Goldie & the Bear - 3

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The diner was a bustle of activity. Besides the Preservation Society, it was also the beginning of the month when most of the over 65 crowd got their social security deposits and therefore would decide to treat themselves to a good meal at the RedWood Diner.

Hunter frowned at the fast and furious pace that the kitchen was moving. It was great they were moving fast but that also left room for mistakes.

"Move fast but with purpose people... we don't want meals returned. If a meal is returned it means new meals need to be made which puts us behind in time and money. Got it!"

"Yes, Chef!" the worker bees said in unison. Red just grinned and shook her head.

"I know. I know. You said it. Be careful what you wish for," Hunter said, wondering if they really could handle such a heavy morning.

She handed him a carton of eggs... and smiled. "You just might get it," she chuckled.

"Hey, it's how I got you," Hunter teased.

"You did a whole lot more than just wished," Red reminded him.

"But I wished all the same. I've never been afraid of a little hard work to get what I want," he reminded her.

"That's good. Now get back to work," she said pointing back to the stove with the knife in her hand.

Hunter looked at the cook on his left. "You heard the lady and I've learned never argue with an armed woman."

Red laughed in earnest this time. 

Out in the diner, Goldie was pulled in every direction. She still had to manage the floor and handle any problems, as well as wait on the party of 20 that just came walking through the door.

Clay came rushing up to her. "Great news. Our speaker texted Bailey and he made it after all. So, I guess we are ready to order whenever you are."

"Great!" Goldie said with what she hoped was the appropriate enthusiasm.

"Let's start with drinks, shall we? Okay, sir what would you like to drink?"

Goldie turned and stared into Grumpy Bear's face. He grinned at her and said, "Coffee, Black...No sugar."

Whoa, when he smiled it completely transformed his face and Goldie's stomach felt the flutters. Damn, I'm attracted to him...well that's inconvenient.

Goldie who was all smiles a second ago suddenly frowned. I can get through this. 

Goldie turned up the charm and smiled again. "Not a problem", and quickly moved on to the next person, willing herself not to look back to see if he was following her movements. One it made her nervous just to think of it and two she didn't want to give him the satisfaction of letting him know he gets to her.

So, fate it seemed threw her in his path again. She's a waitress at the diner. It would explain the people skills and sharp wit. Although it still made him a bit grouchy to know she didn't exactly seem happy to see him...although why would she?

It bothered Goldie that Bear should see her waitressing... Why did she care?  Waitresses are some of the hardest workers and nicest people she knows and she should be proud to be ranked among them. His surprise that she was smart still rubbed her the wrong way and part of her wished he'd see her running this place instead of running with plates.

She stole a glance at him across the table and surprise, surprise he was frowning again. Why was he so miserable? What was his problem? If he was here at the Society meeting it meant he was a business owner, a builder, an architect, or some city official. So he obviously had a good job, maybe he was just under a lot of stress or something. 

She and Jenny made quick work of the drink orders. She leaned over and placed Bear's coffee in front of him, along with a small bowl of creamers and an extra sugar container.

She was so close he could smell her shampoo. It smelled like berries and he found himself taking in a deeper breath. The sharp intake of breath did not go unnoticed, and suddenly Goldie's eyes met his.

To cover up for his actions he grumbled, "I told you I like my coffee black."

Goldie just smiled at him sweetly although it looked a bit forced. "It may surprise you to realize that you are not the only person sitting at this table, and perhaps some of these other nice people may not share your staunch views on coffee."

Bear just huffed and crossed his arms over his chest.

Goldie straightened. Satisfied with the fact that she put him in his place and that all the drinks were now delivered, she decided to move on to actual orders. Only this time she started with the other side of the table first, making certain Bear was last.

