Wishes Do Come True

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You walk over to Johnny a friend of yours and he leans in for a long kiss. Then you hear a beeping sound. Its your alarm! You wake up. Another dream? Johnny is in your gang, he doesn't know but you really like him. You start to cry, Johnny will never love you, NEVER.  You look at the calender, its Sunday! Dam alarm clock, doesn't it know you don't have school on Sunday, or speaking of that, any day summer vacation started Friday. You decide, since  you are awake, to walk to the park before walking over to have breakfast at the Curtis house. You quickly get dressed and walk outside. The morning air is crisp and cool. You zip up the leather jacket Two-Bit gave you. Your parents barely give you a roof over your head. You get most of the way there when a bright orange mustang pulls up next to you. If you sprint you might be able to make it to Johnny, but Johnny's home is just as bad as yours (but to you its worse) So you stand there ready to fight, you feel for the switchblade that you always keep in your jeans pocket. Its there. Good. There have been times when it falls out of your pocket or someone steals it and uses it against you. You keep walking Justin case they aren't here to jump you. You walk over to your favorite spot in the park. The wishing well. It sounds childish but you love to wish socs will stop jumping greasers and that Johnny will at least realize you like him. The socs are walking toward you. You look around just in case there is someone else. There isn't. You throw in a quarter and wish that Johnny (or anyone from the gang)  would come and help you beat these socs. You throw in a penny and wish Johnny would date you.
You hear a taunting voice coming from the soc, "I've got a knife here an I think you would look better with short hair."
"Let me Randy, I'll scalp her!" A slightly younger soc said.
"No Alex, she's just bait so I can kill the kid who killed Bob." Said the first voice, Randy. Just then you hear a familiar voice yell.
"Hey Randy, I'd leave her alone if I were you. She's armed. And she can beat Dallas Winston in a fight." Its Johnny! He's come to rescue you! You nearly forget about the socs.
"I told you he'd come to save her Alex." Randy gloated. "They like each other but they don't know it." Was it true, did Johnny like you and you were too ignorant to realize. Johnny ran to you and whispered in your ear.
"It it true, do you like me." You realize that you two would make the cutest couple in the gang.
"Maybe" You whisper back.
"Should we count whippin' these socs as a first date or would you rather go to the drive-in, I heard they are playing your fave movie, Star Trek XV." Johnny said loud enough for the socs to hear he was smirking.
"Both! Wait don't you like Star Trek too?" You said. Johnny just asked you on a date. How romantic he knows your favorite movie.
"Maybe." Johnny responded mocking your previous response.
"Are we going to fight or what?" Randy said impatiently. "I have a schedule to keep." Johnny was holding your hand and let's it go to punch Randy breaking his nose. Alex, who is a girl and Randy's girlfriend. You do a no-handed cartwheel and kicked Alex in the face. Her tooth fell out! Randy grabbed Alex's hand and ran off into his Mustang.
"You know whats weird Johnny?" You ask him.
"Ummmm PonyBoy?" Johnny jokes.
"Well, not answering that. But I threw a quarter in the wishing well wishing that you would realize I liked you." You said seriously.
"Well, I guess wishes do come true!" He said and you walked off hand in hand. As you get to the end of the park you see Pony. Johnny turns to you and kisses you. This has been the best day ever

My homework is all done. Get ready for a wave of FanFic.

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