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Trust me, it gets better at the end, it starts as a downer. If you guys ever need advice, just PM me. I love to help, and am pretty good at giving advice.
You just got in a huge fight with your boyfriend. You both were screaming and yelling at each other in the halls, he even slapped you. So you punched him, after you ran down the halls crying and screaming. Everyone was laughing at you, you ran to your favorite place in the whole school the counseling office. Since your favorite teacher died you've been sitting on the couch in Ms. Bilindas office, crying your eyes out, laughing so had you can't breathe, you even met your best friend on that couch. You run in and explain the while thing in between sobs. She sits there and cries with you, you and her are so similar, you even have the same birthday! Your sad, this is your last year in junior high, next year you'll be in tenth grade. You'll be in the high school building, you won't see Ms. Bilinda unless you go to the junior high building. You stay there for the rest of the school day, this is a frequent happening, crying for the last few hours of the school day. At the end if the day you meet up with your friends, Steve Randall, PonyBoy Curtis, SodaPop Curtis, Keith Mathews, Sherri Valance, Mar Harriet, and Johnathan Cade. But to you they are Stevie, Pony, Soda, Two-Bit, Cherry, Marcie, and Johnny. Dallas Winston, who ya'll call Dally, will walk up and meet ya'll, Darrel Curtis, will drive up in his truck and pick up his brothers and who ever else wants to, usually Steve and Johnny, so you Cherry Marcie, Two-Bit and Dally will me them at the Curtis house. Its really awkward walking with them because Dally and Cherry are a couple and Two-Bit and Marcie are dating. Especially because you and your boyfriend got in a huge humiliating fight.
"Hey, I saw you were literally fighting with your boyfriend today. Are you OK?" Two-Bit asked. You walked faster, he gets the message and starts talking to Dally. You start to daydream about Johnny again, Johnny Cade, he's cute, funny, smart, tuff.. What more could a girl want? You are the first of Dallys group to get to the Curtis house, usually your the last. Johnny, obviously knowing about the fight walks over to you and puts his arm around you, you nearly fall over. Are you in heaven?! No, but close. You start to cry again, you have such great friends. Something the Curtis boys didn't have when they lost their parents, but you did. Although your dad is still alive, he doesn't seem alive, all he dose all day is cry. Johnny looks you in the eyes.
"Hey, girl, theres somethin' I've wanted to ask you for a while. Now probably isn't a good time but here goes!" Johnny says your eyes looking at his, "Would you go out with me?" You crack a smile. Then Johnny starts to smile. You love his smile!
"Actually you just made my day, Johnathan Cade!" You say only loud enough for him to hear. Everyone starts to smile!

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