Chapter Eleven | Cake

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"You are so boring." Phoebe whined while closing the locker.

"We just took the SAT and honestly I'm so out of energy, I can't plan a birthday. We'll just eat ice cream and watch movies." I told her.

"SO LAME. You're turning 18!! Let's do something crazy!!"

"Why are you wearing that?" Jennifer asked Liam who was wearing a hideous green hoodie which also looked very itchy. His neck was all red from scratching.

"If I take it off, Tom wins. We have a bet." He said scratching his arm.

"Honey, every night you don't kill him in his sleep, he wins." I said to him. They all laughed.

"I heard that." Tom looked at me.

"I know." I said smiling.

The school ended early today because of the test, I couldn't see Chris today so I decided to stay a little longer.

"But we still need to plan something for your birthday though." Jennifer said hugging me.

"I'll figure something out." I said hugging her back. I waved the rest of the group and walked to Chris' classroom. I was just about to walk in but then I see him and Mr. Renner discussing something. I couldn't go in, he will get suspicious. I turned around to leave.

"Katherine, looking for something?" Mr. Renner said. Yeah I was looking for a life purpose, gave up on that a long time ago, lmao I'm so punny.

"I think I left my notebook here." I said pretending to search the inside of the classroom.

"I'm late, hope you find your notebook." He said touching my shoulder and patting it, it was oddly long. He, then walked away. I left a deep sigh and Chris smiled with relief.

"How was the test?" He said wrapping his arms around my waist from behind. I rest my head on his chest.

"I don't know, it was okay I guess."

"I'm sure you aced it. You're that type of student who cries after a test and gets a 96." I laughed, it was accurate pretty much.

"I'm also that student who reminds the homework."

"Ugh, I'd hate that kid. Why exactly would you do something like that?" He asked in sarcasm.

"I like to see people suffer." I jokingly said. He turned me around and grabbed me from my thighs and lifted me up,this is his signature move, then he put me on his desk. I pulled him from his tie and kissed his neck, moving towards his lips. He was rubbing my thigh and with his other hand he was holding me from my back.

With my hand, I lifted up his shirt halfway through, leaving his abs on scene. He pulled me away and tucked his shirt back in.

"We can't do this here."

"Why not? Everyone left."

"Are you sure you're ready?" He said tidying his tie.

"What does that mean?"

"Kittie-Kat, listen. You know I'm head over heels for you, but you need to make sure if you're ready." He does has a point. I'm not legal yet. But I will be today.

"Okay, forget it." I said getting of the desk.

"Come on, we still haven't talked about what we'll do today."

"I'm going to spend it with my friends."

"Kittie.. I didn't said anything that could possibly upset you."

"It's okay, I have to go home." I said moving his hands from my waist. I'm kind of feeling that he doesn't want me or thinks I'm attractive.

"Let me drop you off." We walked to his car. I know I'm not ugly whatsoever but I was feeling insecure. Not sure why. After a very awkward car ride we finally arrived home. I reached to open the door.

"Hey, happy birthday." He said kissing my cheek, I smiled.

"I know it's kind of a lame way to celebrate it like this but I'll make it up. Spend today with your friends, have fun, drink lemonade and eat lots of cake. We'll do something together later. I love you." He said, I leaned over his seat, give him a kiss and messed his hair. Ugh. I can't even stay mad at him.

I got out of the car and tried to find my keys, finally founding them, I tried to open the door. I managed to open it and tossed my backpack on the ground.

"WHAT IS LIFE??" I sigh/yelled.

"SURPRISE!!" My squad jumped from behind the couch and there was my mom filming with a camera standing next to Phoebe who was holding a raspberry cake, I think. Jennifer,Liam,Tom and even Corey had party hats on and my dad was waving his hands with a big smile on his face. I gotta admit I was pretty shocked. It was also very sweet that they were all wearing navy blue, it's my favorite color other than black.

"Aww you guysss." I said covering my mouth. First, Jennifer hugged me, squeezing me hard. Then Phoebe put the cake down and literally jumped on me. After our hour long hug, Liam and I made a fist bump. He said

"Sup, happy birthday bro."

"Thanks bro." I said back.

"Hola, Mi Amor, happy birthday." Tom said resting his arm on my shoulder.

We sat down and had cake, as I thought the cake was raspberry and white chocolate. It was delicious. We watched 21 and 22 Jump Street and it was soo funny. After that we played bunch of games. I was having a really good time but I also felt a little sad because Chris wasn't here. I wish I could spend my birthday with him too. Around 2:30pm, most of them left, I thanked and hugged everyone. Phoebe stayed.

"So, what's up?" She said raising a brow. She knows me way too well.

"Don't take it the wrong way, I loved today it was so fun but I wish I could spend some time with Chris too. I'm actually mad at him but it's my birthday, I want him to be here too."

"Wait a second, why are you mad?"

"Um, well we had a little moment in the classroom and he stopped in the middle of it and said it was wrong. I mean, I'm sensing he doesn't finds me attractive?? You know I suck at sexy stuff." She laughed.

"What exactly is 'sexy' stuff?" She said still laughing.

"You know, flirting,seducing and like dressing all sexy or whatever. Like the only 'revealing' clothing I have is a V neck." And we both laughed. It's funny because it's true.

"Let's go shopping!!" She said in barbie voice.

"What? right now?" I said, she nod her head.

"It's only 3pm, we have plenty of time."

"What exactly are we going to shop for?"

"Sexy stuff." She said squinting her eyes.

"Wait.. What do you have in mind?"

"You're officially 18 now and you don't have to worry about being illegal so I thought we could buy you some sexy stuff and then the fun part begins."

"Fun part?"

"You're no longer 16. You don't know how to flirt or be sexy. We have to fix that. The test is over too you literally have nothing else to do so JUST DO IT." She said again in Shia Lebaouf voice.

"Isn't that joke getting old?"


"What am I going to do? Wear lingerie and pop in front of his doorstep pretending to be a cop then turn out to be a stripper?" She laughed so hard, I giggled too. I couldn't imagine myself like that.

"What kind of imagination is that? But I like the way you think." She said rubbing her chin.


"We're going shopping. Period. End of discussion. Let's show Mr. Evans how sexy is done." She said and pulled me outside.

This can't end good, it's going to be hideous.


Okay so this chapter was separated into two parts, the reason for that is because it was waaaay too long. It'll probably be uploaded in 4-5 days I'm assuming??

Anyways, how was it?

Also totally irrelevant but if y'all have Twitter we can follow each other!! My timeline is very boring I'd love to follow new people, my username is wintersxwidow

Thank you, stay fab and goodbye xxxx


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