Episode five: What if the apprentices challenges their masters?

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Opening scene

In a pitch black room a massive flash of light being down on both Raven and Anya Bean strap to chairs with very weak velvet Crow holding them down.

???: Raven Lowing and Anya Punguari you two are each charged for destruction of school property and assaulting teacher what do yo- Luz I know what each of them did was I'm saying all but,

Then the actual lights came on showing Raven and Anya that they are actually in the basement of Luz's home that been made into a mock courtroom.

???: Do we have to do a D.I.Y trail?

Luz: King I know this is silly and all but we never made a Justice system yet and Eda and Lilith are open today.

Eda: Well we are on the school board and it was on shortened notice for the both of us.

Lilith: I know each is upset both to the school and personally for Amity but even we knew the reward system will backfire one way or another.

Luz: Hexside losing students to that Conformity School?

Raven:Well Eagle Mage prep may look snobby but at least they gave me a place at the table when I first arrived here.

Luz: As a seven to work you to the Bone.

Anya: Well me and Robert had grown to like you even if we are paid to be your friends.

Luz: The reward program is for students with special needs which they are classified to both schools and the parents like Anya's who are coming down with the assaulted in question.

Then Amity came down with who seem to be Anya's parents behind her as Anya's first testament as they take a seat.

Mr. Punguari: let me cut Chase Anya had been in some fight when she was young.

Mrs. Punguari: It over her unable to make proper spell circles which is why she was in your glyph class Luz.

Luz: True and I hear that your daughter attends to that martial arts school as a home away from home you may say.

Mr. Punguari: we won't mind as long as it's in self-defense.

Mrs. Punguari: and yet she's still getting to fight with those kids.

Lilith: And got a ear full by both parties from that instant.

Eda: heard it was some fight.

Amity: that's why I'm teaching Anya palisman despite her having less of a progress.

Anya: Well your cat try to attack me.

Amity: you hit me in the back of the head by throwing a block of Palisman wood.

Anya: It was a reflex.

Lilith: well we witches are of magic we don't believe in resilient physical confrontation.

Eda: Well it the school's own negligent is what led to stuff like that and the color Cliffs on the other hand there's potential but my University could be a better place teach them.

King: That I will aloud even if I don't have any official title of Authority.

Raven: Then let settled this in a different way since this is a mockery of Justice.

Luz: Like wh-

Raven rip off the velvet Crow straps that's been holding her down to the chair then walk towards her.

Raven: How about a Witches dual my color glyphs against your regulars while Anya's might take on Amity's magic.

Eda: I guess we could use it to study and compare them.

Lilith: Even so where to have them beed to be better then what have made up here.

King: Then the dual will start in three weeks.

Amity: Guest we have to make the pack until then.

Then Amity draws the Circle so that each can make the pack for the dual but one day are all about to make it a dark shadow burst into the basement covering the whole place.

???: perhaps I can sweeten the deal.

Then a goetia rose from the Shadows in the center of the room in garments of high society to burn Luz.

Luz: Whatever you are offering Coabar Shadow Talon I am not interested.

Coabar: well your going to hear it anyway if you don't want to be charge for unofficial legal practices.

King: I know everyone heard the explosion but you can't just come in like that as a real monarch.

Coabar: Say a Titan who's not worth having it's liver being eaten but let's go to the chase.

Then with a snap of his finger a suitcase full of money Rose was Shadow and as it opens up it tempted Eda alone.

Coabar: and that's only the interest to each winner.

Eda: so you're going to award the winner?

Coabar: Oh am not just going to do that oh no it will be a greatest show than whatever you two will try to come up with.

Amity: a Witches Dual is not a Sports Extravaganza for the masses!

Lilith: Lord Shadow Talon our culture is not an anarchy.

Coabar: try telling that to the far right.

Eda: unfortunately he right.

King: And that part will not be mentioned during this trial but I will even if Luz won't like it have it have it set on a better Battleground.

Coabar: pleasure to hear that you're Majesty.

As much it amuses King Coabar pull out contract for the Dual from behind his back as what seems to be Penn darts as well and hits the right arm of those that are willing to agree but one meter hit on Raven's right plastic arm.

Coabar: Oh Yeah your left handed.

