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After drowning in sorrow over his lost love from that day for about a month, Craig found himself in the very same cafe, drinking the same drink, sitting across the same person.

Clyde left because he needed to do some work, leaving an empty chair across of Craig. Ironically, it was no other than Ethan Eliot Hollow that asked him sheepishly if he could sit on that table with him until his brother showed up.

Of course Craig agreed, after all they barely had any contact after exchanging numbers, just some cute pictures of Ethan's Kitten or complaints about University. He remembered having fun talking to the younger boy though, so he wanted to catch up.

Just like Craig first assumed when he first met Ethan, the other was well bestowed. He was living in some big mansion and was getting home schooled. It was boring and lonely, only Oscar, the kitten, was always there for him.

In return, Craig told him about his past life in South Park, his family and little sister, who he never got along with but still cried when he left, how he was a thief, a hero and so much more, playing all kinds of roleplay with his friends and how hard it was to leave South Park behind even though initially he was hoping to get out there as soon as possible.

Ethan only responded by telling him how he loved RPG video games and that story heavy games were the thing that kept him awake until late night. He also admitted to have played several strategy and puzzle games, until Craig lost count of the things he mentioned.

They talked how much they could until Ethan had to leave. This time, the boy didn't even get a message from their oh so kind and friendly brother telling them they couldn't make it. Confusion and worry etched into younger’s face, he tried to contact them, however, to no avail.

Shrugging, he left, telling Craig to stay in touch over message.


It was when Craig saw Ethan in the park, sitting on some bench staring at nothing in particular, eyes red from crying, that the young man was sick of that man he even never met.

In the short span of 1 month he knew Ethan, that brother left him hanging atleast 3 times.

After the things the high schooler told him about his brother, Craig had imagined them as a nice, reliable person. Leaving your little brother like this until he cried on a lonely park bench was not how such a person should act.

Of course, he understood that Ethan was exaggerating a little, but he thought the word held atleast a little truth.

Surpressing his anger, he flipped down next to Ethan with a casual “What's up,kiddo” trying to make the younger feel better. Ethan's focus snapped to the older boy and he smiled a little, his eyes still spelling sadness however.

Talking about casual things like “How’s the kitten?”, he tried to tickle the reasons for the younger’s sadness out, but Ethan just sighed. “Craig, if you wanna know, just ask, man.” Craig answered with silence only. It seemed that the smart kid could read minds. “I'm not stupid. I notice, so don't be dishonest with me.”

It was Craig's turn to sigh. “Alright kiddo, what's wrong? Why are you looking so miserable? Your brother left you hanging again?” A short nod from the younger boy.

Anger kept boiling in Craig. But he didn't think Ethan would appreciate him making a scene, so he surpressed it. It was getting hotter any second...

"How many times does this made?"

His heated mind made him think about the stranger. The oven flame stranger, as he dubbed him now. Clyde thought it was funny to give his lost love a nickname. He wanted to sick him for that. Also, that person was the last thing he needed on his mind right now.

"I dunno, he left me hanging the entire month?"

Oh really.

"Honestly, it has been like this before aswell, so I'm used to it..."


No longer able to hide his anger Craig jumped up and took Ethan by the hand forcing him to stand up as well. The younger boy looked at him with utter confusion and a hint of panic. Craig did not look very nice when he was angry.

"Where is he right now?" "Huh? D-don't know, maybe the cafe?" "We're going there. Right. Now."

And so Craig began to drag Ethan to the cafe they first met. The entire walk, the high schooler didn't utter a word, not a protesting one, not an angry one. He was terrified to the bone was avoiding eye contact, not only with Craig, but with other passerby who looked at the boys strangely.

When they arrived, there were a few customers. "Is he here?", Craig whispered to Ethan, who only nodded and pointed at a person with messy blond hair, same blue eyes as Ethan, in green dress shirt and jeans, concentrating on some kind of paper lying in front of him.

Wasting no time, Craig walked up, with a terrified Ethan tailing him and uttered a loud enough "hey" to get his attention, but not loud enough enrage other customers.

The other looked up, and for a short time, Craig felt memorized by the cerulean orbs, like he should know this person. Pushing that matter aside with the explanation that he knew them from Ethan, he told the brother with a sharp tone, dripping with anger and threat: "I'm here with Ethan."

The blonde looked past him. Behind him Ethan was still shaking, but he also looked ashamed. His eyes were focusing the ground and his ears and face red. "Ethan Eliot? W-what're you doing here!? You should be at h-home..."

"I u-uh..." Ethan was shifting from one foot to another. He was nervous and looked pale and sick, kontrasting his red ears.

"I c-came to see you...?" His brother, Tweek, Craig remembered, let out an tired sigh. "I already t-told you, no can do! Stop c-clinging to me!"

Craig felt that this was a good time to intervene. "Now you listen! Ethan was always so happy when he talked about you and he always told me how good of a person you were! I can't believe this person, the person he talked about, would act like this!" "Oh, what d-do YOU know!"
"I know that's this is no way to treat your brother!" Tweek eyes widened in surprise as Craig uttered those words. How he didn't see this coming was a mystery to Craig.

"Ethan Eliot is n-not my brother. What are you t-talking about?" Ah, so that's why.

"This is use-useless...", Tweek sighed as Craig didn't answer. He was still frozen in shock. With that, the blond packed his things and left the cafe, leaving murmurs of the other guests behind. Craig could only stare as his back as he was leaving.

And he noticing something very particular. Something that made him want to rip his hair out.

That hair was VERY familiar from behind. Even without the bare back, Craig could recognize it. It was the hair of the person he kept thinking about for a month. The hair of his lost love.

Fate has played him for a fool. To think his second encounter with his dream would be in an argument like this, for him to only realize after it has been said who he was talking to...

Yeah, he fucked up. Big time. So he sighed. Like always.

"Y-you in love?", said a meek voice next to him and Craig didn't need to look to know who it was.

"You got some explaining to do, Ethan", is what he answered, the other let out a nervous chuckle.


A/N: Sketching Eliot rrrrr. Mean he's called Ethan in the Story but I like Eliot better. His actual name was Athen Inoue, but this story is not setting in Japan. Ethan is spelled with the same letters as Athen and I just like the name Eliot. Bonus point for anyone who gets the "Hollow" >///<
Color Eliot/Ethan maybe soonish

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