Chapter Three | Mixed Signals

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I was done with my paper, I counted and I only had written 436 words. This is going nowhere. I mean, I included everything I could. I went to his desk, and stood there until he looked at me.

"I'm guessing that you're done." He said glancing at me with empty eyes. I could swim in those gorgeous blue eyes.

"Actually I am but I don't think you'll accept it. I couldn't write 700 words." I said handing him the papers.

"You may be excused, have the completed work on my desk by tomorrow. " He  said standing up and handing the paper back at me. Well somebody is grumpy.

I stopped by at Tom's place to get my notebook. I knocked and after a few seconds he opened.

"Ola mi amor." He said leaning over the door. I laughed.

"Can I have my notebook please?"

"Si, un momento." He said and rushed upstairs. It took him 5 minutes. He came back, gave me my notebook and tried to catch his breath. I laughed at how stupid he looked.

"What's up with you trying to speak Spanish?" I asked. He stepped outside and closed the door.

"Kat, I'm failing Spanish and my parents have no idea, so I'm trying to fix it." He said whispering. My mouth motioned into an 'o'. It makes sense.

"Well, I don't understand how 'trying' to speak Spanish is going to help you." I said sarcastically, he laughed.

"See you tomorrow." I said, he put his hand on my shoulder. He was kinda invading my personal space.

"See ya." He said with a cowboy accent. I laughed and waved him goodbye.

The next morning I woke up 3 minutes early. Progress. I still had to rush because I had Ms. Johansson for first period, she does not accept late participation. And she kinda directly sends you to the principal. She has no mercy. I walked into the class calmly, I was a minute early. I sat next to Tom. He takes literature too. Ms. Johansson came just in time, she also is never late.

"Good morning." She said putting down the essays she collected last week.

"I graded your essays, today you'll see your mistakes and we'll talk through them. " She said handing us our papers back. When she came to Tom's desk. She stopped and glanced at him. This is not a good sign.

"Mr. Cabrera, do you remember how many words I assigned you to write?" She said looking at him and raised an eyebrow.

"Uh, 500 words." He said stuttering.

"And how many words did you write?" She said with the same tone.

"Um, I don't know."

"I do." She said slamming Tom's essay on his desk.

"463." She said looking at his paper. I tried not to laugh, Tom's face was priceless.

"Did you really count how many words I wrote?" He said in shock. I might've giggled a bit.

"Yes, indeed." She said and walked back at her desk.

"Give me your finished work after lunch." She glanced at Tom and gave us new homework. After class Tom was still in shock. I laughed at him.

I waited next to Phoebes locker.

"Do you know what I just realized." She said putting her books in to her locker.


"Cheese is chewable milk." She said seriously. I rolled my eyes to her, we walked to the cafeteria.

Liam and Tom we're laughing and dissing each other. Classic. We sit next to them. Soon, Jen joined us.

"Guys, is there a scholarship for trying?" She said sadly. We laughed.

"Nope, you'll be a cat lady." Said Phoebe.

"You know, I saw you on Animal Planet yesterday." Said Liam to Tom.

"Yo mama so fat, she doesn't need internet cuz she's already worldwide." Said Tom back at him. Phoebe rolled her eyes and I laughed.

"I'd slap you but then that'd be animal abuse." Liam said. Tom made a fake offended face. As they were arguing we saw Cindy and Mindy enter the cafeteria with their huge noise making stilettos.

They are your stereotypical valley girls. They wear all pink and glittery stuff, talk really slowly and chew gum all the time. They are twins oh and I don't know how they manage but they always have a Starbucks cup in their hand. They sat to the table next to us.

"Like, Mindy, no offense but you're really ugly." Said Cindy.

"B-but Cindy, we're twins." She said with a very high pitched voice.

I love when twins call each other ugly, like you have the same face.

"Omg whatever." Cindy said.

I had History, I walked to the classroom, there wasn't anybody. I decided to sit in the very back, because I felt awkward yesterday at tutoring. He makes me feel really different. I couldn't find a word to describe yet. There were still 15 minutes until class started. My phone vibrated, it was a group text.


Mad if I do, mad if I don't and technically I did changed it.