Then the . Pen came out of Raven's right arm and on the other where she really felt it.

Coabar: just sign your name of the dotted line.

Then they with some reluctancy signed the contract so the duel can be sanctioned.

Coabar: Well with that settled I'll have the Stadium ready as soon as I can but King I may need you for this forecast and fitting rehearsals and other things.

Then Coabar returned to the shadows.

King: mmm mmm mmm what have I decried on this Isle?

Luz: The most ridiculous dual extravaganza we will ever see and may not hear the end of it.

Screen one

Two days later Raven is on the outskirts of town training for her big duel with Luz on what she could use and make with some lukewarm promises.

Raven: Ok for red plants it's like a flamethrower blue liquid nitrogen yellow electrical gray for fog and silver for steel chains but pink well it stinks, literally.

Raven made some interesting results but doesn't think it's enough.

Raven: but the real question is how to use it apart from defenses that is?

Has Raven begins her break she pulls out one of the potion beakers with some water and some flavor power that's from her bag and when she's started during it after pouring the stuff and idea begins to stir in her head.

Raven V.O: Hmm quite the idea like say a red ice glyph is in the beaker and-

Raven: even if the size is stable I don't want to kill her like that nor with electrical ice for that matter.

As the remaining days goes on Raven made a list which speaker bombs as she calls them are lethal and non lethal like the poison plants Beaker explodes poison smoke on contact with the iced mist having more Bang but the metal ice glyph only makes it to a metal ball.

Raven: at least I'll have a melee weapon.

Then something came on the thing it seems to be Luz and Amity in their living room having a meeting of some kind.

Luz: the tool is in less than a week and there's so many surprises the goesha's will have for us in let along what Raven have.

Amity: well Anya's folks are in the program to get protection money from those horrible coven gangs.

Raven's V.O: Coven gangs?

Luz: They are just Patty Crooks that still believe in the coven system.

Amity: Even if Belos is no more their are still those that are loyal to him and somebody old coven heads are running them.

Raven V.O: Ah gangs are not something you should take lately.

Luz: the color glyphs are more complicated than I thought with what we seen so far and once I try to do one it doesn't work for me.

Amity: maybe it's for a new generation.

Raven: interesting Theory.

Luz: Or she of a different kind of magic.

Amity: you mean the more than titan and collector Magic that the goesha could want from her?

Raven V.O: Well I may have the advantage but that's all this little metal ball can give me.

Then the image on the metal ball fade away as Raven resumes her training.

Screen two

Then the big day arrives and the goetia's didn't pull any punches when they want it to be a Extravaganza with the thing having two separate stadiums so one duel can't interfere with the other.

Raven is in her locker room looking over the Battlefield where she and Luz are going to be fighting in.

Raven V.O: this is so a close quarter fight so I have to plant some fog to confuse her with some stink plant so I can follow her scent in case you use an invisibility gypsy.

Once she have her thing all settled she head out to the field as the opening ceremony begins with King hosting the whole thing.

King: people of the Boiling Isle we are here to subtle a dispute between mentors and apprentices due to unstable Magic and another out of frustration so a duel is called for and having it in the taste of the goesha's which is not my idea with Luz and Raven's to be a Close Quarter fights while Amity and Anya's will be a circular walled Arena May the best which win as long as by knockout or by submission.

Then after that both dual begins.

Play by play commentator: here we go with both sides slowly making their way to the center while leaving a past behind so they can retrace their steps.

Raven's light glyph are not feeling it for her and try to let one rise up to see if there's a, magic barrier which there is when the thing touched it.

Raven V.O: it won't let anything magical so.

Knows that the walls are not that tall or even did some parkour wall jumping then grabs the top of the wall and climbs on it to see that it's thick enough to walk on.

Play by play commentator: Hmm could Luz do that?

Color commentator: doubt she knows what parkour is to do so.

Raven carefully walked on the wall tell she is close to where Luz is in the Maze and jumps down when she's at her closest behind Luz and pull out speaker of pink liquid on the back with the left arm and slowly crept behind Luz.

Raven: Hey!

Then as Luz turn towards where Raven crowded from only get some stink plant up her nose when the beaker of the stuff hits near her feet.

