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A devilish creature smirked. He was proud, not because he knew what his son had done against the world. He knew. He knew. He knew that he let go. It was hard to let go of what's in your way. He had to let go too, you know?

It might not have been a starter and a Togekiss, but it was surely a Pokémon that he had to let go. Once you let go, he thought, You can do truly evil things.

That's it! He thought. I must go back! Who cares if I'm dead? I will help my son to greatness! He thought. He lifted his head up. His ghost head. He was the devil in disguise.

He pushed his way through the Distortion world. " Halt! You are not allowed back into the Pokémon realm ever!" A Pokémon caws at him. Yveltal. " You big fat bird! You can't stop me from getting to the Pokémon world! I need to speak to someone and help. You are in my way! Get out of MY WAY FUCKTARD!" Pulse barked as he burned Yveltal.

Not really the smartest choice, but it would have to do. The devil dog then raced past him, Well floated, and found his way to a Pokémon.

This Pokémon truly was a genie in a bottle. He rubbed the bottle. The Hoopa yawned and looked at him. " Pulse?" He questions. " Boss has orders for you to take me back to the Pokémon world." Pulse informs the yawning, powerful genie.

" Ok-ay." Hoopa yawns, grabbing a ring with a shrug. " I thought you were to stay as a soul endlessly down here, but I guess I thought wrong." He commented as his ring showed the Pokémon world. Pulse grinned wickedly, face darkening as he chuckled evilly. He jumped into the hoop at the same second that Yveltal was no longer distracted.

" No!" Yveltal cried out. " Heh. Idiots. Thought you could keep me down here forever. What stupid bitches they are." Pulse comments as he runs through the lush, green grass once more.

He certainly missed being here with the one son he had. The only child of his that matters. Who gives a fuck what happened to that egg anyways? He wondered as he raced on and on.

His one true focus was here in this world. " Don't you worry, Tudi! Daddy's home!" Pulse barked, his tail lashing viciously as he ran through the forest, determined to find his son.

I will find him. And when I do, we will kill that bitch of an Arceus, and maybe Yveltal as well. He's a jerk. He steals lives without realizing it. He took mine. Arceus stole my life through his disgraceful servant, Yveltal!

I will have my revenge. And when I do, oh it will be so good! I can't wait! He thought with hunger for power as his agile paws destroyed the ground with each step. Who cares if they die? All that matters is my son. All that matters is that we win! He howled with delight as he continued his journey.

A journey that would lead him back to the place where this all began.

Authors note: This is the end of Outlaw, but don't worry. Marauder will come out soon enough. First of all I would like to thank SteelSkarmoryKate for this wonderful cover. I would also like to thank Pikagirl1527 , Zippy105 ,CharTheCharmander34 , and everyone else for their support. Stay tuned for the sequel.

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