Oval's Manga spotlight and other notes

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Ovalsan's log: today I got some new manga at my usual places while stocking up on refrigerator with some clean supplies only to pass the time and that's all so what they are well I break them down one by one.

Spotlight one: Team Phoenix vol 4

This is getting good with the battle between team Phoenix and the robot Alliance, Astro Boy versus Atlas and well you get the idea and the series have two types of cover I may do a log on it once a fifth and final volume comes out at a later date.

Spotlight two: Black Cover Vol 35

As the the Black Cover series nearing it end with Asta's fight with sister Lily and upon hundred feet Billy told him that she was a nun of the noble realm of a clover Kingdom in Sand by The Nobles discrimination of the less fortunate, within all honesty even if in anyway Asta becomes the wizard Kings those Noble with fear if any outsider of their Realm can become the wizard King they'd be more disgusted than usual and if they ever have any brains the only thing to keep that from happening is if they come up with a, wizard fight if you will.

Closing note: when I asked my friend on the Monday gift she gave to his mother he said she's having a hard time understanding it but at least she's trying with her being ugly that is and that's the kind of thing I have put up with where I sleep in and most have horrible hearing.

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