Eps 12: What if one descent is another Ascension?

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Opening scene

As the alarm in Ravens servant house room goes off she feels a hardtensity inside the left side of her chest like a black box is growing inside her and if that's not bad enough she had to put on some eye covering with them being swirled in blood red as or even sees them in the mirror.

Raven: Hope it nothing to serious.

Then heads out with what looks like emergency call bracelet on her right wrist.

Scene one

As Raven got to Eagle Mage the building is adding two to three more floor due to the new student's they got from Hexside with them taking up most of the hallways which she and the rest are struggling to get to class, resulting in lot of Hexside kids getting pushed and shoved into the most unpleasant of places.

Fortunately Raven got to her rune tech class before the Bell Ray with sapphire and Elan who are working on their own thing,Elan is customizing her flight staff while Sapphire is doing and then both wonder what Raven is making.

Sapphire: are those at Taylor really came from the book you read.

Raven: Honestly no on the whip thing, it kinda been in my drawing for some time and I start to feel like it's meant to be part of me, for some reason.

Elan: could be from your right arm with it looking like a Goetia's.

Sapphire: Well upon personal research persona limbs can have some unusual mutations.

Raven: Like my little eye swirl and what's building up on the left side of my chest.

Elan: well it deep in building up hope it's nothing fatal.

Sapphire: you may become those th-

Then Raven and the others started to notice that some of the windows from the classroom is being pouted by someone from an egg from the outside, it turns out to be some ex Hexside students that's gone AWOL and ran off.

Raven: What wrong with them.

Elan: well the Scandal did ruin their school and what else do they have to lose after that?

Sapphire: and word on the street that the golden Covenant are looking towards recruiting those that lost their jobs over there.

Raven: and they are blaming me over some things that would lead to the downfall either way.

Well that the kind of thing where those on your side of the track would do to anyone that got a better hand.

Then Raven and her friends turn to where the voice came from, it was Lyz who is not happy with the line of work Eagle Mage put her in.

Elan: Well the Metal Talon witch been leaving quite the mess for taking out the coven gang.

Luz: And ruined Hexside for everyone!

Elan: Hey their means of keeping their students will let that downfall one way or another.

Luz: What Choice do we have?

Then Luz went back to work.

Scene two

Then in over a week 62% of the Hexside dropped out of Eagle Mage and take up most of the northeast of bone borrow and taking whatever lowlife job they can find others join the golden coven gang for whatever that leader want them to do that could spite the Goetia's, like oh say still from them when you're not looking.

Luz: Kikimora!

Luz Shouted as enter enters what looks like an old cave where the golden coven gang lives and keep what they stole and at the end sitting on a bootleg's throne is their gang later, Kikimora.

Kikimora: Luz, how nice to see you even if it not on a social meaning.

Luz: You have really stoop low.

Kikimora: well it's better than submitting to them.

Luz: What choice do I have, be the mop girl or be in or make my own Coven gang like yours.

Kikimora: well it's better than letting of those horrible Goetia's have their doping on.

Luz: As am not fund of the occupation here and those that came after.

Kikimora: How can you tolerate those that will look down on you?

Luz: I still have my friends while you and the others are still stagnated into the path that's resulting in stealing one of their eggs.

Kikimoan: Well we are desperate like your school until been shut down.

Luz: By your dark money!

Kikimora: And now these poor kids are on the streets because of them.

Luz: And how are how are we going to do about it?

Kikimora: Well they put you in Amity in a place to be humiliated by your own apprentices so it'd be fitting if we humiliated their champion, the metal Talon witch in our own.

Luz: Well I can't say anything about that other then how and where?

Kikimora: All we need is the right bait and the right messenger.

Then Luz leave so she won't hear her plans on doing so.

Kikimora: shame really even if it is going as we speak.

Then it not long tell that a knock came at the service door and when Raven opened it she sees that there's a letter put on the door, Raven took it off the door and open it and pull out what look like a note of of challenge with a piece of Anya's hair the letter reads.

The Bolling Isle had been trying so long and hard to rebuild their world until the Goetia's came in and tainted everything as a sink their talents in and poisonous with those of foul upsetting Magic of Mana familiars runes and blood, resulting in the contamination of the Isle very soul and the last of the Coven gangs have here by challenge the metal Talon witch to a duel, winter stays loser gets lost!

