Ch 2: Showing Who Boss

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Nuka World.

Currently Y/N is on his way to Fizztop Mountain which is perfect for Y/N to build his raider empire.

However as he walk he see three types of raiders and how he know is because the raiders are wearing different clothes but they got a theme plus he heard them talk about each group.

The Disciples wear metal armor.
The Operators wear heavy armor.
And The Pack wear light and heavy armor but mostly light.

Y/N: "So from what I can tell each group got a theme: violence, money, and strength. Well I can offer them much more" he thought as he arrived at his location which got a elevator which he took.

Once on the top he see Gage who is pouring vodka into two cups.

Gage: "Well boss now that you're here we can begin the first step: having the raiders at your back" he said offering Y/N the cup of vodka.

Y/N: "Not yet as I want you to sent one raider of each group to get their f_cking bosses here to properly introduce themselves. After all if I'm supposed to be the Overboss then I need to talk to all of them at once" he said which Gage frown.

Gage: "They won't like that plus this place is on the verge of a war" he said but immediately he dodge a bullet surprised as he barely had time to see Y/N pull a pistol.

Y/N: "I don't care plus unlike your old Overboss I got plans. Big plans that will interested the raiders. Now get those f_ckers here now" he said which Gage, who is impressed, nod then he leave.

Once alone Y/N saw an empty power suit which make him realize that he can repair the broken pieces he got from Colter.

A few minutes later.

It wasn't long until Gage returns but he ain't alone as with him is the leaders of each raider gang.

???: "Alright 'overboss' we're here" a female wearing  metal armor with a mask said.

However they are completely surprise when they see how clean the place is and else is that the power armor that Colter had is now repaired.

Y/N: "Ah good you are here let get down to business" he said standing near the bar.

Curious the raider leaders took a seat while Gage stand besides the door.

???: "Alright 'overboss' explained why you called us here" a man with light armor and tattoo on his face said.

???: "I agree with Mason. After all we were quite busy leading our gangs" a woman with blonde haired and wearing heavy armor said.

Y/N: "Simple. My deal is you f_ckers will be loyal to me so long as I provide you with what you desire. Like example killing any enemies a slow painful death, giving 75% of money to you, and finally showing how strong we can be towards the prey" he said which each raider leader smirk as they like the idea.

Nasha: "So far you're doing good by killing Colter who beg like a weak p_ssy. Also I'm Nasha" she said.

Mags: "And by offering us raiders 75% of money is quite generous and impressive. Also I'm Mags" she said.

Mason: "I'll admit that you definitely got what it means to he alpha. But remember that our gangs are ours" he said.

Y/N: "Which is perfect because I got an plan of taking this park and I got a speech for everyone" he said walking to a microphone then tap it which cause every speaker and radio to turn on which caught every raider attention.

“Listen up f_ckers! Starting today I am your f_cking Overboss so I want only two things: Respect and loyalty. If you can't show both then get the f_ck out of my park or face my wrath. However if you show both then you will be living as mother f_cking kings and queens under my guidance towards a raider empire!” y/n said which every raider cheer Overboss.

This action completely surprise the raider leaders and Gage which impressed them.

Gage: I'll admit boss you sure know how raiders think" he said which Y/N chuckle then return to the bar.

Y/N: "Now let f_cking get wasted in this party!" He said which the raider leader cheer then party all day long.

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