Chapter 1

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Chapter 1


Jimin wasn't particularly fond of leaving his dorm room at one am just to get one of his roommates some snacks. Especially not with the area they were living in not being the safest. Certainly not as bad as some other places in Seoul, but not too safe either.

But he had lost that bet on who in paranormal activity 4 was going to die first; and if the way Hobi was going to use that fact against him was to send him fetch something from the convenience store at one am then Jimin would have to accept things how they were and do it.

As expected the store was empty aside from a both tired and bored looking cashier who quickly rung Jimin's items up before telling him how much it cost.

After Jimin had paid he slipped back out into the dark street. At least the area was well lit and he didn't have to use his phone flashlight.

I'm done here

Fucking hate you by the way

Who the hell suddenly starts craving chocolate chip cookies at 1 am

You love me <3

Now hurry I want my fooooood

Jimin startled as he almost stumbled into a guy that suddenly stepped between him and, well, the direction he had been planning to walk towards. Taking a step back, Jimin looked up from his phone at him before glancing around and realising they weren't alone. And to make matters worse they were surrounding him.

Whatever their intentions were they certainly weren't good ones. They looked like they might have been around Jimin's age. Probably a bit older. Somewhere in their early twenties Jimin would have guessed if he had to.

They were almost towering over him and while Jimin was pretty used to that thanks to most of his friends being taller than him, the way they did seemed a lot scarier. Intimidating. They were looking down on him. Something he could easily tell simply going by those derogatory smiles on their lips.

Maybe if it hadn't been one am and they hadn't been in the middle of the street, but instead somewhere else, like a club, maybe Jimin would have thought of it as somewhat attractive. The self confidence. But given their situation he just felt anxious since they just kept inching closer.

"So what are you doing out here this late?" One of the guys, the one standing in front of Jimin, said with a too wide smile.

Taking another step back, Jimin forced himself to smile politely, simply because he really didn't want to provoke them. "Just getting some food for a friend... who is waiting for me just around the corner." Helplessly he glanced around, hoping he'd spot anyone else out on the street, but of course there wasn't anyone there. He had never been the luckiest.

Jimin was so going to hit Hobi later though. After all he was the one at fault for the situation Jimin had gotten himself into in the first place.

"Should you really be out here all alone? What if some bad guys were to show up?" The guy's smile got even wider and Jimin felt like throwing up. Who the fuck referred to themselves as bad guys?

One of the guys standing next to him suddenly snatched his phone from his hand, the others giggling. Jimin sighed. "That's not funny." He turned towards the guy. "Could you please give me back my phone?"

Simply shaking his head the guy unlocked it. "Let's see what we have here."

"Hey, that's seriously not funny." Jimin tried again, taking a step towards him, but suddenly there were hands on both of his arms, holding him back. Jimin tried shaking them off, but they didn't budge. He forced himself not to panic, well aware that it would just feed into whatever game they were playing with him.

"Could you please stop?" He tried once again, at least managing to pull one of his arms out of their grip before spinning around to the guy he assumed had been the one to initiate this whole thing. "Look, you can either give me my phone back and let me go in peace or I'll call the police." he warned, hoping that they'd finally realize that this wasn't some weird joke.

Instead their faces turned harder and the guy Jimin had spoken to first stepped forward, his hand darting up and grabbing Jimin's hair. Jimin didn't even get a chance to dodge since the other guys, aside from the one still playing with his phone, suddenly went back to holding him in place. Ther were three of them holding him, minus of course the guy that was holding his phone.

"What did you say? Call the police?" The guy holding Jimin's hair muttered in a warning tone and Jimin couldn't help but flinch when he yanked Jimin's head back. "You sure are brave to talk to us like that given the situation you're in."

Jimin bit his lip, forcing himself not to say anything, even though he really wanted to. But he knew that sassy remarks certainly weren't going to get him to places right now.

"Search his pockets for his wallet."

Jimin didn't bother trying to defend himself. The more he struggled the more trouble he'd get himself in. They were five on one and it wasn't like there was a lot of money in his wallet anyways.

So instead he just closed his eyes, accepting his fate, when he heard a new pair of feet coming closer before coming to an stop before them. "What are you guys doing?" The voice, a guy's, came from a bit farther than the guys standing around him. Relief flooded him now that he wasn't alone anymore.

He expected the guys to pick a fight with the guy or maybe tell him to leave them do their thing but they didn't. Instead the guys that had been so cocky just a minute ago suddenly let go of him, whispering to each other that they should leave. Jimin used his chance to snatch his phone from the hands of one of them , but the guy didn't even seem to notice. His eyes trained on whoever had just showed up. Not really one of Jimin's priorities though as he quickly slipped through a small gap between the bodies and made sure he was at least a couple of steps out of reach, just to make sure he could run in case they changed their mind.

But it wasn't him who ended up running. It was them. And then Jimin realized why. The moment he turned around and ended up face to face with the stranger. With that handsome stranger. He was well built. Had a sharp jaw. A soft face. Strong nose. Long eyelashes. He was tall too. Totally Jimin's type in any way possible. But that wasn't what Jimin was focusing on right now.

Instead he was staring at the stranger's eyes. Into the dark purple of his eyes.


I wrote this whole story in two days._.

I'm sure ya'll will have fun with it. 14 K fluff, 4 K smut<3

Also as usually a small heads up that some chapters might vary in lenght!

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