EPS 9: What if the scandal behind the good witch azura is more painful to Luz?

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(Intro hosted by Ovalsan Ivan.)

Ovalsan: Now I don't mean to throw a wrench and all butts about a few months after Owl House ended I stumbled up on a and amusing fan art post of Luz holding a sign that they will name their daughter after Azura and when I posted the question that what if the other is like the one of Harry Potter nowadays and the response in the comment says it's unlikely and even so what other kind of stories that lose could at least get an opinion on with whatever Raven and her friends are into.

Footnote before we begin: I stopped caring about Harry Potter after Goblet of Fire once cancel my pre-order for Hogwarts Legacy only to get an opinion to find out that that's JK Rowling is what she now but the Wizarding World is to me a dead and franchise.

Opening scene

About a week later when Raven new home is with in a month away to be completed but she's at the bone burrow Library for what Luz is calling a book club once she got into the place it's not that different from a long ago when Luz first came here.

Raven  V.O: Ok Luz where are you in this place?

The leather Raven pulled out from her bag was written by a loose and how to find her with riddles are ridiculous to her so Raven used what looks like a dowsing pendulum and slowly follows where it wants it to go and with a bit of Luz's hair and manage to find her if the others in the far back.

Luz:Hmm seem you have ye be the first to solve my riddles Miss Lowing Welcome to-

Raven: actually I use the dowsing pendulums to find you with your essence of hair that is.

Luz: You have some nerve to come up with stuff like that to really kill the fun.

Raven: Well it like they say necessity is the mother of all inventions it seems I'm not the only one that knows that.

Then Raven's friends and supervisors with Camilla came out of invisibility when they pulled back the hood of what seems to be cloaks.

Luz: Oh Come on and you to mom!?

Screen one

Camilla: well the silver cloak does have to be able to breathe so they don't need to use an invisibility glyph and maybe we should stop before anyone sets off unnecessary drama.

Luz: Good.

So once everyone got seated Luz start the thing with her book the good witch azura.

Luz: The good witch azura had been giving to me by dad before he died.

Coabar: only prevent you from committing suicide for all that Gravefleld care.

Luz: Say what you may about the Scandal but this book saved my life.

Nora: To you maybe but the author Mildred Featherwhyle realized that book being a flash in the pan cash crab he had taken part in some scandals, more than those I've been made public.

Luz: Like!?

Luz tieing her Fest like she's going to throw it at someone for bad mouthing Azura.

Coabar: Well Mildred Featherwhyle first know scandal she's been a part of was a book bending in most known school and public libraries due to them having more attention than her book with it almost having no way of continuing and let's say she had no imagination in other genres like that seal tight casket of a town.

Nora: 80% of those places have been given counterfeit commitment that's sent by both local and state officials hurt more schools and libraries once they found out those that were caught Republic scape Scouts many silly conspiracy theories say that Mildred was in on it to ban the competition from all known libraries do them being able to evolve which Azura can't.

Luz: Like?

Coabar: those back then are all the hats compared to those that the kids are reading nowadays.

Nora: and those like you maybe and your mother may find a bit too violent or just plain wrong.

Luz: Try me, you bunch of high class vultures.

Coabar: okay let's start with the one who solved your bonehead riddles.

Luz pounded her fist on the table and resentment.

Screen two

Now that Luz got her frustration out the book club theme begins with Ravens on what seems to be an assassin graphic novel as she puts it on the table.

Raven: Full Iron blood assassin is a graphic novel about Alfred Anderson a former soldier of new American Defense Force until he's been betrayed by this he's meant to serve and Protect when he lost his right arm.

Luz: How did he lose it.

Raven: By a sniper shots and gains a robotic one to get back at those that betrayed him and Society that idolize them even if it's me-

Luz: That enough!

Raven: Hey that how it went.

Luz: why would you read something that violent?

Raven: maybe the audience would like to have a hear that as more of a monster than a flash in the cash grab.

Amity: well cash crab or not we don't care.

Nora: well have you two ever find any fresh and non bootleg recommendations from what you read?

Raven: Yeah even it to get a opinion you should open up to new stuff once in awhile.

Luz: Well we could but we been living under a rock.

