Lake fever

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You live a few houses away from a lake. But Two-Bit, one of your friends, lives just off of the lake. Many times his house has gotten flooded and he's had to stay with you. You don't mind, your best friends. But as of recently your even closer. Your boyfriend and girlfriend! Since the day you and Two-Bit met the whole town has been waiting for the day that Two-Bit asks you out. I guess you could call our town nosey, but its really small. Everyone knows each other. The graduating class has a high of 30. Anyway, most of the time Two-Bit invites you over to his house to swim. Its usually the same, he wakes you up by knocking on your door, invites you over to swim, you accept, the two of you argue with your siblings all day. But today you wake up and get ready before he knocks on your door. You get a cup of coffee and a bagel and wait. Soon you walk over. He was waiting for you.
"Timmie is at a friends house today babe!" Two-Bit says to you. "We get the water all to ourselfs, ain't that great?!" Two-Bit exclaims. You smile. Timmie is one of Two-Bits younger brothers, he's usually the most annoying. "Race ya!" Two-Bit takes off for the water. You chase after him. You trip over him and you both go flying you both begin to laugh. Today is going to be great!

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