Luz: Oh wow that strong stuff.

Raven: and you of all people should have known that magic isn't black and white.

Luz: I only have a pen back then- Hey!

Raven wall run a bit back on top of the wall before Luz finish it but when she tries to climb up she said down a few times really tiring her out a bit.

Play by play commentator: man she's unfit for physical competition.

Color commentator: well parkouring is more of a city street thing that suburb thing.

Luz then use a regular plant two rows up a bit to get close enough to the top but felt something sticky when she plays one of her feet on it.

Luz: Oh come on!

Raven: Oh I need someone to use the yellow plant glyph on.

Then once Raven touch the glyph what looks like a sun flower rose up and when Luz thought she got lucky the thing fired a blinding beam of light really made her freeze on site.

Play by play commentator: talk about what they would say a deer in the Headlights.

As a plant light wilted away Luz come out of her light shock with the goo being all dried up and their sights seem to have been weakened a bit but it's going to take more than that to make Luz yield from a fight.

Play by play commentator: she's determined you will give her that.

Color commentator: but those like still gullible.

Luz return to the maze ground since her site is fading in and out of bit.

Luz's V.O: I can still fight and it going to take more then that to put me in the dark.

As Luz regains recite a bit she sees a row of light and sees that it could be a trap.

Luz: What Choice do I have.

Play by play commentator: even she knows what they could lead her to but there's always a twist.

The road of lights led Luz into a crossroads with no signs of Raven being down any of the three then looks up see if Raven is on the top of the wall but not until a beaker fell right in front of her blinding her vision and this is at her most distorted she felt an upward swing hitting her in the chin.

Luz:Ow what just hit me?

Then Raven came out of the fog with the metal ball that's linked with silver lights with a hook ring on the other end with a cork to keep it from flying out of our right plastic hook.

Luz: hey this is a witches duel you can't have a weapon!

Raven: King decreedit.

Then Raven charged at Luz with a left horizontal swing with her chain ball at her gut and with more swings onto Luz's head she go down for the count.


Raven wins

Play by play commentator: Raven win with a good chain beating on Luz's head.

Color commentator: now the student has become the master.

Moments later Raven got out of the Stadium office on how she wants to spend her Winnie with Lord Shadow Talon and then spotted Anya being hauled into what looks like an ambulance with no hands from a nearby window.

Raven: what happened and did you win like that?

Screen three


In the circular wall Arena two combatants enter on opposite side Amity on one side and Anya on the other in their finest to represent might and Magic but Amity still finds this all ridiculous but with Anya is armed with is more than for show.

Amity:Anya I know we are under Contracting all but do you really want to go through with this just to get out of palisman carving?

Anya: I'm more a fight than magic because of you now!

Amity: you were causing commotions in the hallways and playgrounds and now I'm forced to end this for good.



Anya makes the first strike with a hard left punch to Amity face and it look very painful on her face like she's ever been physically assaulted before.

Amity: Ok now it on!

Then Amity make a Abomination fist on her right hand and throws it but Anya counters with a pressure point to the left thigh thus having her leg fall asleep then get a strong kick into the head by Anya almost made a cheer come out her face.

Amity: I never been that hunt in all my life!

Anya: maybe magic was never meant for me at all.

Amity: And have a iron fist for the rest of your life your folks will not let me hear the end of it!

Anya: no all day with me and you just won't care anyw-!

Abomination goo bring out beneath Anya grabbing her hand and holding her down to the floor on her knees and the audience is so displeased and Frozen Refreshments at Amity.

Amity: What that for!?

As Amity is letting out her frustration she started to hear skin and muscle tissue ripping off as she turns around and sees Anya trying to get free.

Amity: Anya don't stop, wait!

Ayan: Ahhhh!

Then Anya break free from her holding leaving her hands behind in the goo.

Amity: Anya what ha-

Then Anya gave Amity a strong right kick to the stomach and finish it with a roundhouse kick to the Head bringing her down.


Winner: Anya Punguari.

Even if she earn her victory Anya passed out and got hauled to the hospital stat.

Anya V.O: Oh how long was I out?

As Anya is coming around a hospital room a very loud scream woke her up showing she's sharing a room with someone.

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