Signed the golden Coven gang leader Kikimoan.

Then Penny and Elan came on in as Raven show them Anya's did something with a leather and they are horrified upon reading it.

Elan: This got to be a trap.

Raven: But what Choice do I have in all of this?

Penny: And their no telling what they could have planned.

Elan: but there's too much at stake aunt Penny and even I know the main State have their hands full to do anything about it.

Raven: The place and date of the Dual is in over a week from now so we need to come up with something to save her and in case something goes awry.

Penny: I'll see what I can come up with in the meantime, don't know if it will work but I have to come up with what I can.

As they head back in Raven's supervisor Wendy and William saw the whole thing through their spy mirror.

Wendy: Any thoughts Willam?

William: she did rescue your friend's egg so we have to return the favor in any way we can and I know the one even if it is only a hunch at the moment.

Wendy: Same here William but someone seem to be on the same pages as we are.

Then Willam see the nearby open window that window that Wendy is pointing at towards and see the duck, then it flew out the window.

The Duck:WooHoo.

Scene three

Over a week later Raven Lowing as the Metal Talon witch came to where Kikimoan want to meet her at a warehouse where the Blights used to have that presentation, as she enters the place it's Pitch Black knowing all too well that it's a trap.

Raven's V.O: What are you up to Kiki-

Then the light came on blinding her as something jumped down from the rafters May the massive Shockwave on impact that put Raven slightly slightly off balance as she sees who caused it to be no other than kikimora in a more powerful mech suit then the last one and seem different somehow like it not from the Bolling Isle.

Raven: That so no-

Then Raven get grabbed by the right hand of Kikimora's mech and rise it to her face so she can see the light Faith from Raven's eyes.

Kikimoan: You think can come here and change the status quo like what Luz did a long time ago, Well it not nor ever will!

Raven: Do those like you really think am just here to ruin your life or be a nuisance to the locals and save their ungrateful hides?

Kikimora: you decided with the Goetia's because they paid you?

Raven: they accept me from a higher perspective while those like you are back water dumb and can't read the room.

Then Raven pushed a button on her right pinky with the thumb does having the arm become detached, so she can slip out of Kikimoan's mech grip.

Kikimora:Hey that not ho-

Then Kikimora feels a stab in the neck with what looks like a hidden blade from Ravens, left arm and continue stabbing over and over as the intensity in her chest is getting worse with every stab.

Raven: Those ( gasp) that refuse (gasp) will be rip by their roots from society (gasp) so...say...the...metal...Talon witch.

Then Raven as Kikimora mech fell she see things fading to Black, tell her sights been reignited like a motor core was pulled and William is a one that that pulled out what looks like a black box that was in her with what looks like cooking tongs while Wendy and the others are getting Anya out of the cage but also found a box of cooking utensils can't ingredients and to make it more weird cookbooks.

Ginger: What is Kikimora been planning with this stuff.

William: or just storing this stuff but I think we have, a more urgent matter going on here.

The black box started to open slowly and inside what looks like, a grimoire.

Raven: A grimoire was in-

But when Raven put her arm back on a massive amount of flames erupted beneath her the burning was long and horrible, as she passed out in the flame clears dust becomes that even made William and Wendy speechless.

Robert: at least it goes with the arm.

As Raven slowly regains consciousness she seems to see that she's in the med wing as Elan and the others came in and try not to say something that can be, triggering.

Raven: go ahead say it.

Elan: Well Raven their no easy way to-

Raven: just get me a mirror, even if I do know what I become that goes with my right arm.

Elan: As you wish my lady.

Raven raisin eyebrow on Elan calling her my lady and she's getting the mirror,then Coabar Noan and Luz came in, this covered her mouth to hide the shock that she seen.

Raven: What the matter Luz. I got accepted sooner than you.

Coabar: Raven can I still call you Raven, Goetia's are like house birds with the usual bird eyes but Ars Goetia's.

Then as Elan gave Raven the mirror and see in the reflection that she has the red eyes and a raven face of, Ars Goetia.

Then a mass screen was Unleashed I'm the whole Hospital heard it, which it came from Amity who just came into the room.

Raven: Was that sound I was ment to make for what I become after seeing my Ars Goetia face in the mirror but the look does fit my name anyway.

