Eps 23: What if Raven's visit to her old was better sweet? (Track Haven sagaP1)

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Opening scene

The day of Raven's visit to Track Haven has arrived as she with her friends, in their human disguises and pet disguises as they are gather around the tree that she came into the Boiling Isle from.

Elan: So this is the tree you came here from.

Raven: Indeed Elan and with my osmosian crystal I can in theory make the portal to I'm from the tree that I went into.

Wendy: Hmm turn but it won't always be exact.

Raven: well it's better than it not working.

Anya: well it's nice for inviting us here so I can see your hometown Raven but to Wendy why are we in our school uniforms?

Wendy: those who Raven knows will more or less start to ask questions on where she's been all this time, so I with you and Sapphire don't I know why must back up where she's been.

Sapphire: Woof Woof ( appreciate the invite though.)

Raven: Ok so without any further delay.

Then Raven supersense to open the portal but when she about to make the first stance when they just simply breasted her bubble.

Wendy: there are no stance routine to opening portals.

Raven: Killjoy.

So Raven just open the portal the simple wave of a right hand.

The portal did open to where she's from but not from the tree she went into just a bit on its left.

Raven: Hmm at least it open where I want to go.

Wendy: actually how you open it with the crystal on your right hand was like pushing aside a shower curtain from right to left.

Raven: so I may need one for the other hand for next time but oh well.

Wendy was amused but then without a more delays starting with Raven they went through the portal one by one.

Scene one

Once they are on the other side Wendy and others Raven's hometown a bit... depressing.

Raven: hey looks ain't everything, even if things are getting worse.

Anya: maybe sells your place.

Raven: guess that's how these things normally go when one return to own world.

Then they had to Ravens old home and on the way almost all the places she knows are shut down while others are going out of business and that's only the beginning.

Once they got to Ravens old home it's totally vacant with the for sale sign on the lawn.

Raven: guess I was gone longer than I thought.

Wendy: seems that when the places that we had passed begins to shut down an announcement he left and no one knows where he went nor heard from again.

???: It more then that.

Then they turn around and season man in very unusual tattoo on his arm and Raven seems to recognize him.

Raven: Mr. Creepink nice to see a familiar face as being gone all this time.

Mr. Creepink: same with you Raven and with... friends of yours I'm guessing.

Wendy: Well am one of her upper class men of Eagle Mage prep school and these two Elan and Anya with her dog Sapphire are her friends.

Mr. Creepink: at least I know you are all right and finally have those rumors put to rest.

Raven: what rumors?

Mr. Creepink: I'll explain it at my place.

Wendy: Will do for now.

Then Mr. Creepink late Raven and her friends to a place of work and residence it happens to be a tattoo parlor with his apartment being on the Upper Floor which is also going out of business if it's saying the window or even covers her mouth to hide her disappointment.

Wendy: This is... just sad.

Mr. Creepink: I know but what choice do we have here, Beth if I explain things inside.

Then they all had inside so Mr. Creepink can't explain the whole thing.

Scene two

When they got inside Mr. Creepink's apartment the place looks very decent has a small dining room or they are taking seats so he can explain what he knows.

Mr. Creepink: no just to get the big one out of the way many believe that you Raven ran off into the City and died on the street.

Raven: ok, that was too far.

Mr. Creepink: well that's what those believed and you've been taken by aliens among other silly ideas.

Wendy: wow people on this side of tracks must have crazy ideas and of the others.

Mr. Creepink: I don't think anyone on the other side of the song of Raven ever since she lost her right on and seemingly been provided by new mild electrical arm by her new school.

Raven's V.O: oh you don't know the half of it.

Raven: William's aunt and uncle paid for it.

Wendy: my fiance needless to say.

Mr. Creepink: I see, so what brings you here anyway?

Raven: In a nutshell to find out what are the Cen crystal executives are doing here.

Mr. Creepink: well in the two days from now that's going to be an assembly at your old school on whatever Cen crystal is going to make on our side of the tracks.

Anya: guess we are going to be here for a couple of days until we find out.

Mr. Creepink: I have two guest rooms if you need them.

Wendy: well it's not like the nearest hotel is going to let our dog in anyway.

Mr. Creepink: there's also a fold-up bed with my couch and to pull outs under both guest beds.

Then Wendy looked at Raven with the annoying look on her face.

Raven: hey we are not criminals if that's what you're thinking.

Mr. Creepink: and those like me are victims of misjudgments.

Wendy: fine he will stay for now, even if I have to sleep on...the fold out bed.

Scene three

Later that night on top of Mr. Creepink's apartment or even seems to drown out what looks like a meditation Circle on the rooftop like she's going to be in there until the assembly as Wendy came up to see what she is doing as a Ravens about to go in it.

Wendy: That some some circle you have made Raven.

Raven: thanks going to be buying some new spells before the assembly.

Wendy: well tomorrow me and the others are going to go out for some new clothes so mind if I take your measurements?

Raven: Ok

So Wendy takes the needed measurements on Raven so they can blend in once that's done or even goes into her Circle to begin her meditations.

Upon the morning of the assembly as Wendy and the other notice when they see Raven flowing in mid air in some new clothes as she coming out of meditation as she sees them.

Raven: Oh Wendy Elan Anya Sapphire good to see you four.

Wendy: likewise and I see you learned a new spell.

Raven: well it's a pride spell.

Then Raven sends down onto the Rooftop like she's going down some stairs.

Elan: What kind of magic is that Raven?

Raven: it's called Phantom wings but it won't replace flight staff's do to its own limitations.

Wendy: well flight spells are indeed limited to internal things with runes to make them last longer for what I've heard that is.

Once all that's been said they pulled out their flight stuff's and their stuff cloaks and when Raven got on to Elan's flight staff they take off to Ravens old school to find out what Cen crystal is planning to do with her side of the tracks.

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