Dallas Not As In Texas- Part 5

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Yay I am so excited to write more there were only going to be two parts but this is so fun to write!
You start crying. You thought Bailey loved you. You run and huddle in a corner forgetting that you are leaving your brother alone to fight 3 socs! You sit on the ground with you head between your legs. That backstabber. But what did yo know about love anyway? Then you hear footsteps running toward you. Its Bailey coming to finish you off! You immediately jump up and pull out your switchblade. When you look up you are surprised to find Dally and Bailey running to you.
"Dally did you turn on me too?" You say in between sobs.
"What? No! Bailey tricked you too? He didn't have me for a second!" Dally said with pride, smirking.
"Wha--.. What?" Yoy manage to stammer.
"I tricked the socs. And you apparently, into thinking I was going to help them kill you. I played them like a viola!" Bailey said proud of is work.
"A what? What's a viola?" You ask
"Its larger that a violin, and has a slightly deeper sound. Playing the violin gives me a hadach." Baliey answered. Bailey holds out his had to help you up. You take is hand and he helps you up. He checks you for cuts. He gently touches your back.
"Ouch! Bailey!" You wine. His face goes pale. He looks like he saw a ghost. Something is wrong.
"Dal, come look at this." Bailey yells to Dally, who is on the lookout for more socs. Dally jogs over and looks at your back. He looks like he is gunna throw up. You can't take it anymore. You wanna know whats so gross.
"Guys!" You say wearily." What's so gross? What's wrong? Am I hurt? I can't feel anything." Then it hits you. Your back must have went numb from the pain. But pain from what?
"Your sure you cant feel any pain unless I touch it?" Bailey recaps. You nod your head as the pain slowly creeps back. "How do I put this calmly. You got..." Bailey starts coughing. But, he's coughing up blood!

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