❝so we can start it all over again❞

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❝so we can start it all over again❞

e p i l o g u e

One Month Later

"Thank you Vancouver!" Niall shouted over the screaming fan girls.

"You were amazing!" Louis added. More screaming.

"We love you!" Harry yelled. Cue loudest screams so far. How the hell do these people don't lose their voices. I mean, they've been screaming for two hours straight. Or more.

It was their last concert in Canada. There had been a couple small bumps in the previous shows, but they were doing really well. Niall knew all the songs by now, and the memories of writing and recording were starting to come back to him. He was starting to remember things a lot more quickly than we had expected. Almost half of his memory had come back now.

It was painful, re-building his memory, some things weren't so funny when they were being told again, and some secrets weren't as special the second time around. But he was remembering, and that was what mattered.

Niall was still friends with Ashleigh, though they weren't as close as before. It probably should've bothered me, but for some reason, it didn't. It wasn't that I didn't care at all; I just wasn't scared that Niall would go back to her. Maybe it was a bit cocky of me, but I just wasn't worried.

"Hey," Niall said, pulling me out of my thoughts. I looked up to see him standing in front of me, a wide smile on his face.

"Hi," I replied, grinning back. We weren't back to the way we had been, I don't think we'd ever be, but it was close. And I was happy with that. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him into a hug. Niall turned it into a kiss.

And we had gone public. There was hate, and speculations on whether or not Narah was real, but not having to hide my relationship with Niall was the best feeling ever.

Someone coughed loudly, causing us to pull away. The rest of the band stood there, looking amused.

"Sorry," Niall said, not really looking sorry. "Are you sure you don't want to come with us?" he asked, turning back to me.

I shook my head. "I'm not following you guys overseas." Niall pouted, making me laugh. "Not gonna work. I gotta go back to college."

"I'm going to-" Niall started, but before he could finish, I was dragged away from him.

"No hogging," Louis said, pulling me into a hug. I then got hug-tackled by all of the guys. "Are you sure you don't want to come with?"

I nodded. "I'm gonna miss you guys," I muttered into Liam's shoulder. They were leaving tonight. It would be the last time I would see them for months. There was Skype but it wasn't really the same.

"I really hate to interrupt this moment, but the flight's in an hour," a familiar voice interrupted, slightly muffled since I was surrounded by clothes and bodies. "Come on boys." The guys pulled away so I could see Paul, who looked part amused, part sympathetic. I followed after them outside to the back parking lot, which was thankfully empty of everyone but us. "Niall you get two minutes," Paul said, pushing the boys onto their tour bus with an apologetic look. They had a signing somewhere in Australia tomorrow, so they needed to get there as soon as possible.

"I'm going to miss you. A lot," Niall said quietly. He pulled me into a kiss, making up for the one the guys had interrupted.

"Me too. But we'll Skype, and call, and stuff," I told him once we broke away. The parking lot lights faster strange shadows across his face, making it harder to read his expressions. But maybe that was better, because if I were really see him clearly, I'd probably end up crying. And red-faced, with tears streaming down my face wasn't what I wanted to look like for this.

"But it won't be the same." He took a deep breath and pulled something out of his pocket. "I, uh, remembered something," he said, handing it to me. It was a small box, with a ribbon tied around it.

"Niall, we gotta go," Harry called out the window.

"I love you," Niall said.

"Love you too." I hugged him tighter, memorizing this moment. I knew -or at least desperately hoped- we would see each other again, hopefully soon, but this was our last moment in person. And I didn't like it. We had started growing closer after the talk on the rooftop. It had been slow at first, but rapidly progressed once he started getting back his memory. That was another thing. He had started remembering faster. Maybe because we talked more about the past, or because he didn't have to play true-or-false anymore, but for whatever reason, I was thankful for that.

I reluctantly pulled away when Harry called Niall's name again and gave him a gentle shove towards the bus doors. "I'll see you soon okay?" he said, before getting on. I nodded and stepped back to or the tour bus pull away. I waved and watched until it pulled around the corner, then glanced at the black box in my hand.

There was a light blue ribbon tied around it.

Did he remember...?

We hadn't gotten that far yet. His memory came in bits and piece, without an order. We hadn't talked about that yet, so I had assumed he hadn't remembered yet. I pulled off the ribbon and opened the box. There was pale blue tissue, peeking out from behind a small card. The note was short, only a couple lines.

You remember when I messed up in Summer Love during the first concert? It wasn't because I didn't remember; it was because I was remembering. I remember you, and a charm bracelet, and something you told me.

I set the note aside. It was a little like déjà vu. Because nestled in pale blue tissue, was a silver charm. Only this time, it wasn't a guitar pick.

It was a heart.

                                             ❝so we can start it all over again❞

No sequel, sorry. I don't think I could write one.
I'm not a Directioner, so it would just fail. :'3

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