Chapter 6

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Chapter 6


In some weird turn of events Jimin ended up spending the afternoon with them. Actually not quite just with them, but because he had dance practice in the evening and just had some time to kill he ended up joining them in their PE classes. It was quite easy. All he had to do was to ask their teacher who was also his if he could join and of course the guy said yes. Jimin was one of his favorite students after all.

Even though he had hardly known Jungkook's friends for that long Jimin had already decided that he liked them. Both of them were straightforward, made bad jokes in very different ways and seemed to be just as good natured as Jungkook.

The first hour they spent just with the four of them talking, making basic roles and climbing ropes. Jimin quickly learned that all three of them were quite strong in comparison to ordinary humans. Ridiculously so as Jimin found out when Jungkook talked about how he could actually lift up to one ton of weight. PE was certainly not quite meant for them, since at least for everything regarding physical strength they could go far beyond human limits.

But they were pretty sweet and helped Jimin learn a trick on the bar that he actually had been wanting to learn for quite some time, but had never had proper support for because it was quite difficult. But since he had three guys with ridiculous strength and inhuman reflexes to help secure him so he could now properly focus on what he was doing it and didn't have to worry about falling.

At some point him and Jungkook had a small competition on who could do a handstand longer. And even though Jungkook clearly had more core strength Jimin eventually won thanks to his balance. At least this time being a dancer had paid off.

Jimin had spent time with people from Jungkook's class before, but none of them came to talk to him. They all kept their distance from the trio of non humans. Jimin couldn't quite believe that even though they were classmates and had all been sitting in the same classroom for three years now, none of them talked to them. Like they didn't know them... and they probably didn't.

Now they sent Jimin a bunch of weird glances too though. Probably wondering what he was doing with them. Why he was talking to them so casually. But Jimin didn't care. Those three were his friends and Jimin wasn't really one to care about other people's opinions.

"Okay. Clear away all of the equipment. We're gonna play a game of dodgeball. I need two teams... the guys picking will be... Jimin and Minkyu. I want this to be quick. Everyone else, move."

The teacher helped the other students while Jimin and Minkyu picked people for their team.

Obviously his three friends were the first ones he picked before he chose a few names of guys that seemed to be somewhat fit. He didn't really know though and the guys certainly didn't seem too happy to end up on his team. Jimin was about to throw some fists, but instead of doing something stupid like that he turned towards Taehyung, Jungkook and Jin, who seemed happy to be on the same team for once. "Is it always like this?" Jimin asked, looking at the frowning players of their team. Fucking dramatic.

"It's actually worse usually." Taehyung stated. "Usually we're the ones being picked last and the team that ends up with two of us is devastated about it."

Jimin frowned. "That's so mean. I think I might come here more often from now on. You guys are fun to be around."

Taehyung smiled. A happy, genuine smile and Jimin could feel himself melt a little at that. He wanted to see them smile more... all three of them, but especially Jungkook.

Everyone moved to their positions, the four of them on the right side, the two other guys Jimin had picked to their left. He could tell that they weren't the most motivated but Jungkook seemed to be all the more enthusiastic, bouncing on the balls of his feet.

Jimin knew that he liked sports a lot. It was obvious, simply judging by his built, but he was also pretty sure that Jungkook hardly had the chance to properly play anything, given how judgmental everyone seemed to be around him.

He reached out, patting his shoulder. When Jungkook turned around to him, Jimin smiled. "Let's have fun, okay?"

Jungkook's throws were brutal. That was something Jimin quickly realized. They were terrifyingly accurate and Jimin could hear them every single time they either hit one of the players from the opposite team or the wall. To make matters worse he was obviously holding back. Never quite using his shoulders to build up speed.

Taehyung and Jin were similar, just less motivated and not quite as good at aiming as Jungkook. It was a fun game though. Even their teammates seemed to start having fun, completely destroying the enemy team, even if that meant being on the same team as Jungkook and the other two.

At some point Jimin almost got hit by a ball, but Jungkook just picked it out of the air, only using one hand, like two centimeters from his ass (he had just been in the process of picking up one of the balls). Overall it was a really fun experience and Jungkook seemed to think the same as they slipped into their casual clothes in the changing rooms.

Jimin got a glimpse of Jungkook's abs and was quite content with what he had seen. He internally saved it for later use, too focused on that to notice the sneaky glances Jungkook sent his way when he was changing.


So I'm gonna do a thing and update three chapters of this today because I feel like it... I hope no one has any objections<3

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