiny Swampert insisted. " You can't tell your own son what to do. It's against the law." Lassie ironically stated.

Most of the other outlaws snorted at her. Tudi rolled his eyes at her. " I can if I want. It's his future. I don't want that little black footed son of mine turning into one of you freaks!" The Swampert yelled.

" We might be the outlaws, but you're the one who's the real bad guy. You should support him, not tell him what to do." Tudi growled, running at the jerk of a starter. The shiny Swampert met him in the middle.

" All starters should be a part of the squad!" The shiny Swampert roared. He tried to punch, Tudi. Tudi easily blocked. He was op like that. He was taught from the best. Tudi flinched as a pain in his.....neck bone? overtook him and he punched the shiny Swampert in the jaw.

" No! All starters have a chance to be in the squad. Most get in. The rest go home. Then most of them all will die." Tudi states, as he got hit in the face with a Hydro Pump.

He rubbed his face in annoyance. All starters think they can beat him if they use super effective moves on him. The shiny Swampert roared at him. Tudi knew this guy. He was friends with that prick, Paarthurnax. The only difference was that this guy wanted his son to join the squad to the annoying point that brought this fight upon them.

Tudi realized that Paarthurnax had gotten up. But the shiny Charizard wasn't attacking him. Fuck. He was fucking smiling as if he knew something. " Stop looking so smug!" Witness exclaims, clipping him with Air Slash.

That didn't stop the grin rising from the leader's face. Did he want Tudi to murder his friend? Is that what he wanted? I'll give him what he wants then! Tudi thought as he plunged his claws through the shiny's shoulders.

" What an ugly color of body you have." Tudi sneered. The shiny fell over. Blood poured from his wound. " Don't just stand there!" Roared the shiny to his son and Paarthurnax. " Help me!"

" I would think not." Paarthurnax commented. " What?!" The shiny exclaims. " The ultimate Betrayal! I need some popcorn!" Lassie exclaimed with a gasp of interest.

" Y-you can't make me!" Boulder bravely exclaims, shaking as he closed his eyes. " What?!" The shiny roared. " Someone has anger problems." Tisa states ironically.

" Yeah you." Tudi comments. Tisa tried slashing Tudi. " My point proven." He states as he catches her paws and flipped her over so that her belly was showing.

" I don't want to be a part of the Starter squad! I told several times I don't! I ran away because you were going Force me to do something I don't want to." Boulder comments. Paarthurnax listens probably too intently.

" This crap again! Son, I told you a million times being a part of the Starter squad is the best thing ever!" The shiny roared. " Well, screw the starter squad! Sorry, Paarthurnax. The starter squad seems amazing, but I don't want to go down that route." Boulder comments.

Paarthurnax only seems to be amused at what Boulder was saying. " Why aren't you attacking us?" Tisa growled at him. The Charizard's eyes were closed. He opened an eye to see the Ninetales try to attack him.

He just jabbed an elbow. Tisa has a wide expression as she fell to the ground. " Screw the squad? The squad is the only thing going that gets rid of pieces of shit like your friend and those villains." The shiny comments.

" Are you judging Witness based on her spots?" He asked. " This reminds me of a song." The ignored Oshawott comments thoughtfully, as he and his Squirtle friend move their fingers in tune to an invisible song.

" She's an outlaw, son. She needs to be destroyed." The shiny stated. " Not all outlaws need to be destroyed." Boulder commented. " They steal and kill! Of course they do!" The shiny states.

Paarthurnax had a look of horror. " So if they steal then they should be killed?" Witness demanded. " Of course. All outlaws deserve that treatment. They've done something bad. That's just how it should be." The shiny stated.

That shocked the black Charizard even more. " You're wrong! They only need to be locked up!" Boulder screeches. His face was streaming with tears now. " You used to be a good starter." Paarthurnax began. " You joined my squad. You were pretty good. You were way nicer. I should have seen how over controlling you were sooner." Paarthurnax continued calmly.

The Charizard's fists were curled. " Hmm? Paarthurnax! Don't you agree with me that outlaws deserve punishment?" The shiny worded. " Yes. But reasonable. If we kill them, that only proves that we are as bad as them, Rivier." Paarthurnax states.

" What?" The shiny asked in disbelief. " In fact, the only one who deserves the title of ' Outlaw' in this situation is you. I'm sorry that I have to do this, Rivier, old pal. I must do this." Breathed the Charizard, finding it hard to say what he needed to.

" What I am saying is, basically, you're fired." Paarthurnax declared, as he breathed smoke out of his nose. He folded his arms.

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