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Flashing lights and annoying beeping sounds. He can't feel nothing but coldness, it's so cold, so silent, those beeping sounds fading into darkness. A voice cried out next to him. Desperate, but also scared. He can barely hear them.

"It's not my fault...!"

Why does it sound so familiar...?


Waking up in cold sweat, Craig nearly hit the ground because he was thrashing around in his bed so violently. A nightmare.

And it wasn't the first time this nightmare had happened. It was a very reoccurring one, he had it ever since...high school, he believed. He couldn't quite remember, no matter how hard he tried.

On his desk, his phone was still ringing. Ah. So that's were the beeping sounds in his dream were from. Sighing he stood up and walked up to his desk. It showed Ethan's number.

"What." Sounded harsher than he wanted to. Well, Ethan was pretty used to him being gruff in the mornings anyway. That rich boy always calling him in the morning just to spite him with an annoyingly bubbly voice. Well, he had all the free time in the world. Craig didn't.

"Oh my gosh, did I wake you up? Totally forgot that you always sleep till noon. Especially on Sundays!"

There we go. He had already started babbling. Also, yeah sure, "forgot".

"Listen, come to the usual place today? Not something I want to talk about over phone. Tweek's here too!"

"Ethan, I'm kind of a mess and just woke up. Think I want my crush to see me like this? I'd rather sleep, thank you very much."

There was a sigh on the other end. Some noises indicating the phone being taken from Ethan, a protesting "hey!" before he heard Tweek. Oh, great.

"We need you to come Craig. P-please? It's v-very important."

He really sounded urgent. Well, now that Craig thought about it, Ethan did too. He just kind of ignored it because Ethan always called him early Sunday morning for fun.

He sighed. "Alright, I'll be there. Just give me ten minutes."

"Okay." Relief was seeping through the voice. Craig really wanted to know what happened, but before he could ask anymore, he discovered that Tweek had ended the call.

Well, time to get ready. Pulling out some random Clothes, he got dressed. Normally, he'd put some more effort into this, especially because he was meeting but Tweek, but he was honestly too tired to care. The nightmare did a number on him, as it always does.

After getting dressed, he moved to the bathroom, brushing his teeth. Ah crap, he looked like shit. He was pale, contrasting his heavy black eye bags. He hated how one nightmare could have this effect on him.

He finished and splashed water in his face, hoping it would make him look less tired. It worked...kind of. Accepting the fact that he can't make it better he just sighed and got ready to leave, putting his shoes and jacket on.


When he arrives on the scene, Ethan and Tweek really were waiting. They looked nervous and tense, not talking to each other and avoiding glances.

They both looked relieved when he sat down next to him, finally relaxing a little bit. Craig wondered what happened here.

"So Craig...mind telling us your full name?" Ethan started, his hands folded over each other, visibly on the table, looking just the business man his father is.

Craig shot him an incredulous look, but Ethan looked so serious, he just complied. "It's...Craig Tucker. Why?"

Ethan and Tweek looked at each other. There was something they knew what he didn't. This much was obvious.

"And...do you remember anything about high school?"

Craig felt like this was some kind of interrogation. However, looking at Tweek, shaking, biting his lips, eyes searching frantically, and Ethan, his hands turned into fists, knuckles white, he noticed that they were just as nervous as he was. Why he wondered. What did they know?

"Well, they are kind of fishy, to be honest. I can remember certain scenes, enrolling, sitting in class, but no real...memory, you know? I asked my parents about it, but they told me that nothing special happened there, so of course my memory would fade..."

Again. They looked at each other again. Craig was kind of fed up with this situation. Why couldn't they just explain?

"Guys, seriously, what's going on? You keep interrogation me, but I don't know why you're asking me this stuff at all!"

Tweek paled. Ethan looked sorrowful. No one said a thing. Uncomfortable silence. Then Ethan cleared his throat, wanting to say something, but before he got anything out, Tweek just stood up abruptly and left. He looked close to tears, shaking and looking at the ground, avoiding everyone's eyes. Ethan looked like he wanted to stop him, but didn't in the end. Once he got out, Tweek started running, not looking back. Ethan sighed.

"Well, Craig. You wanted an explanation? I asked Tweek who else there is. To help you out. Believe it or not, he told me he was looking for some guy named Craig Tucker. Apparently, he was his boyfriend in high school, but went missing, together with his whole family. Of course, I told him that you're Craig Tucker. But you don't remember him, or a thing from high school. So...I suspect you might have amnesia...or something."

Craig looked surprised, shaken even. Ethan just nodded. "Yeah, I was surprised too." Understanding how Craig felt, Ethan just stayed silent after that, letting him take all the information in. Focusing on something that looked like a Sudoku, he waited for the older boy to speak again.

"I think...I need some more time...to think. Sorry, Ethan. I'll ask my parents about this too."

Ethan looked up with a smile. "Of course. And...remember what you said? 'I'll accept you no matter how you are'? I'll accept you the way you are aswell Craig, don't worry."

Craig nodded, smiling. He wanted to say something. But he suddenly felt nauseous and held his head, Ethan throwing him a worried glance.

Visions of the nightmare flooding back in, and he had to sit back down. "Are you okay?" Craig just nodded. "Don't worry, just didn't sleep so well. Keep having that nightmare..."

Ethan looked thoughtful for a second. "Tell me about it. This might have to do with how you lost your memories after all." He finally said.

Craig didn't see why he shouldn't. "Well, I just hear some sirens, beeping and I can't feel a thing but cold numbness. I think I'm lying on the ground in the dream..." Ethan looked intrigued. A mutter: "An accident?" left him before he stayed silent again, waiting for the rest.

"And there's someone saying 'it's not my fault' in the back. I don't know..." Sighing he stood up again. "Listen, Ethan, I'm really not feeling well, so I'd like to go home now."

"Will you be fine?" Craig tried to smile at him, but just staggered and nodded in the end. "I'll get home. It's not to far from here."

"Okay. Get well soon." "Thanks..." He turned to the door to leave, looking back one more time. Ethan was incredibly pale, deep in thought. He was biting his lips and his eyes looked glassy.

He wanted to turn back to say something, ask what's wrong, but Ethan just abruptly stood up like Tweek did earlier. He dashed past Craig and left, and the student was not in the condition to follow him, so he just went home with a worried feeling. It was still on his mind when he threw himself in the bed and fell asleep.


"It's not my fault...it's not my fault...it's not my fault..." Chanting it was the only thing that kept Ethan sane right now, as he ran home as fast as he could. He ignored everything on the way, even his kitten and went straight up to his room, looking himself inside.

As soon as he was within safe walls, his legs gave out and he sunk in the ground, panting heavily. Only the closed door was supporting his back as his strength left him.

"It's not my fault..." He said one more time.

But it was his fault. And he remembered every single ugly detail about himself.

"It is...It was...my fault.....that Craig..."

Ethan cried himself to sleep that day.


A/N: Done! Ethan what have you done???? I honestly don't know how memory loss really works, so don't take this too seriously.

Sorry for anyone who feels offended :*, and thank you for reading!

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