item bios hosted by Ovalsan Ivan

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Ovalsan: guest well with all the hoops but for now let's go with the what's.

Raven's items

Right plastic arm with a hook tweez: a plastic arm with a tweez hook that Raven got after she lost her actual right arm and that would shop accident very hard to put on alone.

The metal Talent arm: it was originally a month look like Ravens human arms but the ruins somehow made it into a Goetia arm arm with metal talents that can extend and retract that will.

The Iron chain ball: Ravens mean melee weapon that can really bring the pain the silver light glyphs connect the eyeballs to a hook ring with a hook pack to keep it from flying out of our hooked hand.

The pride glyphs

Red light glyph: heat light

Blue light glyph: Shadow light

Purple light glyph: black light

Gray light glyph: Stone Light.

Silver light glyph: magnet lights.

Footnote: pride plants in geo glyphs have little differences from one another.

Yellow plant: sun flower headlights

Yellow geo: electrical.

Red plant: flamethrower plant.

Red geo: Heat.

Blue plant: CO2 thrower flower

Gray plant: fog plant

Gray geo: dry ice.

Silver plant: chain plant

Silver geo: metal geo.

Purple plant: kills any plant it touches

Purple geo: Abomination adhesive.

2nd Footnote: any green gifts for result to radiation while fire of any other color is unpredictable.

Chain clips: simple chains with Clips on both ends that can use the glyphs to activate the one on the other end if they are both the same color that is.

Blood glyph: Cliffs that's been drowned in blood most say it's very dangerous and causes great damage to whoever touch it on skin contact and does whatever kind of harm to the body depending on the color.

Dowsing pendulum: a simple means of tracking down whoever Essences is on the tip.

Other item

Flight staff: most popular item that made the Palsmen go the way of the dodos.

Grandma's have taken over the boiling Isles in popularity but only for the occupants that made it home and it burns the locals.

Silver cloaks: one of Wendy's newest inventions just simply graining of metal GEOS and make it into metallic fabric.

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