Chapter twenty-one

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Tudi and his team loomed over. They were back at the starter squad. " He's just been staring at it. Why isn't he starting the defeat of our enemies yet?" Tisa snarled. Tudi wasn't so sure they should be back so soon. Not after what happened last time.

He was really tempted to just leave Boulder somewhere so he didn't have to deal with that, but he figured that would be too nice.

He sighed. " We should come back." He said. " When?" They all asked. " When I get my name back." Tudi snarled. Skliros snorted at him, and put on a top hat.

" Is this seriously all about you?! What about us?" Tisa snarled. Tudi ignored her as he turned around to leave. " Don't you dare leave!" Tisa growled at him. Tudi turned around. " What have you become? You're way nicer now. Come on. We need to destroy them. Don't you want to make us happy?" Lassie asked.

Tudi waved his claw paw. " Nah. I'd rather make you miserable and suffer." He commented as if it were nothing. " Oh come on! You must have someone who you care about! You can't be that heartless!" Boulder exclaimed.

Boulder's words made him think of Pulse. The only one who really cared about him. " Yes," He said to them, picking up a rock. " But he's dead now."

" Oh. Sorry for your loose." Boulder sadly commented. I don't need your sympathy. Tudi thought with a growl. " Its Nothing. I changed my mind. We start this now. We will kill every last starter till Paarthurnax cries mercy to us." Tudi snarled, the memory of his father still fresh.

He had destroy the squad. He wouldn't be like those thieving brutes. He would kill those who won't let them be completely free. He can't forget what he was here for. To destroy That Popplio.

He opened the door without caring. The cliche gasps at when he walked in were all too similar. " Oh shut up. I know I know. It's me. The one who's trained by Pulse and who got his life ruined by an ugly clown." Tudi said with an eye roll.

" Let's get this over with, bitches." Tudi commented as he shoved a female Pikachu off to the side. " I'm sorry, sweetheart, but this is a battle where you would lose." He told her.

" Excuse me!" She shouts. " Oh dear lord, it's a screamer. Someone tell her to shut up before she's a corpse like one of your mudkip buddies was. Or was it Chikorita? I can't tell the difference they're all dead." Tudi growled ominously.

The Pikachu had sparks going out of her cheeks. " Aha. I see. You're that idiot's child aren't you? Thunder? Where is his wife now? Dead? Captured? I dunno. I don't care you're all ugly." Tudi laughed. This was fun. This was probably exactly what he needed to get his name on the board.

Well he was already on the board. He just needed to step up his game. Good thing he was starting right now. " Shut up!" She yelled as she tried to shock him. Tudi laughed sadistically. It didn't affect him of course.

" Did your parents ever tell you you're weak against ground types? Oh they probably never even mentioned weak before. Did you just join? Did they let you join out of pity? And how come you're so weak? I should probably stop asking questions. I know the answers." Tudi laughed.

He then shoved her to the ground. She was still growling. His sidekicks and Skliros laughed. He only felt that Skliros was good enough to not be a sidekick. Well, the Mudkip didn't laugh.

He just watched. Tudi liked to call him the Mudkip. It was fun. " What is going on...?! Oh. It's you again. I thought I told you to leave!" Paarthurnax roared. " Oh I think I forgot something here." Tudi told him slyly. His grin was wide. He couldn't wait to see his enemy lying on the ground, death in his eyes.

" What did you forget? I hate asking, but what is so important and unsettled that you just had to come back and rile up my newest member?" Paarthurnax questions with a frown as he folds his arms.

Tudi only smirks. He knew he would enjoy this. His gaze fell upon the Popplio. He growled. His growl felt unreal. The Popplio looked his direction. Then she ran away. Wait she? Okay that is not his target. But still, could you blame him? Most of them look alike.

He continued to growl though. He didn't like Popplio. They're water. He hates water. He hates grass. He likes fire though. His gaze fell on Tisa for a moment. Maybe.

He turned when he heard a loud gasp. " It's you again. Come to kill the starter squad again? Or try?" The Popplio asked. " No." Tudi growled, running at an unknown speed to him.

He pressed his claws against Pip's throat. " Do it!" Pip shouts at him. Wow he suddenly became dark. " Do it! Does it look like I care anymore?!" The Popplio shouts at him. He pinned the Popplio to the wall.

Well this suddenly wasn't that fun anymore. Pip started to cry. Okay what the fuck happened to him? And why do I give a shit?! He questions himself. " Why do you give a shit about what?" Witness asked. " You said that out loud, Tudi. Well the last part." Skliros told him.

Tudi turned his attention back to the broken Popplio. " You probably should care. I'm going to be taking your life right at this moment. I'll do it!" Tudi growled. Pip stared at him right in the eyes.

" Do it! You'll be ridding me the pain an anguish." Pip stated. "What?!" Paarthurnax roared. " Okay, I don't care about...this, but what the fuck happened to you?!" Tudi roared.

A sad shiny Squirtle, Spout Tudi believed was her came, came in gloomily. She opened her mouth to say something, but saw the position her friend was in. She used Aqua Tail. " Stop, Spout! Let him kill me." Pip told her. " Excuse me, I think I want to know what's going on. Talk." Tudi snarled.

Authors note: So this will be the last update for a while. Speaking of this story, there are 4-9 chapters left. Guess any amount, but I know how it ends, so I'll end it the way I want.
Oh and there is also going to be a sequel called Marauder, and there will be an epilogue to this story. I'll leave you at a cliffhanger. This next part will go along with Wavewalker later on, so check that out if you want a sort of hint to what happens next.

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