Goldie & the Bear - 1

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Goldie loved her new job at the RedWood Diner. It was hard to put her finger on what exactly she liked best about her job. The fact that she still gets to hang out with her best friend Red, that Granny can't boss her around anymore, or the fact that she was sort of her own boss now that Red and Hunter made her a manager.

Goldie couldn't believe that last one, but Red said she had faith in her to do a good job and that meant the world to her. Being an orphan, Goldie grew up going from house to house. It was hard to trust anyone. Red was her first and truthfully only good friend.

Being in the foster care system usually meant scrounging for your next meal or place to lay your head. She just never knew when her next mistake was going to cause her to jump out of bed, running. Red and Granny, however, looked out for her.

Granny would often slip her an extra oatmeal cinnamon muffin when she brought them to the school for the breakfast program and Red would have her come over for dinner or to sleep over. She sometimes wondered where she would have ended up if it weren't for them.

Those days, however, were over. Now she had a good friend, an apartment of her own, a great job, things were looking up.

With the new job, there was another perk, no more getting up so early, no more worries about what would happen if she stayed out too late. Now she can get to work at a normal, decent hour, that was just right for her and allowed her to partake of her new obsession, Hot Chocolate from Missy's Muffin and Coffee shop. In Goldie's opinion, there was no better way to start the day.

She stepped inside and waved to Missy behind the counter.

Missy said, "Sorry! Running a little behind this morning. Pick out a muffin and I'll get your drink ready."

"No worries, take your time," Goldie said and walked over to the bakery case trying to pick out the perfect muffin. "Hmmm, Lemon Meringue Muffin... nah, not sweet enough. Oooh, a French toast muffin, no... too sweet. Ah Hah! A peaches and cream muffin..."

"You think you might pick a muffin sometime this century?"

Goldie looked over at the rugged six-foot-something man. Slight beard, the sort of bed head hairdo that makes you think of running your fingers through it. He was as delicious as the muffins before her, too bad about the attitude though. 

Goldie smiled, reached into the case, and plucked out a muffin for him.

"Bran muffin?"

Bearnard was usually a patient man... Oh, who was he kidding he wasn't patient at all, impatient, impulsive, reckless, would be more accurate terms to describe him, and to make matters worse he was in a rush this morning.


"Really, it might help with that look on your face."

Bearnard almost felt a smile prick his lips. Almost.

The cute little blonde with the big personality stepped aside after choosing her Peaches n' Cream muffin. "All yours."

Bearnard watched as she walked over to the barista obviously waiting on an order. He grabbed a coffee cake muffin and unfortunately now had to join her.

Goldie stole a side-glance at him. He really would be kinda cute if he weren't such a grumpy bear. She could almost picture him with the little raincloud on his belly the image made her want to laugh but as it would be completely inappropriate, she held back.

She was smiling at him. Could she actually be interested? No, he'll just ignore it, but then again...

Goldie almost thought the grumpy bear was going to talk to her again but then Missy came up and put down their cups, with their names on it. Goldie reached out, took a sip, and then frowned. 

"This isn't right? Did you order coffee, black, no sugar?"

It took Bearnard a second to realize she was talking to him, as he was about to walk away.

"Yes," he said holding up his cup, to show he's got it in his hand.

"I think Missy got a little mixed up because she was rushing this morning, I believe that's mine."

Bearnard sighed he didn't have time for this. "It's got my name on it, see."

Goldie leaned over and in black marker was written B E A R, and she couldn't help laughing, now. "Really? Your name is Bear?"

"You think that's funny? He had been teased his whole life about his name, it rarely bothered him anymore but for some reason, she got under his skin.

"No, I think it's perfect."

That took him by surprise. "It's short for Bearnard."

"Well, Bear. I think you've got my drink."

He took a sip of it and made a horrible face. "Leave it to a woman to ruin a perfectly good cup of coffee."

"What are you some sort of coffee connoisseur or something?"

"No, but coffee is meant to be simply coffee. Not the chocolate flavored, caramel drizzled, whipped cream topped confections you females have turned it into. You've ruined coffee forever."

"Well, while I find your assessment of my entire sex endearing, I have to tell you, that's not coffee. It's hot chocolate. I don't really like coffee."

Bear looked horrified. "How could you not like coffee?"

"I don't like things that are bitter. I like sweet. I like what I like, how I like it. Besides... boiled ground up beans can never compare to liquid chocolate," Goldie stated matter of fact.

"I beg to differ," Bear said taking a defensive stance, "Coffee has a deep, rich history; it's been around since the 11th century. Hot Chocolate can't compete with that."

"Please, the chocolate drink has been around since 460 A.D., from the period of the Mayan's. Of course, you would have liked it back then... it was cold and bitter," she said making a face at him. The comparison to himself was not lost on Bear. "The version I love wasn't created until the 17th century."

He looked at her impressed and for some reason that irritated her all the more.

"Don't look so surprised, the hair color is natural and so is the intelligence behind it. I don't make up my mind about things lightly and so make a practice of keeping myself informed, when I care about something I have to be prepared to defend it."

Bear winced. Was he that shallow that he judged her so quickly? Most likely. He wasn't a very social person. He tended to think the worst about people, being let down so often in life, it was easier that way. It hurt less when they disappointed you.

"Here," he said holding out the cup to her.

"Keep it," she told him. "The chocolate's phenethylamine content is believed to fight against fits of anger and bad moods, obviously the universe believes you need it more than me."

Goldie put down the coffee, the money she owed Missy for both, the Hot Chocolate, and the muffin plus tip. "See you tomorrow, Missy," she hollered over her shoulder as she walked out the door.

Bear let out a growl, and Missy came up to the counter. "Scared another one away did you?"

"That girl..." Bear started saying.

"Woman,"  Missy corrected.

"Fine. That woman is the most infuriating creature this side of Chicago."

Missy laughed. "What's a matter Baby Bear, did someone try to steal your coffee?"

"Yes. No. This is your fault," he said pointing a finger at her, "And don't call me that."

"Ha!" she said swatting his finger away. "You couldn't handle her, even on your best day."

"What makes HER so special?" Bear growled.

"She will run circles around you. That is one woman who knows what she wants and is way out of your league, baby bro."

"Who said I was interested?"

"Please, any man with a half a brain cell would be interested. She is adorable, smart, and a real positive person. You know everything you're not."

Annoyed, Bear looked down at the counter and gasped, "Missy, Look OUT! Spider!"

Missy jumped back with a high pitch squeal. "Where? Where is it? Where did it go?" she asked looking around frantically. 

When she looked up and seen the smug grin on her brother's lips, she grumbled, "I hate you. You know that right?" 

"You love me and I have to torment you. It's what little brothers are for." 

Missy stuck her tongue out at him and walked away, getting back to servicing her customers.

Bear took another swig of what he forgot was not his coffee and grimaced. He threw it away and picked up his coffee. That's when he noticed, GOLDIE written on the side. When he went to take a sip, he paused taking note of the pale pink lip-gloss she left behind and sighed.

Why did he have to be such a grump?  Well, no matter not likely he'll be seeing her again. Switching out the lid for a new one, he caught a glance of his watch. " Damn." Now he's late for his meeting.

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