|-Chapter 5-|

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Kainalu paced around inside the Kit Carriers' den, his tail twitching with worry. What if mom isn't okay? What if it's all my fault?

He and Abalone arrived in camp just a few moments ago to warn Mira of a possible injury, but she wasn't there. Luckily, Rafferty was there instead, saying that Mira was in a very important discussion with Orca.

Ula and the others shortly arrived after them, dropping Danu off at the Medics' den. Wade was the first to visit her and started questioning Ula. Varuna and Heli quickly joined Wade, immediately heading for the Medics' den to check on Danu.

Kainalu couldn't face his mother after all that happened. But that's when he realized something. Didn't I warn her not to go too far out from the shore? He thought, pausing his pacing for a moment.

Irritation filled up inside him. He had warned her and yet she still acting like she knew oh so much. Who does she think she is?! Just because she's an adult doesn't mean she knows more than I do! He thought angrily.

His anger got the best of him, and he stomped out of the den, aiming straight for the Medics' den. Wade looked up as he approached, racing over to him "Kainalu! What happened? Are you okay?" he asked worriedly.

Kainalu stomped past him, completely ignoring his father "Kainalu?" Wade called, confused. Ula came up to Kainalu, blocking his path "Move!" Kainalu ordered "No. Unless you are injured or sick, you will not be entering this den."

"Well too bad! I need to talk to Danu now!" Kainalu hissed, his shoulder fur puffing up "About what?" Ula asked, "About how much of an idiot she is!" Kainalu snarled "Kainalu!" Wade exclaimed.

"What do you mean?" Ula asked, her gaze serious and cold as she stared down at him "I warned her about not straying too far from the shore and she never listened to me!" Kainalu hissed, lashing his tail.

"You mean to say to me that you warned Danu about straying too far from the shoreline?" Ula asked, a spark of curiosity in her eyes "Yes! I told her that maybe she shouldn't have strayed so far from the shore, and she didn't listen to me!"

Ula glanced up at Wade, both cats sharing a hint of surprise "Very well. Thank you, Kainalu, for trying to warn her," Ula bowed her head, flicking her tail "May I speak with you for a moment?" She asked, glancing down at Kainalu.

He blinked at her, confused by her sudden understanding "Uh, sure?" Kainalu followed Ula further away from his family. She settled down beneath a palm tree closer to the east side of camp.

"You were quite brave to go so far away to save Danu, you know?" Ula meowed as Kainalu sat down. He hesitated for a moment, confused on the sudden change in Ula's tone "I was?" he asked, looking up at her oddly.

She nodded, curling her tail around her paws neatly "Danu could have drowned if it weren't for you." Ula continued, a glint of praise in her eyes. Kainalu eyed the molly up and down, feeling a sense of suspicion.

"What are you getting at?" Kainalu demanded, getting to his paws and arching his back in frustration. Ula just simply stared down at him "Nothing, Kainalu. I just want to praise you for helping Danu when you knew of the dangers."

Kainalu's anger began to rise as Ula kept talking "You only pulled me aside just to stop me from yelling at Danu!" Kainalu hissed, lashing his tail "Kainalu, you need to learn how to control your anger. You shouldn't be yelling at your mother after all that's happened."

"'All that's happened'? Are you serious?! Danu's leg will be completely fine! It's not like she'll die!" Kainalu snarled "Her leg may be fine, yes, but she could've drowned had she not told you to get help."

"She should've listened to my warning in the first place! She never listens to me since she thinks she knows oh so much!" Kainalu yowled. Ula sighed "Kainalu, you don't understand. You can't just yell at everyone who doesn't listen to you."

"Oh yes I can! If nobody's going to hear what I have to say, I'll make the whole island listen to my yelling!" Kainalu yowled aloud, racing away before Ula could say anymore "Kainalu!" Ula's voice called out after him.

He raced away into the territory, heading straight for the beach. He ran for what felt like forever to him which eventually made him come to a stop. The sand felt warm beneath his paws, but he didn't care about enjoying the pretty scene that lay in front of him.

His rage boiled up deep inside him and he dug his claws deep into the sand. Panting angrily, he slashed at the sand beneath him, swiping it up in the air. After angrily throwing sand everywhere, he paused, trying to catch his breath.

He sat down, his rage still flooding his mind "I hate this," he muttered to himself "I hate this!" He yowled aloud, trying to let out his rage. His claws sunk deeper into the sand, clenching his teeth. His breathing was heavy and his eyes watered.

He let out a deep sigh, flopping down in the hot sand. Why does everything have to be so frustrating? He wondered, small tears rolling down his face. His anger had somewhat thawed, and he could only lay there, trying his best to calm his emotions.

"Kainalu?" A quiet voice called his name. Kainalu didn't move to see who it was. The sound of sand moving came closer to Kainalu and he could pick up the faint scent of Kjartan. Kjartan lay down beside Kainalu, curling his tail around Kainalu gently.

Kjartan's presence felt somewhat comforting, but Kainalu couldn't help feeling angry that Kjartan came looking for him. Kjartan rested his head on Kainalu's shoulder, a soft purr rumbling up in his throat.

"I'm sorry," Kjartan murmured, staring out at the ocean "For what? It's not like it's your fault. You have nothing to apologize for," Kainalu replied grimly "I know, but you don't deserve to be treated like that."

"It doesn't matter anymore Kjartan. No matter how hard I try to tell people things, no one will listen to me."

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