Chapter Five | Feelings

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I woke up, still feeling starstruck over Mr. Evans or Chris. It felt like a dream. I heard some noises from the kitchen, my parents must have come. I walked downstairs to see my mom and dad eating breakfast. Cory was eating his while watching tv.

"Good morning sleepyhead." Dad said drinking his orange juice.

"Morning, ugh I still feel tired." I yawned, grabbing myself a plate.

"So what's your plan for today?" Asked Mom.

"I'll invite Phoebe over, we'll watch some movies." I said eating my scrambled eggs.

"Wow, how interesting. You haven't done that in a while. Oh wait you did. EVERY weekend." Cory said. I ignored him.

After breakfast I did the dishes and went upstairs to give Phoebe a call.

"Hey Phoebe, I was thinki-"

"Be there in 5 min." She said. We have a different way of communicating.

As she said, she was here in 5 min, furiously honking. I went downstairs, grabbed my keys and got inside.

"So, where are we going?" Said Phoebe.

"Doesn't matter." I said struggling to find a gum inside of my purse. It's a huge mess in there.

"Slow down! You're going way too fast." I said to Phoebe and as soon as I said it we got pulled over.

"Didn't you see the stop sign?" Said the policemen. I sighed.

"I did see it, I just didn't see you." Said Phoebe, I'm going to kill her.

"And that just caused you to get a ticket young lady." Said the policemen writing a ticket.

"Next time, I'm driving." I said.

"Can't argue with that." She said. We parked to a café.

"I invited Tom too, he said he'll be a few minutes late." Said Phoebe, we sat down inside. I don't like sitting under the sun. I don't like hot weather in general. Just no.

"Okay, that's fine with me, so I have news." I said, her eyes got wide open. I told her what happened, I also included the part where we kissed and he told me not to hang out with Tom. She was listening to every word I said.

"YOU GUYS ARE TOTALLY DATING!" She whisper/shouted. I laughed.

"I don't know." I said.

"I'm not sure if I have seen him before, Jen told me he was pretty hot. Show me a picture." Said Phoebe. I didn't had to show a picture she could see it for herself, I just saw him sit next to a table on the aisle. This is going to get awkward.

"See yourself." I said motioning my head towards the direction he was sitting. She lightly turned around and gasped. I laughed and told her to shut up.

"He is so hot!!" Phoebe whispered.

"I know right? He's so cute." I said giggling. I giggled?? I don't giggle.

"Yess! Go tell him he's cute, what's the worst that could happen?" Phoebe said. I rolled my eyes.

"He can hear me." I said, she laughed.

"Okay then, I'll go to the restroom." Phoebe said standing up.

"No!" I said but she already left. I just sat there awkwardly trying to not look in his direction. But I failed. I looked and saw him looking back at me, my cheeks felt warm, I smiled awkwardly. No don't walk over here please no no. He came and stood next to my chair. I saw Phoebe looking at us and giving me a thumbs up.

"Fancy seeing you here." He said.

"Are you stalking me?" I joked. He laughed.

"It's called grading Katherine." He said putting his hand on my shoulder. I felt a little uncomfortable. Tom could come any minute.

"Ooh have you graded mine yet?" I asked. I told myself to shut up I was making no sense. He laughed.

"Not yet." He said. Just then, Tom pulled over and came inside. I cleared my throat, he stepped a few steps back.

"Hey Kat." He said sitting next to me and resting his arm on my shoulder. I could feel Chris tensing up.

"Hi Mr. Evans, didn't see you there." Said Tom smiling. He gave him a fake smile.

"See you in class tomorrow." He said and walked back to his seat. Phoebe came from the restroom and sat next to us giving me a questioning look.

"So what are we doing?" I asked.

"Wasting our lives." Said Phoebe.

"No, I mean for lunch." I said rolling my eyes, Tom laughed. We ordered our food. We were chatting and laughing. I saw Chris looking at our table, he gave me an unapproved look like if I were doing something bad. I knew he didn't liked me and Tom hanging out but what could I do?

"But seriously M:I-2 sucks."  Tom said eating his sandwich.

"Your face sucks." I said, he choked on his water, Phoebe and I laughed.

"Can I have some?" Phoebe asked getting one of Tom's fries.

"TOM DOES NOT SHARE FOOD!" Yelled Tom. Phoebe ate the last bite of his sandwich and said

"Fatality." In a deep voice.

"Come on that sandwich was the only good thing in my life." Said Tom, we all laughed. I glanced at Chris' table. He left. I felt kinda guilty I don't know why. Probably because he saw me with Tom.

