Chapter seventeen

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Tudi shrugged. " My plans-" He began. " Your plans? What about our plans? Huh? You're not a loner are you? If you are, you can count me out." Tisa growled, flicking her nine tails against Tudi's face.

He rubbed his face. " It's not my fault okay!" He yelled at her. " Friends don't have to do what you say." Tisa snapped at him. " What can I say? I'm bad to the bone." Tudi responded with a shrug.

" Well maybe you should still think about what you've done!" Tisa spat. " Can you...leave...Before this gets too interesting?" Paarthurnax asked, pointing out. Tudi huffed. " We didn't even get complete domination." He snarled.

" This isn't over, overgrown lizard." Tudi growled at Paarthurnax. " It is for now, now leave so I can count the wounded and dead." Paarthurnax snarled.

By the time Tudi walked out it was raining. " I hate the rain." He grumbled. He walked over to Witness. " What do you want?!" She snapped at him. " Listen, I'm sorry." Is all he said.

" You know how to say sorry?!" Tisa asked, surprised. " Of course, dunce." He commented. " Don't say sorry to me. Say sorry to Boulder!" Witness yelled at him.

" That's fair." Is all he said. He let his gaze reach the ground. As much as he hated Starter Pokémon he could never truly hate the one starter who actually probably brought something to this team.

He dug under the ground, before popping up. It became a routine as he tried to search for the little water-type. Where could he be? I didn't hurt him that much. He's fine. Tudi tried to encourage himself, trying to keep all the nice thoughts to a minimum.

After about two hours of pathetic searching, he finally heard the little peppy pokemon's voice. Except it sounded way harsher than he remembered.

" Go away!" Tudi listened in to who the Starter was talking to. He didn't actually have to listen to know what kind of Pokémon it was. A chikorita. " Why should I? You left me all alone!" She cried.

What the fuck is happening here? Is this some sort of love story? Tudi asked himself. " I had to go chase after Witness! She's my friend!" Boulder defended.

Jeez this Mudkip is way too loyal to Witness. Way too.......oh shit! Fuck! Fuck a Muk! Tudi thought. Realization hit him. He would have thought it was stupid or smirked, but all he could do right now was watch the ugly Chikorita try to seduce Boulder.

What has this world gone to? I know I'm evil, but I'm nothing like this Chikorita. He thought. " Friend?! Who needs that fat and ugly ass discolored Pokémon when you have moi?" Chikorita asked, pointing to herself.

" I do! I don't want you! You're just an ugly hearted Chikorita! Even Tudi seems nice compared to the likes of an ugly hearted and pathetic creature like you!" Boulder insulted with a spat.

This guys got his facts wrong. I am bad to the bone. Tudi thought. " Oh please. Tudi is an outlaw. He isn't as perfect as moi." Chikorita boasted.

" I am friends with Tudi. Now leave!" Boulder tried. " No." growled the Chikorita darkly. She looked as if Boulder was prey and she was a hunter. Welp, fuck this. Better stop whatever crap this She-devil is pulling and kill this annoying starter.

As soon as the Chikorita leaped in for the kill, or whatever the hell she was fucking doing, that's when Tudi stroke. He used Rollout. The Chikorita let out an annoyed whine.

" Tudi!" She seemed to screech. She backed up a little. Then she smirked. " I'm going to take you out. And arrest you." She said with overconfidence. She used Razor Leaf. Tudi got ticked off and pressed his paw against his forehead.

This isn't a Starter Squad member. Nor is she like Boulder. She's more like a dick and a bastard. He would be doing the world a favor by making sure she doesn't mess with his team mate.

The Razor Leaves hit Tudi, but didn't do as much damage as the Chikorita would have hoped. " Stop in the name of my gorgeous paws!" She exclaimed.

Fuck her. Tudi thought. Just as she was coming in for a Tackle, he used Metal Claw, ripping into her leaf. She screeched as blood runs down her leaf and down Tudi's claws, scarlet red.

Two holes were now in her leaf. She got even more ticked off. She tried to attack him faster. He used Dig. Annoying shit bag. Why does Boulder even bother to let her around him?

Chikorita looked around. " Where are you, Outlaw? Come out, come out and play with me." She tried to taunt. " You do know that makes you sound like a Banette and not like a Starter Squad member, right? Plus I don't think you're even in the squad you shitty Pokémon." Tudi replied from beneath the earth.

Chikorita growled. " You're not even a real hero. Real heroes don't sound like outlaws. I know what a real hero sounds like." Tudi commented, using Slash on her. She barely dodged it.

" I am a real hero. I'm saving Boulder from the ugliness of his friend." Chikorita said. " And now I'm saving him from the ugliness of you. Now get lost in the distortion world!" Tudi snapped, punching her in the face.

Which her face wasn't really much. " I am no bad guy!" She snapped at him. " Oh really? Then why are you attacking Boulder?" Tudi asked. " I am not! I am attacking you, horrible outlaw!" She yelled.

" But you were about to attack Boulder. Which I cannot allow." Tudi commented. " I was raised with distrust in my heart, yet here I am. Trying to defend a starter from you." Tudi stated.

" You're no good guy!" She said. " And you're no hero." Tudi responded. He looked to Boulder who was shaking behind him. " Join me, brother. We will make sure she won't hurt anyone else." Tudi offered.

Boulder nodded. " I am with you, fellow Pokémon friend of mine." He responded. Tudi ignored the last part and dashed at the Chikorita who knew no boundaries.

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