Character bio part one (hosted by Ovalsan Ivan)

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Ovalsan: that a very unusual duck and that not the only new player that moving into Luz's old stomping ground and I'll explain on each in the order of appearance and mentions for now.

Name: Raven Lowing

Age: 16

Character description: a silly girl who lives on the bad side of the tracks and lost her right arm in the shop class accident she was meant to be in juvie till she stumbled into the Bolling Isle and had a misunderstanding with a local.

Her art skills with both pen and carving knife with a right hand is good the left not so much the hook hand was bad.

Her magic skills are currently solid but her discovery of Pride glyphs opens new possibilities and Investments when she won her duel with Luz and was a near right arm she can go deep into the skin of magic and puncture its veins.

Question to author why a metal hand?: well the Magic in the owl house was inspired by Alchemy so I honestly thought Luz's Apprentice should have an arm like Edward Elric from Fullmetal Alchemist but when I pitched the shop class accidents some say Disney won't allow it well if I'll be more interesting but even if she's born with one hand that would only pass the senses.

Name: Elan Spark talent

Age: 16

Character description: A working Goetia who woke as the custodial at Eagle mage for at school program in the first friend raven made when she came to the demon Realm and could be more than that and the grimoire she was found with may help Raven if the threats that I'm more than it seems.

Name: Buster Buzzfist

Age: N/A

Character description: the main Estates maintenance man or bird for that matter but he's have a rough reputation due to his current personality but Elsa is the only one that can touch his heart.

Name: Penny Jade feather

Age: N/A

Character description: as the stuff's had made and cook she really knows how to feed the working flock and see if the only one who knows Elsa is more than the face at the table.

Her own magic is limited to those of cooking and cleaning.

Name: Nora Shadow Talent

Age: N/A

Character description: As the mistress of the main Estates for the Goetia's occupants of the boiling Isle she will do whatever necessary to keep The High Ground for the pleasure with her husband with Mastery of Shadow Magic but she's also quick on the tongue and wet as well.

Name: Anya Punguari

Age: 16

Character description: Raven first paid friend by the school who's having a tendency to fight anyone who's picking on her when she was young and not being like by palisman's for reasons that are still unknown at this moment.

Her fighting skills at her current age is solid but have difficulty of making spell circles with Anya's hand not being able to open up properly almost like they are shaking.

Anya's parents made her into Amity's Palisman to better her hands but past Temps are more like chunks of wood and the flight staff she once bought seems to double as a Bo Staff.

Question to the author why the name Anya?: Well to put it simply Amity has pink hair by mid Point of the 2nd season of the Owl house and so is Anya from Spy family.

Name: Robert Bond

Age: 16

Character description: Anya's best friend and taking to bard track but let's say for now a hair disorder.

Question to the author why have Bond as his last name?: Bond is the dog from Spy family.

Name: Coabar Shadow Talent

Age: N/A

Character description: Master of the main Estates for the Goetia's occupant and have not been fond of the locals bootleg culture of their own life even if the coven system was nothing but a branding for a mad witch Hunter's cage hunt and the consequences of abandoning that called turkey resolved in the coven gangs.

Name: Henry lump cold

Age: 16

Character description: a sweet boy that no one wants to do with him at the school that's so closed-hearted to those I think they are a nuisance even to Raven sadly no matter how big of a hint she gives him.

Name: Ms. Churro

Age: N/A

Character description: a student counselor it has been in her office for so long she have never know what's outside the school North cares like most of the School faculty and sometimes looks like she's sleeping with her eyes open when she's asleep.

Name: Mr. Exhaust fume

Age: N/A

Character description: even if he is a decent teacher in a decent place to live he's still too burned out from teaching not knowing nor caring if he's going to fax wrong fine most parts of the city as a place only to yell and scream at each other like they don't want to act like decent human beings.

Name: Dawn Highside

Age: 17

Character description: she may look like one of those pop the mean girl Dawn is more than what she seems outside of school, let's see for now there's a bigger plot she wants a piece of that will come to light at a later date.

Name: Ginger Woodfin

Age: 17

Character description: What mostly known about Ginger are being withheld for now for what actually can be said about her is that she's a runaway from home for being treated like dirt from both home and school over being a plant lover the talent question have a questionable environment do the both land and air quality almost like they want to breathe and live in pollution.

Her relationship with Willow is decent even if it is short-lived till Venus took her in with ginger being able to do Mana Magic and can't do liftmagic being with Venus calls dead Magic.

Name: Venus Harvest star.

Age: look over 20

Character description: what's new about Venus Harvest star off for now little to go on what can be said about her is that she teaches Mana Magic at Eagle Mage to represent the Elementden that are also occupants of the boiling Isle with the Goetia's but her magic skills is more then enough to be Willow but her own fighting skills is a story for another day.

Name: Sapphire Paw birdo

Age:16 in her humanoid form.

Character description: the Blue Heeler familiar that's appointed to Anya to go with the grimoire she's a very kind and loyal to her master but even if she does share the grimoire with Anya her magic does rival almost all of Hexside.

Question to the author why are blue heeler?: just to Simply honor Bluey with its final episode aired while writing this.

Name: Hopper would break.

Age: N/A

Character description: A Goetia teacher that's more responsible than exhaust fume Hopper would break is fair and your firmed even if he is a bit picky on the faculties and have an Eagle Eye on seeing a problem that's going on with the other students and may see a bigger problem coming sooner than he thinks.

Name Chill Herbal wind

Age: N/A

Character description: As Eagle Mages best school nurse which are dog goes to she is well skilled in making healing meds in other medical schools that the school meets her match skill is indeed to the above most of the faculty but you don't want to be at the receiving end when she raises her hand at someone.

Name: William Brightwing

Age: 18

Character description: As one of Raven's Goetia's co-supervisor on the Pride glyphs experiments William Brightwing is the brightest upperclassmen of the school but he never does debate teams give them bad digestion when things heat up but was the best in the Hexem hold em team that wasn't him who won that tournament against Hexside that year.

Name: Wendy Herbal break

Age: 18

And the one who won the Hexem hold em tournament that year.

Character description: The Smartest of the girl Goetia's at the school and Raven co-supervisor on the Pride glyphs experiments with her own reasons when she was young Wendy is an imaginative inventor who wants better people's life but then seen as a joke with what she sketched up they were cute science fair projects but though that's been in the top three with her says the only way for Wendy's inventions to become reality if she finds.......the duck.

Name for now: The Duck

Character description: a very unusual duck but instead of quacking quacking it's bird call goes with a woohoo.

Question to the author why are you making a duck say that?: you'll see when a mystery of a certain town resulting in its history being Rewritten once it been solved.

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