*PonyBoy New Years Eve*

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  It is late afternoon and you get a call. Its your boyfriend PonyBoy Curtis, he says he is sorry but his flight got delayed and he won't be able to make it to New York until tomorrow.
How are you going to spend the most magical night with your boyfriend when he is in Tuscla and you are in New York City?
  You start to cry. For the last 3 years since you moved you and Pony made a plan to be together on New Years Eve. And for the past three years, your plans have been ruined.
  The first year you fell down the stairs so you couldn't fly to Tuscla. The next year Ponys brother, SodaPop wants to join but they couldn't get tickets. This year his flight got delayed.
  You believe that you are never going to get your magical moment. After all you do live really far away. But you were going to surprise him with some good news! You are moving back to Tuscla. It is 12:58 and you give up all hope and start sobbing. Just then you hear car doors slam and someone is running to your door.
  Pony runs in saying "Yes! I didn't miss it this time!" He puts his arms around your waist and gives you a passionate kiss.   
  You pull you head back and look at the clock 1:08 oh my gosh you were kissing for 10 minutes.
  You finally ask "Pony how did you get here? I thought you said your flight was delayed."
  "Soda drove real real fast. He owed us a favor from last year." Pony said in a rushed tone, obviously wanting to kiss again.
  "Pony I have something I want to tell you!" You exclaim,"I am moving back to Tuscla!" Pony has a smile bigger than a kid in a candy store. He picked you up and swirls you around when you realize he still has his boots and coat on. He puts you down and takes off his snow boots and coat.
  "I love you Pony," You say knowing every day without him is empty.
  "Luv you too babe" he says back he says "I have a present for you!" and pulls out a little jewelry box tied with a ribbon. You open the box and you see a diamond encrusted necklace that says"Sunshine" You pick up the necklace and a piece of paper falls out it reads:
You are the light in my life
You shine brighter than a super nova
You are more beautiful than a sunset on a beach
I am glad that you are mine
My sunshine!
---PonyBoy Curtis
  You start crying realizing he is the only person you have ever and will ever love. You give him a huge hug. You two kiss for a long time soon it is 5 in the morning. You and Pony decide to sleep until the next morning. You realize finally you got your moment.
This was from a dream I had I retold it nearly the same way. I am so happy to share it with you guys. I will be writing one about Johnny next.

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