Ginger: thing from where am from are worse than they can get.

Nora: Like how dare I ask?

Then Luz pounds a table again to try to get things back in order which may went a bit off as a temper went up a bit.

Luz: can we get back to the books for once Robert do you have something to share?

Then Robert pull out what seem to be a thick black book.

Luz: please let it be decent.

Robert: well the urban fantasy that I brought along, Lines of the Wolf by Lawrence Bond is about a saddle Norm of a man named Horace who after a long days work he stumbled on into a part of town where the strange unusual come out at night got to buy a wolf who is tempting him to be more for her.

Amity:Hmm a intriguing cautionary Tale.

Anya: well it's been written by his dad.

Then Luz drops her head on the table not knowing it's sooner.

Camilla: what does sound like a coincidence at first.

Robert: he met my mom Melinda at the bar one wild night and the rest is history.

Annie: Well out of personal reading it's kind of a story on the pros and cons of both the safe side and the Wild Side.

Robert: my mom was quite them used to him back then even if what story pictures she proposed with visual aids do let's say made his face turn red and rare occasions passed out.

Luz never felt so frustrating and Lloyd in all her life in Amity really seen it with the rest of the group.

Venus: Not a well thought out wasn't it Luz.

Luz: how am I to know that the current generation have a sick and vulgar taste in entertainment?

Then Luz raises her head slowly showing profounded she is.

Ginger: well I'll book to bring is the Manatastic Adventures of Dora Manatina is about Dora's adventures in a Strange New World.

Venus: which seems to coincidentally fit the history of my Homeworld.

Then Luz turn to the Pawbright's with a very sour look like they did something very disapproving.

Luz: And you two?

As Sapphire and Amber pulls out that book they started to notice that Luz's intensity and frustration is starting to draw attention to the group in the library like a fights about to break out.

Amber: well the book of me and Sapphire have in mind while trying to make a scene with most of the library stuff that you are going to make Luz is called Bark quackir.

Sapphire: it's an animal Noir something that we read while my Dad's away.

Luz: Over sea.

Amber: private investigator and more dangerous than it sounds.

Luz: I see, mom can you takeover,  So I won't make a screen with those who you think that are smarter than me!

Then Luz leave with Amity so she won't do something crazy to take her frustration on.

Coabar: So do want to continue mrs. Endured since what our research found out about....

Camilla: go right ahead it would make Luz do something crazy anyway.

Coabar: Well the anti-LGBT that made Mildred Featherwhyle disappeared was a youth trafficking operation.

Raven:Wow! I never thought someone like I would stoop that low to make a comeback.

Coabar: It was a all expense paid trip scam to some of the bin nutshell.

Nora: Summer camp are front for... let say something more inhumane to those sheltered towns like Gravefleld that finds what they can't understand are nuisances and that they don't want to do anything with them and leave them there to die for all they care.

Camilla froze by what Nora just said.

Nora: I'm not making this up in towns like those will more less shut out any Outsiders.

Raven: and schools will do anything to get them to fit in but they burn out too fast on what can come up with those that result in traumas like mines.

Camilla: well I'm sorry that your school turned up line on those they're on the bad side of the track with shortsighted means and solutions.

Nora: well people like them are nothing but gears in the system.

Raven: and they will dispose of those like Luz for not being able to read the room and send them to Summer Camps so they won't be bothered by those kinds of nonsense and may not have a plan B if it fails.

Coabar: oh what could it be there I ask?

Raven:Hmm kill the adult nuisance frame Camilla put Luz in a Foster program where she will be sent to those I will only care about the check just for taking care of her for nothing but not having on Street for all they care which Gravefleld could if they can get away with it that is.

Camilla: club meeting adjourn.

Then Camilla lift without hesitation like someone struck a bad chord with her.

Raven: okay maybe that's too strong of an idea.

Screen three

As the evening draws near Luz got back from the Inn after her whole book club thing fell apart with ebony caring her back to her old place and dropping on the couch with a very unhinged look on Luz's face from drinking too many Apple blood and Amity doesn't know what to do.

Amity: Had Humanity Tyson entertainment really going off the deep end?

Once family gone upstairs she leaves Luz as she let out a drunken cry.

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