You know actually I liked this one better.


See, Jen liked it too

Maybe the problem is you Phoebes



Shine bright like the knife I'm gonna stab you with.


Uh oh, you better hide

I was too focused on the group texts I didn't heard that Mr. Evans had come in.

"Distant, are we?" Mr. Evans said walking towards my desk. I closed my phone and looked at the clock. We still had 8 minutes until class.

"I thought sitting in the back once would be different." I said not looking him in the eye. He stood in front of my desk. I could feel his eyes on me. He leaned on to my desk. Our noses were touching. We were eye-to-eye.

"Why are you so nervous?" He said with a raspy voice. It gave me shivers. Again.

"I'm not." I said. I turned my head to the left.

"Are you sure?" He said. I looked through the window, leaving his question unanswered.

"Katherine." He said. Um, when did we get to the first name basis? I looked at him again. His eyes were on my lips.

"Do you want me to kiss you?" He said whispering. This was way too inappropriate. Anyone could come in and see us like this. I glanced at the clock. 2 minutes until class started.

"No." I said unwillingly. I mentally stabbed myself. Having this kind of thoughts about your teacher is not right.

"See you in class, Ms. Avery." He turned around and walked to his desk like he just didn't offered me something very very inappropriate. This was too much. Did he think that this was some kind of a game? I stormed out of the classroom. Not really knowing where was I going.

I went to the bathroom and tried to regather my thoughts about what just happened. Did he really wanted to kiss me? Or was he just playing a game? Come on Kat, he's good looking, he probably uses the same lines to pick up a girlfriend. He's just playing a game and you know what? Two can play this game.

I got out of the bathroom when the bell ringed. I had Math. I walked through the classroom. Mr. Renner was grading papers.

"Hey, I just graded your paper, do you want to take a look at it?" He said.

"Eh- depends, what did I got?" I asked.


"That's very......specific." I said. He laughed.

"Can't we just make it 90?" He looked at me then to my paper.


"Well, I think I can give you a point for writing the formula on this question." He said changing my mark to 90. See, that's why he's the best teacher ever.

"Thank you soooooo much." I said cheerfully.

My mood went up a bit, Mr. Renner is definitely more than a teacher. I appreciate his support and kindness.

After class we went to get ice cream with Phoebe and obviously I told her what happened.

"Hmm, confusing. He called you Katherine and then acted like nothing happened?" She said. I nod.

"Maybe you should make him jealous." She said with a devilish smile.

"Why would I do that?"

"Because silly, he may get jealous and then he will want you back and he'll know that you're not a girl to mess up with." She said excited.

"Phoebes, I love you but that is the stupidest idea I've ever heard." I said.

"Plus we don't know if he likes me for sure and for Gods sake he's my teacher!" I told her.

"So what? Look, I'm just throwing out an idea. Hang out with Tom, you said his mood changed when he saw the text from Tom. Clearly he doesn't really enjoy you two talking."

"I don't kno-"

"JUST DO IT." She said mimicking Shia Labeouf. I laughed.

"JUUUST DO IT. DO IT." She continued.

"I'll think about it." I said closing the subject. I didn't wanted to talk about it.

After 25 minutes Phoebes parents came to take her. They had plans. I hugged her then headed home.

Halfway through it started raining, when I arrived, I was wet from head to toe.

"You look like you came out of the movie The Notebook." Cory said his eyes wide open. I stick my tongue at him and went upstairs.

As I was about to take a shower Phoebe called.


"Have you considered it yet?" She asked.

"No, I have to take a shower before that."

"Why exactly?"

"Because it helps me think." I said.

"Okay bye weirdo." She said and hung up.

As the warm soothing water poured on to my face, I still couldn't stop thinking about what happened today. He can't keep giving me mixed signals this way. I decided what I was going to do about it. Let's do it with his rules.

The game is on, Mr. Evans.

Things are getting steammmy 🔥🔥🔥

What do you think will happen? Do you want Tom and Kat or Chris and Kat?

As always don't forget to comment&vote lovelies.


I appreciate your lovely comments <3 thank you so much for the support, they really make my day

Thank you,stay fab and goodbye


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