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I was at a WWE show and didn't get home till 1 am! This is Saturdays
You and Two-Bit have always gotten along really well. You both like the same shows, and don't like school. One of the TV shows you always watch together, WWE Monday Night Raw. Sometimes the other boys in the gang will make fun of you and Two-Bit and say your dating, but he is dating a blonde girl named Marissa. This week there is a pay over view, and most of the gang likes WWE, just you and Two-Bit nearly never miss and episode. The whole gang gathers at the Curtis house an you split the cost, its like a $30 pay per view and there is like 6 people watching so its usually around $5. But today is the biggest even of the year, and its a $60 pay per view, its WrestleMainia. You walk in and there are alot more people. Pony brought his girlfriend, Soda brought his, Johnny his, Darry, well everyone. Except Two-Bit. He walks over to you, he looks sad, nervous and excited.
"Hey, I broke up with Marisa a month ago. I've waited so there weren't any nasty rumors. Would you go out with me?" Your first reaction is confusion, you didn't know he broke up with Marissa. Your second reaction is excitement, he finally asked you out! You smile.
"Ya, sure." You say smirking.
"I got us front row tickets to WrestleMainia, its just 15 minutes away." You nearly jump up and down. You both run to the car, its an hour until the show.

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