Missy & the Spider - Chapter 4

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Within a few minutes Tino packed up and promised again to be back around six. Missy flew to her kitchen and then to her horror realized she had nothing to cook. Since Bear had left she went back to salads or frozen dinners...it just was no fun cooking for one. Now what was she to do?

This was a meal emergency... she called the RedWood Diner.

"Red, speaking."

"Red? Hi. Missy here. I need to place an order for food. It's sort of a dinner date and I'm all out of dinners. Any suggestions?"

"Dinner date, huh? It may be boring but I'd say burgers from Hunter's grille, unless you know he has a preference."

"Uh... no. Don't know him well enough for preferences."

"Ah, first date, huh? Then you definitely can't go wrong with our burgers and fries. Want anything from the Bakery for dessert?"

"There I'm good. Thanks, Red. You're a lifesaver."

Red laughed, "Anytime, see you soon."

Missy grabbed her coat and was out the door and in the car driving back to the center of town.

Tino got into work. He handed his report to his boss/uncle who groaned when he read it.

"Tino, tell me this is some kind of bad joke?"

"Sorry, Uncle Seymour. I slipped on the ice and was nearly launched off the roof. There is damage but I'll pay for it. I'll work overtime if I need to make it up to you."

Seymour patted his nephew on his back. "It's not your fault kid. It's mine for letting your father talk me into letting you have this job. You're just not cut out for it."

"Are you... are you firing me?"

Seymour Webber palmed his face. "Fire...well, firing sounds rather harsh. Why don't we just say, after you finish the Brown place, I won't be picking up your options next year."

"Next year is a week away," Tino reasoned.

"How about that? What are the odds?" his Uncle said. "Look kid. The truth is, keeping you here isn't doing you any favors either. Use that big brain of yours and get a job that's worth your while. You don't belong here."

Tino sort of wondered if he belonged anywhere. "Okay. I'll finish the Brown house and turn in my cleats."

"How did you get the woman not to complain about you anyway? Laid on the ol' Webber charm, did you? Just remember hands off until job is done, got it?"

Tino thought about how he was going back there for dinner tonight but figured his Uncle didn't need to know that bit of information. Oh, what a tangled web we weave... SHUT UP BRAIN!

Tino smiled a forced grin. "Yep, you got it."

He left his work truck behind for the weekend and jumped into his Toyota Spyder. It was a crappy car for the winter months but a sweet ride for the rest of the year. Right now it was just making his progress torturously slow getting home.

He jumped out of the car wishing to get cleaned up and back out the door as soon as possible. He refused to be late getting back to Missy's.

"Whoa! Where's the fire?" his sister Charlotte asked, "Got a hot date or something?"

She was totally joking but laughed when Tino stopped dead in his tracks. "You DO have a hot date! Details... who is she? Does she like spiders? Because if she does... I'd be totally okay with letting you go without owing next month's rent should you wish to move in?"

Tino grimaced at her.

Charlotte laughed, "What? Just a suggestion."

Tino groaned, at the reminder that nothing in his life was permanent at the moment, and that he'd needed to find another job soon to be able to continue to pay his sister rent. He climbed the stairs to hit the showers. Less than 30 minutes later he was back downstairs and grabbing his scarf and coat.

"So, I take it this means you won't be here for dinner?"

"That would be a no."

"Got your key because I won't be waiting up for you. If you're locked out, you stay out in the cold."

Tino jingled his keys. "Got 'em."

"Have fun..." his sister yelled after him, as he closed the door.

"I plan on it," he whispered getting back into his car.

It felt like forever, but he finally made it back to Missy's. To his surprise she opened the door before he even had the chance to knock. "Miss me?" he chuckled.

Missy looked away embarrassed. She had heard a car pull up and wanted to check if it was him but didn't expect him to get to the door so quickly. "It's cold out there. I didn't want you freezing on my account."

"Baby, it's cold out there," Tino crooned. He had a pretty sexy voice when he sang. Then he laughed... "Well, if your intention IS to keep me warm, mind inviting me in?"

"Oh! Right!" Missy said, standing aside and gesturing for him to enter.

"Thank you!" he said, he shrugged off his coat and took off his scarf, which she took from him and laid across her bed. She really needed to invest in a coat rack or something, but she rarely entertained guests.

"Hungry?" she asked as she came back into the room. He gave her that toe-curling grin of his, before saying, "Always."

She wondered if it was just her imagination or if all his words seemed to carry a double meaning. She blushed and Tino's grin widened.

"Need any help? I'm pretty good in the kitchen," he offered.

"Nope it's warm, ready and waiting," she said motioning to the kitchen table.

Tino was impressed. "That was fast."

Missy just smiled but felt bad it was not a proper cooked meal, made by her. That was until, he sat down across from her and positively beamed before asking, "Are these burgers from the RedWood?"

"Yeah, sorry I didn't realize until after I made the offer that I really didn't have...well anything to offer," she said with slight chortle.

"Are you kidding me? These are amazing. An Angus Burger grilled to perfection on Wood's grill is a phenomenal choice."

"Thanks," she said feeling much better and grateful that Red had suggested it.

"So do you eat there often? At the RedWood?" Tino asked taking a bite of his burger and moaning out loud, making Missy laugh.

"I wish I had the time. No. Red is a friend of mine and her best friend help's run my place."

"Wait, Goldie works for you? Then that means... his eyes grew to the size of saucers... You're Missy... of Missy's Muffins!" he said astonished as the reality hit him.

The way he said her name made her feel like she were some kind of celebrity. "That would be me."

"I was so bummed when Red and Granny closed up shop. I refused to patronize Wolf's. He really doesn't sell anything worth waiting 20 minutes in line for and then you opened up shop. It was like a little ray of sunshine, making all my dreams come true."

"Remind me to hire you when I need a publicist," Missy said. "That's the best review my shop has ever gotten."

"You're kidding me, right? I've chatted you up on all those online food review sites. I should have put two and two together this afternoon when you offered me those delicious Almond Rolls. Your shop is my one indulgence as I keep to a pretty strict budget, but I'm in there 2 sometimes 3 times a week. 

Now, it was Missy's turn to look surprised. The french fry stopped halfway to her lips. "You've been to my shop?" Missy was shocked. "Two to three times a week?"

Tino, laughed. "Without fail... Goldie calls me one of the regulars. I was pretty happy to reach that status. I have to admit it adds to the attraction as I am now SO looking forward to dessert."

How could she have missed him? Those eyes? That smile? She must have been buried in the back room. She really didn't socialize much with the customers once Goldie came on board, wanting to stay among her ingredients and work on coming up with recipes.

Wait... did he just say he was attracted to her?

A smile crept slowly across her lips. "It does, does it?"

"Does what?" Tino asked feeling like he missed something. And the way she was looking at him made him feel suddenly nervous.

"Add to my attraction?" she asked leaning in towards him as she took a bite of her French fry.

Tino subconsciously licked his lips as he suddenly became fixated on hers. "Well, there is an old saying that mentions the quickest way to a man's heart is through his stomach."

"Is that so?" Missy said.

She was practically glowing. 

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