Nail Time!

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You've had a crush on PonyBoy for a long time. He doesn't have a clue that you like him. Your part of his gang,and the youngest too! The 'incident' with Johnny and Bob happened over a year ago. Your 14 and Pony is 15. Raven and Crystal sime other girls from the gang invite you to a sleepover, at the Curtis house. That's where Raven is living until she 'finds legal guardians' (ya right, like that's gonna happen) or is old enough for her own house. You arrive at the Curtis house with a bag containing, you pajamas, a toothbrush (and toothpaste) a brush, and some nail polish. You walk hear giggling in the last room on the left, the one across from Darrys. You walk in to see, Crystal and Raven sitting on her bed looking at magazines, Amanda (Darrys girl) reading 'The Outsiders'. You've heard of it, its a classic. Samantha, (Steve's girl) gossiping with Cherry and Marcia on the ground in front of you. And Savannah (Dallys sister) with a sleeping mask over her face, probably sleeping and getting ready for the all nighter, is on the other side of Sammy. You sit down on the bed and put your bag next to you.
"Anything good in those magazines? Amanda how's the book? Gossiping again Sammy? Savvy, are you asleep?" You say, trying to talk to everyone. They all start talking at once. "Woah, woah, one at a time!" You say putting your hands up quieting everyone.
"Omg, there is like, no, celeb gossip!" Raven days mocking a popular girl at school. "But there is a cool article about paining your nails!" Raven says excitedly, back in her own voice.
"This book is just like our lives, even the names are the same, no mention of us girls thought, only the boys." Amanda aid slightly disappointed, slightly creeped out.
"OMG did you hear Jeremy and Jenna got back together!?!" Cherry said. You don't really keep up with gossip, especially 10th grade. You don't even know who Jeremy and Jenna are.
"Um, what?" Savannah says waking up. She sits up and pulls the mask off her face. "What are we talking about?"
"We were gonna try some cool nail designs. You in?" Raven said quickly "Right girls?" We all nodded our heads, this was Ravens party.
"Good thing I brought my nail polish!" You say smiling, as you reach into your bag and grab a small bag of nail polish. Ravens eyes widen as you grab the bag, she never owned nail polish. You look at all the cool designs in the magazine, you each pick a design, some polishes, and someone to paint your nails. You are almost done with Savvy nails when Pony walks in. He looks around and finds you. He walks over to you.
"Hey, you got a minute?" Pony asks you.
"Ya sure." You say getting up. "Savvy when I get back I'll put on the sealer, ok?" You walk out the bedroom door into the hallway.
Ummm, there's a dance Friday.And I really like, like you. And I was wondering if you would like to go with me?" Pony said nervously. You wrap your arms around him.
"I think I can make time for the dance!" You say jokingly. You never have anything to do on Friday.

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