The rest of the day passed pretty fast. After the café, we hanged out at Liam's place, Jen also came. We just sat there and talked. I was tired when I went home, I quickly fell asleep.

"You're late, you're also a mistake." Cory singed, trying to wake me up.

"You're such a delight to be around." I said to him. He laughed and went to his room. I noticed something different. As I was getting ready to go, I felt anxious. My hands were sweating. I have tutoring with him today. It's going to be really weird.

I decided to drive today. I was late again. This is a normal routine for me.

I walked to my class which was literature.

The class didn't passed quickly. Ms. Johansson was mad again. She sent 3 people to the principals office. A typical literature class. After class Tom walked me to my locker.

"Are we still doing the boyfriend thing?" He asked.

"Nope, thank you." I said smiling.

"Pff." He said making a sad face. I laughed. I didn't had history today that made me less anxious.

During the lunch break Tom said he had a practice match with Liam. They're in the basketball team. Jennifer was late and Phoebe was making her art project. I decided to get lunch with Mr. Renner.

"How's the tutoring going?" He asked.

"Pretty useless if you ask me. I already know those subjects." I said.

"I bet it was a lot more fun when I used to tutor. I whip the subjects pretty well." He said doing 'the whip'.

"Noo stopp." I said laughing.

"What? Am I not swag enough?" He said, that made me laugh more.

"I'll see myself out." He said standing up.

I decided to kill time by texting.

Tom, what do you have for last period?


Ooh I have chemistry with you!

But who doesn't has chemistry with me, hehe. #ifyouknowwhatimean


you're a sad human being.

Give the man some credit, it was good.

And my phone died. I thought I charged it overnight.

After the last period, which was full of Mr. Ruffalo telling us how stupid we are, I put my stuff in my locker and went to the detention room.

I see Mr. Evans still grading papers and drinking coffee. I slowly walk in and sit on the furthest left to him. He looks up from the papers and stands up. He slightly closes the door, leaving a little gap. He walks through my desk slowly, and stops when he reaches mine. I cough a little.

"So, I don't really know why we are still doing tutoring. We finished all the subjects." I say.

"But you came anyways." He said with a smirk. Smart man.

"That's a very good point." I said.

"I don't want to force you into this. It's obvious that we both have attraction towards each other. We finished all the subjects. You wouldn't have come here if you weren't feeling anything. Maybe if you stop pushing me away, we can show progress." He said.

"I do feel something but it's very risky. Firstly, you can lose your job. You clearly love what you do. I don't want to be the person to ruin this."

"I don't mind." He said, that made me smile.

We talked for a while, I was asking him stupid questions, he was answering each of them calmly. I can be annoying sometimes.

"Do you have a pet?"

"Yes, a dog."

"Do you have any siblings?"

"2 brothers."

"Are you the oldest?"

"Yes." He said smiling.

"Have you ever been in a serious relationship."

"Yes, now it's my turn." He said smiling.

"What kind of relationship?" I asked, he ignored my question.

"When's your birthday?" He asked.

"12th of April."

We continued to ask each other questions, and talked about stuff. When the tutoring ended he drove me home.

"I actually live really close to you." He said.

"I need to ask something." I said. He nod.

"What does this whole thing makes us?"

"You name it, I don't care as long as we're together." He said holding my hand. That made me blush a little.

We sit in the car for at least 15 minutes just talking. Besides him being über attractive, he had such a great personality. I felt like my interest for him grew every second he was talking.

"You should go, they are going to wonder." He said.

"Okay, thanks for dropping me off." I said. He leaned closer to me and kissed me softly, his lips felt very warm pressed up against mine, afterwards left me with a smile.

I went inside with a stupid smile on my face.

The rest of the week was probably the best weeks of the school year. I finished all of my final exams, expecting a good score from each of them. We all hang out together during lunch and usually after school we usually hang out with Chris. We developed a pretty close relationship. During school we're like teacher and student but afterwards we're a whole different story.

I really hope things continue to be like this.


This chapter was kinda steady, I'm not gonna give spoilers but maybe a little hint---> things are going to get tangled *insert evil smile*

Btw I didn't really give any information about who the other characters are played by, it's left to your imagination. You can imagine whomever you want them to be!!

For me Tom is Tom Cruise lol. I have the second hugest crush on him, well obviously after Chris.


As always I'd love to see your lovely comments and votes ^_^

Thank you, stay fab and goodbye xx


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