Chapter thirteen

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Tisa growled loudly. She used Flameflower on the Mudkip. " Ywoch!" Yelped the Starter, as he held his tail. He rubbed the tail a little, glaring at the fire type for a second before turning to the ice type. " When'd you get here?" Boulder asked Lassie.

" I'm the reason you're tail got burned. My name is Lassie, Starter." She cooly stated. Boulder opened his mouth before she pressed a hand against it. " I already know your name. No need to state it. Not that your name is important anyhow." She stated as she turned to Tudi, Tisa, and Sklirós.

The Darkrai and Ninetales looked to him. " Well, leader, where do we go?" Snarled Tisa, lashing her tails. Tudi looked at all of them. This will do nicely. He thought, manically.

" First." He growled, sharpening his claws. " We get off this hell of a mountain." Then he dug under the snow, hating it for being so freezing. He dug his way out of the mountain. " Hey! Wait for us!" Boulder exclaimed, as he hobbled over all the snow. Witness flew over the mountain. " Lucky. I want to fly." Sklirós grumbled.

" Snow!" Boulder exclaimed, as he hopped all over the mountain, leaving large holes where his body was with each jump.

" Grow up." Tudi snarled. " But you're not even that old yet." Boulder commented, then continued to frolic in the snow. I've heard of frolicking in flowers, but frolicking in the snow is new to me. Tudi thought.

He snorted. " Maybe that's why you're so grumpy all the time! You didn't have enough time to frolic in the snow!" Boulder commented.

Sklirós voices Tudi's thoughts about that. " That literally makes no sense, idiot." And with that, Sklirós smacked the Mudkip over the head, sending him all the way down part of a mountain.

" Somebody hit me off the mountain now. It's too cold!" Sklirós whined. Lassie rolled her eyes. " Wimp. The coldness is better than the hotness." She commented. " That's because you're an ice type. Hey, Tisa, can I stand right next to you?" Sklirós asked. " It's too cold and you're the only fire type here."

That remark earned the Darkrai a smack to the face. And of course he ended up face planting in the snow. Tisa snarled at him harshly. The trek down the mountain was harder than coming up, unless you're Witness of course. She just dove to the ground.

The group of villains made it the entrance to the mountain, most almost freezing. Though only like one was complaining. " Phew. I hate the cold. And Ice types." Sklirós commented, before cowering when Lassie glared at him.

" What now?" Lassie asked. " We find them." Tudi lowly comments. " What just go out yelling that there are some outlaws out here?" Tisa snorted. " No, jackass. We go all the way to their headquarters. There will be tons of starters we can massacre there. They all gather at that area anyways." Tudi growled, smacking her over the head. Tisa rubbed her head, before trying to smack back. Tudi stabbed his claws at her paw.

She yelped, as she retracted, anger showing on her face. Her fangs were bared. " Destroy a mass of Starter Squad members?" Sklirós asked. " Is that even possible?" Boulder questions, looking as if he wanted to back away when saying that.

" Oh please." Tudi snorted. " They're more disorganized than a Pokémon giving birth." He commented. Boulder seemed to stick out his tongue at those words. " Bleh." He commented.

" How can we get them? Don't they cause you tons of trouble? They will just find a way to defeat you." Lassie commented. " It should be easy. With my powers, you can kill as many starters as you like and we can get away without trying." Sklirós states.

" What power?" Tudi questions. " You know when I went into your dreams? Well I can put other Pokémon to sleep with a move called Dark Void. And I have an ability that can give them bad dreams as well." The Darkrai explained.

" So you put them to sleep." Lassie began. " We infiltrate their base while they're asleep." Tisa thoughtfully commented as she licked a paw. " Then we rip them to shreds and eat their body parts and bones!" Sklirós finished, making the last part a little too extreme.

" Honey, we're not cannibals." Lassie commented. At those words, Tisa looked away, whistling. " Either way. We destroy the squad and Arceus and then we can rule the world our way. No more hierarchy annoying brutes who tell us what to do, what to say, what to believe in." Sklirós commented, curling his hands into fists.

" And after that...." Sklirós began. " I have a request to ask of you." He told them. They turned to him. " Can you tell us now?" Tudi questions him. " I don't see why not." Sklirós commented. " Please do sit. Sit! I must tell you of this." He commented, politely as he forced all of them to sit.

He even somehow made Witness sit. " Would you believe me if I told you this wasn't my first time trying to destroy someone or something?" He asked. " You sound very troubled." Boulder commented as he rested his face away when the Darkrai looked at him.

His face changed from a glare into a grin. " Of course I'm troubled. Too many idiots trying to make the world a better place, when it's already full of great thieves. Just steal what you need and everything will be all right." Sklirós commented.

" Well anyways. I've tried to mess with time. I managed to mess with it, and the ones who tried to stop me all died!" He exclaimed crazily, staring at Boulder creepily.

" After that it was all perfect, until some fatty shiny Zangoose decides to change it back! Fuck you Lunar Wings you daughter of a bitch!" Then he laughed crazily. " Good thing she's dead now!" He cackled.

" And then I try to change space. Once again that idiot decides to change it back. Then I try to destroy Giratina, and guess what?" Sklirós asks, breathing heavily in Tudi's face.

" What?" He asks, feeling as if this guy needed serious help. " That Shiny Zangoose foiled you again?" Boulder questioned. " Yes!" Sklirós began, then he started punching trees in his anger, red seeming to burn from his eyes.

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