Luz: What we just Shouted Raven-

Nora: that's lady Raven to you Mrs. Endured

Raven: please Mrs Shadow Talon you don't need to shout at someone like her for having a thought processor of a snail.

Then has Raven gets up from her hospital bed she realized that her head almost touched the ceiling.

Elan: well lady Raven.

Raven: please you can still call me Raven even if I am, currently the bigger bird in the room.

Coabar: well even the height difference make us look like small birds from your standings but there are more, complicated matters to worry about as well and not just for the locals.

Then the lights start to flicker as an extremely sensitive fog came in as red eyes appear within it as what looks like a Goetia's head sticks out, A Ars Goetia's head.

Coabar: Lord Stolas!

Stolas: Please call me HawkBert do to this unusual outcome.

Luz feel very unpleased on how they kiss up to the bigger bird as HawkBert change into a more human form.

Amity: please Lord HawkBert.

HawkBert: HawkBert Stolas the 15th just to be clear.

Amity: Well anyway, we of the Bolling Isle don't keep up with things that are what we call the human Realm, whenever we see or hear something we don't know anything on like the term Eat the Rich which is why there was cooking stuff in that Hideout so we would hunt you down and stuff you as food.

Luz: What!

Coabar: me and Noan will explain it when things settle down.

Luz stormed out of there while Amity goes after her to come her down we're just going to be more hard to do for those that's all them head out like that.

HawkBert: okay that's awkward for all of us here, anyway back to business when those like you got that remorse sooner than usual they have more control of their introduction coronation on what could be like a theme for starters.

Raven: well this may sound for those like you at my age that is a costume party as my instruction to be the, first witch of the Ars goesha and I don't want anyone's opinion here to sound like something a yes man would say.

Coabar Nora Elan think carefully on what to say even if they do agree with the idea.

Coabar: I guess it has to do with it making up for it being towards minors.

With nothing else to say Corbar Noan and Elan make their leave So Raven can be alone with Lord HawkBert Stolas well he writes down the new details for Raven's coronation.

HawkBert: and done but I must inform you there will be rehearsals for the coronation oh and you will revert back to human form in a few days, even if you get to learn and how to change back and forth as will.

Once HawkBert leave to make the needed preparations as Raven takes a look at us up in the mirror and imagine what she will look like at her introduction coronation.

Raven: Raven Lo- Metal Talon, Witch of the Ars Goetia.

Then I'm usually practice her curtsy as simple joke to himself or it's going to burn Luz...Big time.

Post credit scene.

About three days later Luz went into the Inn after a long day of cleaning where most of the Goetia's from the main Estates are their like they are waiting for her with Coabar and Noan at the bar as she sit between them.

Luz: Coabar, Noan:

Nora: Do you know why we are here?

Luz: So you can skull me not doing well I'm supposed to be doing for the Isle.

Coabar: to anyone like you perhaps if it was told disaster but down to business.

Then Rover who is attending the bar drop the cookbook on the bar counter as the topic of the meeting.

Luz: One 100 ways to cook a- you got to be kidding me?

Rover: no joke and opalina only know the surface of the stuff and those are making this and more.

Then Rover shows the fine prints on the backside of the book.

Raven: distributed by Cin Crystal press, and that's important why?

Coabar:Cin Crystal industry from our Intel that's put together so far is that the industry in question have their claws on 20% of known consumer markets like media both physical and digital, along with application Sun more complicated matters then what's on the surface right now.

Nora: and the right owner of that book you love is in a way working with them the question is why?

Rover: and here's the part you're not going to like, we found what seems to be schematics for what looks like a complex burial ground and get this, it in Gravefleld.

Luz froze for a few seconds on what she just heard then came around after that.

Luz: What for!?

Coabar: no idea for sure but it's best if you let you process this until then within a month from now you must be Co-chauffeuring Raven Lowing or Metal Talon as she like to be called for her introduction coronation.

Luz: fine I'll chauffeur her special day, only if you give me a week off from work.

Coabar: noted.

Then Luz leave the Inn to process what she had heard.

Nora: well we are looking for replacement for that school anyway.

Rover: Hope Luz didn't hear that.

Coabar: same here even what we will pay her is more than enough with what's she is worked for until we will be laying her off.

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