Chapter 7

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"So, what do you say now?" Zack asked as soon as Drew came out of the room.

"I know your cause is right. But this decision will put my life at risk forever. I still need some time to think," Drew said.

"Take the time you want. But as I said, you cannot leave this place until the decision is made," Zack replied.

"What happens if I decide not to join? I already know all your secrets. Will you just allow me to walk away?"

"You are right. We cannot allow you to walk away, knowing all you know. So, we are prepared for this situation," Zack explained, "Follow me."

Zack led Drew in front of a huge double door. A screen next to it displayed the words 'Restricted Access' in flashing red.

"Not everyone has access to what lies beneath this door. But luckily, I do," Zack said, stepping in front of the scanner. The scanner scanned them with a laser light that went back and forth across their body multiple times.

"Scanning Successful. 1 Authorized User and 1 Unauthorized User. Will you like to allow this person, Zack?" a computer voice asked.

"Yes," Zack replied.

The doors opened on Zack's response, revealing another corridor.

"This area contains the Administration Room which is handled by Judy and Ava's lab. You will work with Ava there if you decide to join us. Other than that, this place possesses armories, secured data, and other secrets," Zack explained.

Zack passed through a few rooms before finally stopping outside the scariest-looking door. This one was reinforced with strong veranium that seemed strong enough to survive a nuke. Another scanner scanned them and repeated the procedure of asking Zack for permission before granting them access.

The door opened to reveal a small hospital bed that had a helmet lying on it. The helmet had multiple wires protruding from it, which connected it to a large metal box.

"Do you know what it is?" Zack asked.

Unfortunately, Drew knew. He took a gulp before replying, "This is the machine that makes you forget stuff, right? It produces a strong shock, giving you a trauma, which makes it impossible to remember what happened recently."

"You know much about technology. This will make you forget your time with us," Zack said. "I heard that your father was behind this invention as well."

"Not completely. I have some notes written by him. But they appear to be incomplete. He may have contributed to it," Drew said.

"Whatever. The point is, whenever you make your decision, just let me know," Zack said. "By the way, will you like to visit Ava's lab? She will be delighted to show you around."

"Sure, I will love to," Drew replied.

He followed Zack out of the room and deeper into the corridor until they stopped outside another door. The screen next to it displayed "Ava's Lab" in purple. The scanner scanned both of them again.

"Visitors detected. Please wait for your majesty, Queen Ava the magnificent, to accept your request," the computer voice said.

"Yep, that's Ava for you," Zack grinned.

"Entry access granted. Welcome to Ava's Lab. To avoid any fire accidents, please do not touch anything. Thank you," the door to Ava's lab opened.

"I try to avoid entering this place. So let me know when you have made your decision," Zack said before departing.

"Welcome Drew," Ava smiled, staring at him with eyes that, like her hairs and lab coat, were also purple. This was the effect of lenses she wore, of course.

"Hello again, Ava," Drew smiled back.

"So, do you like it here?" Ava asked.

He took a moment to look around. The lab spread over fifty meters. The color of lightings was set to purple, and the walls had more than twenty racks full of different machines and materials. Some tools were lying loosely on the ground as well. At the center of the room, there was a huge worktable where Ava appeared to be working on an incomplete gadget.

"This place is a mess," Drew exclaimed. "I love it. Just like my father's lab in our previous house. Although it wasn't as grand as your lab. Must have cost a lot."

"It does, indeed. But nothing I have to worry about. I just send a list of all stuff I need and it gets ordered from me," Ava replied.

"That's cool," Drew admitted.

"Have you made your decision? You know this will be your place as well if you agree to join us," Ava replied.

"I know. Zack told me. But I haven't made my decision yet. Zack thought seeing your lab might help me with it," Drew said.

"Does it? I mean, we have everything you'll ever need. You will love working here."

"I know I will. But I am still not sure if I should."

"Why not? Is it because of the risks that come with becoming a Rebel?"

Drew nodded. "My mother lost my father. She is alone already. What if something happens to me as well?"

"So, this is about your mother? She has no one other than you?" Ava asked.

"Well, she has Mackon. He lives with us now."

"Is he your mother's boyfriend or something?"

"No. Ugh! that's gross. Mackon actually helps us now. He is a Meccan officer. He was the one who forcefully recruited my father," Drew said.

"And he lives with you now?" Ava cried.

"Yes, he does. A week after we got the news of my father's death, he came to our house and offered his apologies. Then he promised us that he will help in any way and be like a father to me. Since we faced financial issues after my father's death, my mother accepted his help. And that's how I got a guardian. I still hate him, but my mother seems to have forgiven him."

"So, she will not be alone if something happens to you, right?" Ava asked.

"Well, any day can be Mackon's last day. He has been shot or wounded many times. His life is at risk too," Drew explained.

"Well Drew, I know your mother will not be happy about it. But have you thought about yourself? Do you plan to spend your entire life doing something you don't like?" Ava asked. "I am telling you, Drew, you will regret your decisions forever. If you avoid what you were made for, you will forever hate your life."

Drew stared at Ava, stunned.

"Sorry, did I speak too many big words?" Ava laughed.

"Is it possible for me to change my decision once I make it?" Drew asked.

"Not entirely. But we have a few teenagers who do not work for us anymore. We have cleared any traces of them from our database. But they still are at risk and have to be cautious all the time," Ava said, "But relax. Your job is not too dangerous. I have been with Rebels for three years and have never experienced a near-death situation. Our jobs are to arm others for fighting, not be a part of the fighting. In all missions I have been part of, my job was to stay behind and watch as others did the fighting. It may seem cowardly, but it's not."

"So, our jobs don't involve many risks?" Drew asked.

"Well, if you want to, there is nobody stopping you from going in front to fight. But no, our jobs aren't risky. And besides, if anything goes wrong, all of us are like siblings to each other. We help and take care of each other. People like Zack would do anything to make sure nothing happens to you. You will love it here," Ava promised.

"So, will you like it if I join?" Drew asked.

"Of course not. This lab will no longer be mine alone and I will have to share everything with you," Ava stated.

"What? So, you won't be happy about it?"

"I am just kidding. I will no longer have to work alone and could finally have an intelligent conversation with someone," Ava replied.

"So," Drew took a deep breath before continuing, "I suppose this lab is no longer yours anymore."

"Really? You are not kidding?" Ava almost jumped in excitement.

"Nope," Drew grinned.

"That's so great." Unable to control her excitement, she pulled Drew into a hug. "Welcome to Rebels, Lab Partner."

Hope you liked the Chapter. I know we haven't covered much plot here but I think this was a necessary chapter for Drew's character arc. Anyway, in the next chapter, we shall discover more about the war. 

Also, do you guys sense a ship approaching?

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