Bear didn't know what it was about this woman that got under his skin so badly. He should just ignore her... but now she was deliberately snubbing him. When he placed his order for a western omelet, extra salsa on the side, with a side of bacon, she was downright smirking at him. Obviously pleased with making him wait to order by deliberately placing him last. If she only knew how often he finished last, it was a place as unfortunate as it may seem, he was quite familiar with.

As she repeated his order back to him, those glossy pink lips distracted him, and his thoughts drifted to a place that surprised even him.

"Is that right?" she asked, wondering what was causing the color that flushed his cheeks... did she get the order wrong... was he mad at her again?

"Yeah, yeah. Perfect," Bear said with a tinge of annoyance... at his thoughts, not her... not that she knew that. 

Goldie nodded and took off to the kitchen, before she could even get there, three other problems, which she quickly resolved, waylaid her. Finally, she got the orders entered into the computer. What she wouldn't give for a five-minute break but today there was no rest for the weary.

Within thirty minutes Goldie was heavy-laden with hot plates of food ready for the hungry crowd. She was very deliberate in her actions. She so wanted to prove Red, Hunter, and Granny wrong. She was clumsy when she moved too fast or allowed too many distractions but when she focused, she knew she could do the job just right.

She completed her third and final trip between kitchen and table and was down to her last plate of food, everything delivered without a hitch. 

Forrest stood up." Well, I know that the food just got here but I would like to take a moment to introduce our main speaker, the prominent architect, and leader in green building Bearnard Brown."

Goldie leaned over but paused putting the plate down upon hearing the name. Bear was the guest speaker? He's the architect behind the diner?

Bear stood up suddenly not realizing she was so close and knocked the plate out of her hand, causing the contents of the plate to spill down the front of his shirt and pants. It all happened within seconds... there was no time to react.

An entire room of people gasping in unison is a deafening sound.

"Oh God! I'm so sorry. I didn't know. Had I known you were going to stand... ," Goldie rushed on taking the towel that she used to guard her arm against the hot plates and tried to brush him off.

He stilled her movements by grabbing hold of her wrist. "So you're saying this is somehow my fault?" He waved to encompass the rather colorful salsa stains and bacon grease that tainted his clothes.

Goldie looked at him in surprise. Surely, he did not believe she had done it on purpose?

"No, of course not. It's not anyone's fault it was just an accident," Goldie said pulling her arm away.

"You expect me to believe that?"

He was drawing attention to them and not the good kind. Goldie felt mortified, and her diplomacy went right out the window. She could not believe he thought she had done this on purpose.

"I don't care what you believe. I said I was sorry. It was an unfortunate mistake."

"To hell it was. I want to see your manager?"

"Hey," Clay interjected, "relax Bear. It was an accident."

Bear gave Clay a cold hard stare and he backed off.

Looking back at Goldie he said, "Your manger, now!"

Goldie had a very satisfied look on her face. "You're talking to her."

"I am in no mood to play your games, Goldie. I want to see your manager."

She was surprised he knew her name, but quickly stifled it. Clay now stood behind her wanting to be a physical show of support.

"Dude, she is the manager. She runs this place for Hunter and Red. She jumped in to waitress when things got short-handed because of the turnout, for your talk."

Bear hated being made a fool of. Especially by a woman. He's had four years of battle scars from his ex-wife, to prove he's exceeded his limit.

He looked unmoved and looked at Goldie and said, "Then get me, Hunter."

Goldie's eyes stung with unshed tears, this guy was being a real jerk but fine she'll do as he asked.

Word had already reached the kitchen about the incident. Red was about to step through when Goldie stepped in, "He wants to see Hunter."

For the second time today, all movement in the kitchen stopped, and Goldie felt the shame sink in. "He'll see me," Red said, putting a hand on Goldie's shoulder in encouragement.

Hunter was grateful that Red was willing to deal with the problem at hand. Still, he watched nervously as Goldie and Red exited the kitchen. Hunter looked around, and said, "Chop, Chop everyone. The food isn't going to cook it itself. Get back to work."

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